Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Climate Scam Momentum Update: Episode 2,654
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 14:54:01 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Thu, 5 Sep 2024 15:24:28 -0400,  JTEM says...  

>   Alan wrote:
> > I click the link provided and
> Liar.
> You don't accept anything that falls out of line with
> your precious "CO2" narrative... the Greta Gospels.
> You accept without question. Doubt is death. Obedience
> is life.
> There was literally no reason for you to investigate,
> because you're incapable of questioning the status quo.

While I agree with most everything you say, especially if it's about Ski Bunny... the first URL you posted 
was truncated and didn't lead to anything.

You probably didn't see it, if you were in a hurry to post and forgot to proof it.


This worked and showed ski bunny what kind of idiot he is.



This post and follow-ups better show what kind of game-playing faggot he is.

Unending EV disaster:

Ford Motor company is in crisis: 

"The company will now cut the share of its total capital spending dedicated to EVs from 40% to 30%, and take 
a writedown of at least $400 million on manufacturing hardware it already built."

Ski Bunny:

"No results found"

Childish faggot games.

Have you got some stupid Mac filter running on your browser, or what?

Took 13 words (probably could have been less) and insert them into Google in MY browser and it worked 

Want proof?

Fuck you.

For one, I didn't USE Google for this...


... but it was found EASILY on Google, so either you're too faggot-fucked in the head, or you're playing your 
usual childish faggot games.

It's in there.

FIND IT YOURSELF, you childish fucking faggot.

This was TOO easy to find from words I posted, that I KNOW he looked it up and saw that it was real and faked 
not finding it, just so he could play his childish games again.

Search: "ford The company will now cut the share of its total capital spending" (quote marks for this article 



Ford To Shift Electric Vehicle Strategy By Building New Lower-Cost Pickups And A Commercial Van

5th paragraph down:

The changes will force Ford to write down $400 million of its current assets for big electric SUVs, and it 
also expects to have additional expenses of up to $1.5 billion.

7th paragraph down:

The company also said it will cut capital spending on EVs. It now will spend 30% of its annual capital budget 
to develop them rather than the current 40%.


What MORON doesn't realize, is that whomever writes these blurbs on X, usually make one sentence out of one, 
two or more sentences in the articles, to make singular points that cover the points.

Watch... Ski bunny will come back and whine about the use of quotation marks, as if it's a full quote from 
the article in question.

It's not, faggot ski bunny.

It's what the author of the tweet wrote.


He's such a pedantic little pussy fag.

I'll GLADLY post the pertinent URLs to the likes of JTEM and others, but not you. Wanna know why?

LOL... no... you don't.