Davin News Server

From: Mittens Romney <robberbaron@invalid.ut>
Newsgroups: can.politics
Subject: Re: "North Pole Could Be Ice Free In 2000, uh 2008, uh, 2014, uh,
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 10:34:05 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

Dhu on Gate wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Sep 2024 09:05:42 -0600, Mittens Romney wrote:
>> Our models no longer work, forecasters can't figure it out.  This is not
>> normal.
> Yes.
> And we are not going to "fix" it by cutting our
> throats and jumping down a hole in the ground.
> Dhu

Once our 'models" begin accounting for a whopping 30% drop in the 
strength of the magnetosphere we've had, perhaps they "could" be made to 

Of curse they're going to have to be updated with the real rate of 
magnetic decline, which only recently has come into discussion.

ESA has helpfully offered to start a new mission to monitor things.

Huh, so what happened to the old data, decades of it?


⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪