Davin News Server

From: pothead <pothead@snakebite.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Someone Should Go To Prison For This - Zuckerberg Must Feel
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 14:49:22 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: Kamala Harris Sucks

On 2024-08-30, AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com> wrote:
> In his new letter, Zuckerberg goes beyond what he told Rogan. He says FBI specifically warned of disinfo re: 
> Hunter Biden and his client, Burisma, the Ukrainian nat gas company. It's hard proof that the FBI illegally 
> interfered in the elections. Someone should go to prison for it. x.com/shellenberger
> https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1828944478742487040/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/aDO6kgddHlTby1UN.mp4?tag=12
> The election interference goes way beyond social media BUT Zuckerberg only seems to play the whistleblower 
> now to cover his own ass. There are ghosts he doesn't want to talk about. He barely revealed the surface. We 
> demand more. He knows.
> NO AMNESTY FOR ZUCKERBERG! The greatest disinformation agenda has just been exposed: Mark Zuckerberg confirms 
> that he volunteered to be a TOOL FOR TYRANNY. What if he had never interfered with the 2020 US election? How 
> many people DlED due to COVID lies?
> https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1828523251225575424/vid/avc1/720x1280/aXG7hsKKUMeSqSeB.mp4?tag=16
> Zuckerberg needs to face not just the weight of his decisions, but the gravity as to the affects it had on 
> the world globally. He raked in billions while thousands, if not millions suffered at his choice of being an 
> extension of the Democratic Party. Let him experience the FULL extent of the law.
> Zuckerberg clearly feels that Trump will win in November. So much so that he is willing to backpedal on his 
> previous support, lies and cheating on behalf of the crooked Deep State machine. In this way, he hopes to 
> save himself from the consequences of his actions.
Zuckerberg is simply trying to save his own ass.
And yes, some people should go to jail for election interference.

Kamala Harris Is A Marxist
Tampon Tim Walz Is A Radical Left Wing Nutjob
They Are A Match Made In Heaven