Davin News Server

From: andal <andal@andal.org>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.tv,can.politics,can.general
Subject: Re: Trudeau Humiliated by Steel Worker
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 19:28:19 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On Thu, 5 Sep 2024 12:31:22 -0600, Mittens Romney wrote:

> Adam H. Kerman wrote:
>> BTR1701 <atropos@mac.com> wrote:
>>> Trudeau just got publicly castrated by a steel worker he was trying to
>>> use as a photo-op:
>>> https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1830302356354777089/vid/
>>> His words were direct, brutally honest, and undeniable, but what made
>>> it impressive was that he delivered them without being rude or overly
>>> emotional.
>> Justin was buying votes with donuts; it didn't work.
> I suppose he could have frozen his bank account like he did to the
> Ontario truckers protesters.
>> 40% taxes? Is that just national, or does that include provincial and
>> local? Does Canada have local income tax?
> https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/canada/individual/taxes-on-personal-income
> Recipient	Provincial/territorial tax	Provincial/territorial 
surtax Top
> rate (%)	Taxable income (CAD)	Rate (%)	Threshold (CAD)
> Ontario	13.16	220,000	20 and 36	5,554 and 7,108
> Combined federal/provincial (or federal/territorial) effective top
> marginal tax rates for 2023 are shown below. The rates reflect all 2024
> federal, provincial, and territorial budgets (which are usually
> introduced in the spring of each year).
> Recipient	Highest federal/provincial (or territorial) tax rate (%)
> Interest and ordinary income	Capital gains (1)	Canadian dividends
> Eligible (2)	Non-eligible (2)
> Ontario	53.5	26.8	39.3	47.7
> https://www.retailcouncil.org/resources/quick-facts/sales-tax-rates-by-
> There are three types of sales taxes in Canada: PST, GST and HST. See
> below for an overview of sales tax amounts for each province and
> territory.
> Province	Type	PST	GST	HST	Total
> Ontario	HST	 	 		13%	13%
>> I'm going to disagree on what insurance -- whether private provided or
>> nationalized -- should cover. $50 out-of-pocket for routine dental care
>> is not unaffordable.
> $200 per family is on TOP of that total 40% tax hit.
>> Insurance should pay for major expenses, otherwise it's pre-paid
>> medical care.
> That's what the steel worker basically told Justine!

add carbon tax !