Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Grammar and Spelling Idiot, Idiots Again - You Know Someone's A Psycho, When They Laugh At Their Own Lies
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 14:41:19 -0700
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

['oh.no.this.definitely.is.NOT.going.to.can.politics' psycho gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]

[subject line vandalism by commie tip-toeing to suck boyfriend's cock, repaired]

On Sun, 1 Sep 2024 11:52:16 -0700, Rudy Canoza, forever the mental and physical midget, who was *NEVER* a 
three sport letterman, like me, and who was *NEVER* a bouncer, like me, and who was *NEVER* an assistant golf 
pro, like me, and who was *NEVER* a lifeguard, like me, and who *NEVER* dunked a basketball, like me, and has 
*NEVER* laid as many women as me, says...

> > AlleyPussyBitch is one of the several people who *capitulate* and *submit* to Rudy on an [sic] daily basis,

(sic) is right, sick fucking faggot. No one EVER wrote that, but you... making you a fucking faggot psycho. 

I didn't write this originally, but there is NOTHING(emphasis) wrong with saying "the several people". And 
"on an daily basis" was never written, showing us just how far a psycho faggot will go to get attention... 
attention in the worst way. This proves how psychotic Rudy is... he'll take BAD attention, JUST to GET 

Like I said:

From the Internet:

"Bertrand was one of the several people in attendance at List and her twin brother Spencer's birthday party 
in April 2018."

"She is ONE OF THE SEVERAL PEOPLE-(along with her classmates) in the village that does not bully Hayami." -

"In 1844, President John Tyler narrowly missed being ONE OF THE SEVERAL PEOPLE killed when a gun on the newly 
built USS Princeton exploded during a ceremonial cruise. Had Tyler died, Senate President pro tempore Willie 
Person Mangum would have become acting president." - wikipedia

"According to Pateros Councilor Dominador Rosales Jr., ONE OF THE SEVERAL PEOPLE who researched the bases for 
the petition, the municipality has exercised jurisdiction over the two areas since the Spanish and American 
"Kelly Page was one of the several people taking as many potatoes as he could on Monday afternoon."

"Autocar India learns that the company has been evaluating re-entry into the Indian market, and one of the 
several people in the know say that while the relaunch of the Everest or Endeavour is being looked at, there 
is a bigger plan in play with electric vehicles."

See? The following is soooo true. Rudy can't handle me. That's why he's so jealous.

AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a(no sic) daily basis, keeping their bootheels on 
his little pencil neck to the amusement of all.


Pretty sick little gay boy, when he changes text into lies.


Attention Trap Part 1: Narcissism, Validation and Self-Worth

Picture yourself in a newsgroup. What do you do? Do you scan the group looking for someone to fuck with? If 
no one fucks with you, do you feel less validated? Do you feel best when fucking with a person whom you know 
is smarter, taller, athletic and better looking? 

If you've answered yes to any of these questions, you may have fallen into what I call an Attention Trap.

As humans, once our basic needs are met, much of our conscious and unconscious behaviors are meant to make us 
feel respected and validated. But this attention and validation can come from external or internal sources.

Internally, the source of attention and validation is self-esteem. And externally, this attention and 
validation tends to take one of two forms - either the long-term reinforcement of the self that comes from 
friends, family, or a committed relationship, or the short-term benefits of narcissistic behaviors in which 
we seek attention, admiration or adoration. One is a cure, the other is a Band-Aid.

If enough of your external validation comes from attention, it can become an addiction - a dependence on the 
affirmations of others in order to feel a sense of worth.

And believe it or not, you can even see this attention addiction in our online behaviors.


In 2011, researchers from the University of Kentucky published this article describing how narcissists and 
non-narcissists represent themselves in internet profiles and communications. Of course, narcissists 
displayed intentional self-promoting photos on their Facebook profile pages, but they were especially likely 
to use fake photos when they had promoted themselves less in the rest of their profile. If they didn't cry 
for attention with their words, they were even more likely to cry for attention with their pictures!

(he's not that tall... lol)

Further research shows the effects of this narcissistic, attention-seeking form of band-aiding the self in 
comparison with the internal experience of self-esteem. Basically, narcissists felt as if they alone were 
awesome, whereas people with high self-esteem felt like both they and their romantic partners were awesome. 
Self-esteem builds community, whereas narcissistic attention-seeking rips it down.

What it comes down to is this: Only through the internal experience of self-esteem can you ensure that your 
external validation takes the form of a constructive relationship instead of serial attention-seeking. 
Remember, the answer is never outside of yourself. It is always inside.


Narcissistic Behavior: Whining and Complaining

The next hallmark of Rudy's narcissistic behavior, we will focus on (whining and complaining).

At first, it seems to be rather harmless for those involved with Rudy. 

However, after spending some time with Rudy, a narcissist, his constant complaints, whining and 
dissatisfaction can become very soothing, as it becomes more humorous.

Even if there seems to be no apparent reason for complaining or for being sad and depressed, the narcissist, 
Rudy, will always find something that darkens his mood. 

Rudy will not be content with just being sad... he will rub his sadness in everyone's faces, and constantly 
talk about it and draw you into his negativity. In the end, you will feel a strange feeling of happiness, 
that he's so unhappy.

Listening to Rudy the narcissist, with his tendency to whine and complain can, as a result, be very healthy 
and emotionally uplifting for us all.

While in the beginning, we still hope we can have a positive effect on his well-being, we soon see that we 
have to come to terms with the painful realization that he won't have any use for our efforts to make them 
feel better.

He prefers to wallow in his sadness and to present us with never-ending tales of woe. TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP! I'm 
short. I'm ugly. I can't golf.

We soon get drawn into his negativity, though not kicking and screaming, because as long as he is unhappy, we 
can feel the most happy.

It might sound cruel, but if you ever find yourself reading Rudy's shit, you know, his tales of woe... you 
should seriously consider opting out, unless you want a good laugh, THEN, it can be quite cathartic, laughing 
that much and that hard.

I know it might seem like a tempting and worthwhile endeavor to try to make him feel better, but in the end, 
he is a lost cause and you will often have accomplished nothing at all... he has no real use for our 

His narcissism prevents getting help from anyone. He is a lost cause.

Poor narcissistic Rudy.