Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: "North Pole Could Be Ice Free In 2000, uh 2008, uh, 2014, uh,
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 12:50:52 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Tue, 3 Sep 2024 21:53:36 -0700,  Alan says...  

> On 2024-09-03 21:49, JTEM wrote:
> >   Alan wrote:
> > 
> >> Are you planning on running and running now?
> > 
> > Damn. Are you honestly THIS retarded or are you trolling?
> > 
> > There's no magic number where the temperature is just warm
> > enough to keep the ice from growing and just cold enough to
> > keep the ice from melting. No, sorry, you're a fucking idiot.
> > 
> > The extant of ice, of the Arctic, of any random glacier
> Why is it that none of you understand that RATE of change matters.
> In less than 50 years, minimum Arctic sea ice extent has decrease by 
> more than 36%.

Tell us EXACTLY how you know the "RATE of change" wasn't the same before, as it is now?

Temperatures raised JUST as fast and high, so WHY couldn't the ice do the same as now?


See those red lines, stupid. Some of those red lines are roughly the same number or years apart as 1880-2024, 
from lowest to highest temps, so there HAS to be some quick "RATES of changes" in ice melts in there, too.


Global Warming Explains EVERYTHING!

Global Warming makes for shorter winters, except for when it makes for longer winters. 

Global Warming means less snow, except for when Global Warming means more snow. 

And Global Warming causes droughts in California and floods in Texas and Oklahoma and generally makes wet 
places wetter and dry places dryer, except when it makes wet places drier and dry places wetter, except when 
none of that changes at all, and then Global Warming explains that too! 

And Global Warming causes more hurricanes at the same time as it causes less hurricanes. 

Global Warming causes more rain but less water... and less rain but more water?

Global Warming causes more water vapour in the atmosphere with more snow and rain, at the same time it causes 
less water vapour in the atmosphere, with less snow and rain? 

Global Warming decreases the spread of malaria at the same time as it increases the spread of malaria. 

Global Warming makes San Francisco foggier... Global Warming makes San Francisco less foggy. 

Global Warming causes duller autumn leaves... Global Warming causes shinier autumn leaves. 

Global Warming makes for less salty seas... Global Warming makes for saltier seas. 

Global Warming causes the polar ice caps to melt... Global Warming also causes the polar ice caps to freeze. 

Global Warming makes the Earth hotter, unless the Earth isn't getting hotter... in which case, Global Warming 
can explain that too. 

What's the problem here? This sounds like the perfect scientific theory. It can explain literally everything 
including self contradictory things. 

This means it's absolutely perfect, doesn't it? 

Well no, not according to Karl Popper and the philosophers of science and within the philosophy of science 
there's something called the demarcation problem... how do you differentiate science from pseudo-science? 

The left won't LET you, and brands you a denierrrrrrr(whining).