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From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Study Quantifies Germany's Disastrous Switch Away From Nuclear Power
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 09:25:01 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

Study Quantifies Germany's Disastrous Switch Away From Nuclear Power


At the dawn of the millennium, Germany launched an ambitious plan to transition to renewable energy. "Die 
Energiewende" initiated a massive expansion of solar and wind power, resulting in a commendable 25 percent 
reduction in carbon emissions by 2022 compared to 2002. 

But while Energiewende slashed pollution through building out renewable energy sources, it also phased out 
Germany's fleet of safe, carbon-free nuclear power plants, a longtime goal of environmental activists afraid 
of nuclear's salient - but in actuality small - dangers. The result, according to a new analysis recently 
published to the International Journal of Sustainable Energy, has been a boondoggle for consumers and for the 

In 2002, nuclear power supplied about a fifth of Germany's electricity. Twenty-one years later, it supplied 
none. A layperson might think that cheap wind and solar could simply fill the gap, but it isn't so simple. 
Once up and running, nuclear reactors provide reliable, affordable "baseload" power - electricity that's 
available all the time. Ephemeral renewables simply can't match nuclear's consistency. And since an advanced 
economy like Germany's requires a 100 percent reliable power grid, fossil fuel power plants burning coal and 
natural gas were brought online to pick up wind and solar's slack. 

The net result of German politicians' shortsightedness in phasing out nuclear power is a vastly pricier grid. 
The new analysis shows that if Germans simply maintained their 2002 fleet of reactors through 2022, they 
could have saved themselves roughly $600 billion Euros. Why so much? Well, in addition to their construction 
costs, renewables required expensive grid upgrades and subsidies. Moreover, in this hypothetical scenario 
where nuclear remained, Germany enjoyed nearly identical reductions in carbon emissions. 

Jan Emblemsvåg, a Professor of Civil Engineering at Norway's NTNU and the architect of the analysis, imagined 
another scenario out of curiosity. What if the Germans had taken the money spent on expanding renewables and 
instead used it to construct new nuclear capacity? According to his calculations, they could have slashed 
carbon emissions a further 73% on top of their cuts in 2022, while simultaneously enjoying a savings of 330 
billion Euros compared to the massive costs of Energiewende. 

Policymakers in other countries looking to decarbonize their grids should take note.



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