Davin News Server

From: pothead <pothead@snakebite.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Wind Power: So "Green"
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 15:09:49 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: Kamala Harris Sucks

On 2024-09-01, AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wind Turbine Collapses: 'Leaking Oil Everywhere!' - 'Wait, these 'green' wind turbines use oil' - Yes, avg of 
> 12,000 gallons of oil for typical wind farm.
> To make one wind turbine, 'we have to extract 900 tons of steel, 2,500 tons of concrete, and 45 tons of non-
> renewable plastic' - so "Green"
> Watch: 'Juice' debunks claims that solar and wind power as 'green': To make one wind turbine, 'we have to 
> extract 900 tons of steel, 2,500 tons of concrete, and 45 tons of non-renewable plastic'
> Juice: Why Wind and Solar Make Our Power Grid Less Reliable: Excerpt: "Just to produce one turbine, we have 
> to extract 900 tons of steel, 2,500 tons of concrete, and 45 tons of non-renewable plastic. Then we've got to 
> transport that and burn fuel, getting it all carried across the world and put up. And none of these things 
> that go into a turbine are renewable."
> Might wanna put earplugs in for the beginning. - https://youtu.be/pNS7Qojr1JQ
> John Stossel:
> Juice: Why Wind and Solar Make Our Power Grid Less Reliable - Politicians and activists tell how "renewable" 
> energy will save us from the climate "crisis." They don't tell us about the real costs of green power.
> My new video covers a documentary series called, "Juice: Politics, Power and the Grid." It reveals how 
> although renewables sound green, they have lots of problems. California promises to get 50% of their 
> electricity from renewable sources. Now they deal with blackouts, rationing, and prices that increased 3x 
> faster than in the rest of the US. You can watch the full documentary at @JuiceTheSeries .
> Juice: Why Wind and Solar Make Our Power Grid Less Reliable: Excerpt: "Just to produce one turbine, we have 
> to extract 900 tons of steel, 2,500 tons of concrete, and 45 tons of non-renewable plastic. Then we've got to 
> transport that and burn fuel, getting it all carried across the world and put up. And none of these things 
> that go into a turbine are renewable." 
> Wind Turbine Collapses: 'Leaking Oil Everywhere!' - 'Wait, these 'green' wind turbines use oil' - Yes, avg of 
> 12,000 gallons of oil for typical wind farm
> We choose to assert ourselves as a global leader in transitioning to 100% renewable energy.
> Scaled up across the country right now.
> Renewable power is so much better, we're told. Instead of increasing pollution, we get carbon-free power from 
> the sun and the wind.
> I might add, windmills do not cause cancer.
> A new documentary series, Juice, Power, Politics, and the Grid, notes that politicians have pushed renewable 
> energy for a long time. Leaders in California are aiming to generate 50% of their electricity from renewable 
> sources.
> by 2030. California might now achieve that, but to get there, they're forcing people to pay much more. The 
> cost of electricity in California has increased three times faster than the rest of the U.S. People in 
> Washington now pay an average 11 cents per kilowatt hour. In Oregon, they pay 13 cents. In California, 
> though, almost 30 cents. Do they at least get reliable energy for that? No. There's a problem with wind 
> turbines and solar power. They don't work when the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining. Blackouts 
> happened over the weekend with little notice. California learned that renewable power isn't reliable. Two 
> million people now plunged into darkness across California. Even the governor admitted. We failed to predict 
> and plan. A few years later, California only avoided another blackout by pressuring people to cut their power 
> use. Keep doing what you've done. Keep doing what you've done. Keep doing what you've done. Keep doing what 
> you've done.
> one or two more nights of this and we will turn the page. Will they? So far, their biggest impact is to make 
> things cost more. California will require all new homes to have solar power. It's the reason California has 
> the most expensive housing in America. The average house now costs almost $800,000. If you can afford that, 
> you get government money for generating solar power. But the handout mostly goes to rich people. And it's 
> inefficient. As their solar panels produce power during the day when the sun is up, they're able to sell the 
> excess power that they produce into the grid exactly when the grid doesn't need it. The grid is then 
> inundated with solar power and can't use it all. Nonetheless, they get paid a very high price for that power. 
> And then when the grid actually does need the power and they aren't producing solar

As with most green or renewable energy there are downsides and some of them are quite serious. The 
problem is trying to educate the public with even basic technical information is damn near 
impossible and it is impossible for the younger generations as a whole to absorb this information 
as they have been indoctrinated already.

We are speaking of people who need to be warned not to eat Tide pods.

Think about that.

Kamala Harris Is A Marxist
Tampon Tim Walz Is A Radical Left Wing Nutjob
They Are A Match Made In Heaven