Davin News Server

From: JTEM <jtem01@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Why Climate Change Models Are Wrong, According To Study
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 07:01:15 -0400
Organization: Eek

  AlleyCat wrote:

> The UN's prediction that the melting of Antarctica's so-called 'Doomsday' glaciers could alone raise global
> sea levels two feet before the year 2100 has shaped global climate policy since at least 2016, when the
> estimate was first introduced.

It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to melt Antarctica unless and until you
either move it a lot closer to the equator, so it gets a lot more
direct sunlight, or you somehow stop the circumpolar current that
walls it off from warmer waters trying to reach it...

Antarctica froze over when the earth was plenty warmer than it is
now -- at least 4C warmer, at least. Prior to that temperatures
could reach into the 70s...
