Davin News Server

From: Governor Swill <governor.swill@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Kamela needs a man to hold her hand during a simple media interview
Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 14:56:03 -0400

On Thu, 29 Aug 2024 09:19:05 -0600, citizen winston smith <sss@example.de>

>On 8/29/2024 3:41 AM, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>> Pence thrown under the bus by Trump.
>No, i

Having proven yourself to be a barefaced liar with your fake commie party card,
I see no reason to view any more of your lies.

Yes, Donald Trump is creepy as fuck, but lest we forget — he’s also a
total fucking idiot. 

The guy thinks Nipple and Button are places, that the moon is a part of Mars, 
that Charles is the King of “Whales”, that Colorado borders Mexico, that 
you’re supposed to rake forests, inject disinfectants, stare directly at 
eclipses and ram the manparts (but only at the airports during the 
Revolutionary War), he said “yo-Semite” not Yosemite, Jimmy Connors instead 
of Carter, and described a hurricane as one of “wettest we’ve ever seen from 
the standpoint of water”, he walked in front of the Queen, saluted a North 
Korean officer, and noted that Fredrick Douglass was “finally” getting 
recognized for his accomplishments, he threw paper towels, sold Bibles, and 
fired people like “dogs”, he bragged about being able to remember 5 whole 
words in order, about being able to identify an elephant in a drawing and 
about being the most “humble” person he knew (yes, really). He is so dumb he 
paid someone to take his SATs. So dumb, he thinks you need an ID to buy 
cereal, so dumb he asked if his border wall could just maybe, pretty please, 
be topped with spikes and buttressed with alligator moats, so dumb he called 
9/11 “7-eleven”, and so dumb he is completely obsessed with saying that 
windmills cause cancer.

He says he’s a “stable genius” with a “good brain”, and nothing could be 
further from the truth.

But don’t take MY word for it, after all- McMaster called him a dope with the 
intelligence of a “kindergartner”, John Kelly called him an idiot, Bannon 
called him an 11-yr old child, Tom Barrack Jr. called him stupid AND crazy, 
and Rex Tillerson called him a moron.

But it’s probably former economic adviser Gary Cohn who summed the Orange 
turd up best of all when he said that Donald Trump was “… less a person than 
a collection of terrible traits” and that he was “dumb as shit.”
*Apologies to shit for the comparison.  Yes, Donald Trump is creepy as fuck, but
lest we forget — he’s also a total fucking idiot. 

"Of all the things that I hated about my childhood, nothing 
compared to the revolving door of father figures."  -- JD Vance
