Davin News Server

From: Mittens Romney <robberbaron@invalid.ut>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Department of Homeland Security Can Prove Harris Is Not The
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 14:53:41 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

Alan wrote:
> Who's afraid?
> The truth is the truth.

You know how this game goes, right Alan-bot?

And you know it goes on for as long as I chose.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala 
Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge 
at the U.S. southern border

In delegating the matter to Harris, Biden is seeking to replicate a 
dynamic that played out when he served as President Barack Obama’s vice 
president. Obama turned to Biden in his first term to lead the White 
House effort to draw down U.S. troops in Iraq and oversee implementation 
of stimulus in response to the Great Recession.

“When she speaks, she speaks for me,” Biden said, noting her past work 
as California’s attorney general makes her specially equipped to lead 
the administration’s response."

Why do you constantly lie?

 >> Vice President Harris defended her decision to not go to the border 
during a combative moment in an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt on her 
trip to Guatemala and Mexico.
 >> Holt repeatedly noted that Harris, who is charged in the Biden 
administration with handling the flow of Central American migrants at 
the border, hasn’t actually been to the border. Holt twice asked Harris 
directly if she would visit the border.
 > Because she's task with addressing the flow at the source: the 
countries in Central America.


"Harris traveled to Guatemala and Mexico in June 2021. A month later, 
she rolled out a five-pillar strategy that revolved around working with 
in-country partners to address the root causes of Central American 
migration, noting that “migration to our border is also a symptom of 
much larger issues” and admitting from the start that “progress will not 
be instantaneous.” She subsequently visited Honduras in January 2022. In 
March 2024, she welcomed Guatemala’s new president, Bernardo Arévalo, to 
the White House for more discussions."

And the net result in measured in total border crossings?

Up - way up!


"Illegal border crossings surpass 12.5 million since Biden-Harris took 
office, most in US history

the total number of apprehended illegal border crossers surpassed 10.5 
million in July with two months left in the fiscal year, which ends 
Sept. 30.

That number excludes 2 million gotaways, those who illegally entered and 
evaded capture, bringing the total number to more than 12.5 million.

That is greater than the individual populations of 45 states. If illegal 
border crossers were a state, they’d be the sixth most populous state 
ahead of Illinois.

That’s up from illegal border crossers totaling more than the individual 
populations of 43 states in March, up from 23 states in June 2022, when 
The Center Square first began making the comparison to state, county and 
country populations.

No other presidential administration in U.S. history has ever reported 
even a fraction of 12.5 million in one term let alone multiple terms 

The total number of apprehended illegal border crossers since fiscal 
2021 was 10,522,029, excluding the two million gotaways. Illinois’ 
population is an estimated 12,516,863.

As The Center Square has reported every month since early 2021, after 
President Joe Biden took office, the number of illegal border crossers 
increased. The publicly reported CBP apprehension data excludes 
gotaways, the tens of thousands identified as “inadmissible” released 
into the country through a CBP One phone app every month, and the tens 
of thousands released through parole programs created by Department of 
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. More than a dozen of the 
programs were identified as illegal by the U.S. House Committee on 
Homeland Security and used as evidence to impeach Mayorkas in February.

The CBP apprehension data total also excludes the hundreds of thousands 
brought in through parole programs from eight specific countries, 
including after the administration opened processing centers in Colombia 
and Guatemala to facilitate entry to the U.S.

“Despite the false narrative they’re attempting to project, the 
unprecedented border crisis the president and his ‘border czar’ have 
created continues to rage on,” U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security 
Chairman Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., said. “This administration is 
orchestrating a massive shell game, encouraging otherwise-inadmissible 
aliens to cross at ports of entry instead of between them – thereby 
creating a façade of improved optics for the administration, but in 
reality imposing a growing burden on our communities.”

“Total encounters at our ports – land, sea, and air – are up 
exponentially this fiscal year compared to the Biden-Harris 
administration’s first year in office, and are on track to surpass last 
year’s total," Green added. "Since January 2023, more than 1.28 million 
inadmissible aliens have been granted entry to our country at official 
ports of entry through just the CBP One and CHNV mass-parole programs 
Biden and Harris created.”

Green said Biden-Harris border policies "have done damage that will take 
decades to remedy. And for the families of Americans like Laken Riley, 
Rachel Morin, and Jocelyn Nungaray, that damage will never be undone,” 
referring to two women and a 12-year-old girl who were murdered by 
criminal foreign nationals released into the country by the Biden-Harris 

Nationwide encounters show that 2,597,784 illegal foreign nationals have 
been apprehended this fiscal year, after 3.2 million were in fiscal 
2023, the highest number on record. In fiscal 2022, over 2.7 million 
were apprehended, breaking records at the time, after nearly 2 million 
were apprehended in fiscal 2021, the first historic record.

The majority apprehended every year are single adults.

Southwest border encounters show 1,925,773 illegal border crossers were 
apprehended this fiscal year through July, after a record nearly 2.5 
million were in fiscal 2023. That is after nearly 2.4 million were 
apprehended in fiscal 2022 and over 1.7 million in fiscal 2021, both 

The benchmark for records is the unprecedented number apprehended at the 
northern border – the highest by far under this administration than any 
other in recorded history.

This fiscal year, 162,865 illegal border crossers were apprehended at 
the northern border. That’s after a record nearly 190,000 were 
apprehended in fiscal 2023, and nearly 110,000 in fiscal 2022. Both were 
record setters and a massive increase from 27,000 in fiscal 2021."

 >> The second time, Harris responded with a bit of incredulity.
 >> “At some point, you know, we are going to the border,” Harris told 
Holt when asked if she plans to visit the border. “We’ve been to the 
border. So this whole thing about the border. We’ve been to the border. 
We’ve been to the border.”
 >> “You haven’t been to the border,” Holt responded.
 >> “And I haven’t been to Europe,” she replied. “And I mean, I don’t … 
understand the point that you’re making. I’m not discounting the 
importance of the border.”
 >> ROTFLMFAO @ the utter incompetence of Heels Up Harris!
 > You left out this quote:

You bypassed the fact that Heels U Harris has still NOT gone to the US' 
southern border!

 > '“I’m in Guatemala because my focus is dealing with the root causes 
of migration. There may be some who think that that is not important, 
but it is my firm belief that if we care about what’s happening at the 
border, we better care about the root causes and address them. And so 
that’s what I’m doing.”'

And the results were:

"Southwest border encounters show 1,925,773 illegal border crossers were 
apprehended this fiscal year through July, after a record nearly 2.5 
million were in fiscal 2023. That is after nearly 2.4 million were 
apprehended in fiscal 2022 and over 1.7 million in fiscal 2021, both 

The benchmark for records is the unprecedented number apprehended at the 
northern border – the highest by far under this administration than any 
other in recorded history.

This fiscal year, 162,865 illegal border crossers were apprehended at 
the northern border. That’s after a record nearly 190,000 were 
apprehended in fiscal 2023, and nearly 110,000 in fiscal 2022. Both were 
record setters and a massive increase from 27,000 in fiscal 2021."

What a great job that was, right Alan-bot?
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼