Davin News Server

From: Petzl <petzlx@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.survival,misc.survivalism,uk.politics.misc,alt.conspiracy,can.politics,aus.politics
Subject: Re: Desalinization vs. Reservoirs
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 09:10:43 +1000

On Fri, 30 Aug 2024 10:17:33 -0400, Frank <"frank "@frank.net> wrote:

>On 8/30/2024 6:04 AM, Intelligent Party wrote:
>> On 8/22/2024 11:58 AM, Intelligent Party wrote:
>>> On 8/22/2024 11:45 AM, Intelligent Party wrote:
>>>> Raise Lake Shasta 200 Feet and thereby add 10 million acre feet of 

>>> Here is pertinent intelligence accumulated so far, on, ca.water:
>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ca.water/y5tkrEW4Gkk
>> The Hoover Dam cost $49 million to build in 1930, equal to $860 million 
>> today.  Per Quora, we think it would cost much more today, closer to $10 
>> billion.
>> https://www.quora.com/How-much-would-it-cost-to-build-the-Hoover-Dam-from-scratch-in-todays-dollars-and-under-todays-construction-rules
>> If it cost $10 Billion
>> The San Diego County Carlsbad Desalinization plant cost about $1 billion 
>> to build
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claude_%22Bud%22_Lewis_Carlsbad_Desalination_Plant
>> It produces 50 million gallons of fresh water per day or 18.25 billion 
>> per year.
>Might add that dam generates electricity where desalinization requires 
>electricity to run.
Population of Sydney Australia in 2024 is 5,185,000
The final cost of it's desalination plant,was $1.803 billion.
Including wind generators providing (100%)38 megawatts of electricity
at full production of it's total of 140 megawatts from 67 turbines. I
Water from the Pacific Ocean operational from 2010 provides one third
of Sydney's water (91 gigalitres a year) and can be doubled for a lot
less cost of a "Tack on" plant.
Built by a Labor (Democrat type)Government.
Opposed by the opposition Liberal(Republican type) who want to recycle
shit instead of a much cheaper/safer/plentiful choice, the pacific
Liberal reasoning for is political hatred that Labor did something

I see California (Democrat) want Californians to drink shit as well,
instead of having the Pacific ocean along its cost as well. 
According to Dave Hodges' sources ...and he has excellent
sources...the real election results were: Trump: 103 million votes
Dementia Joe: 37 million votes Trump won 49 States, the dementia
patient won New York. The voting machines were so overwhelmed by the
number of votes for Trump, that's why they had to shut everything down
for several hours. Machines were programmed to switch votes but didn't
anticipate so MANY votes. Confirmed by @RealMikeLindell documentary,
'Absolute Truth' Pass it on.