Davin News Server

From: Trevor Wilson <trevor@rageaudio.com.au>
Newsgroups: alt.survival,misc.survivalism,uk.politics.misc,alt.conspiracy,can.politics,aus.politics
Subject: Re: Desalinization vs. Reservoirs
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2024 14:08:44 +1000

On 2/09/2024 10:17 am, Rod Speed wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Sep 2024 08:02:41 +1000, Trevor Wilson 
> <trevor@rageaudio.com.au> wrote:
>> On 1/09/2024 8:31 pm, Joe wrote:
>>> On Sun, 1 Sep 2024 16:29:53 +1000
>>> Trevor Wilson <trevor@rageaudio.com.au> wrote:
>>>> **Just a reminder moron: I am not the one trying to use measurements
>>>> that no one on the planet uses, except Americans. Australia, like the
>>>> rest of the planet, uses Metric measurements.
>>>  There are still many electronic components, even those made in the Far
>>> East, that fit a 1/10" grid. If you actually use measurements in real
>>> life, you need to be able to deal with any system you may encounter. It
>>> is also not unusual to see dimensions quoted in a strange number of
>>> millimetres which turns out to be an exact number of inches. And don't
>>> bother trying to find a metric screw to fit a photographic mount,
>>> anywhere in the world.
>> I am well aware of legacy products that are still in Imperial 
>> measurements. Plumbing and, as you say, old school electronic 
>> components. However, common-place measurements (distance, capacity, 
>> etc) are now Metric all over the planet. Except for one, tiny, pocket.
> Aircraft aren't one tiny pocket, fuckwit

**Are you SERIOUSLY trying to tell us that Airbus Industries use 
Imperial measurements when they build aeroplanes?

I call bullshit on that. The Frogs would NEVER use Imperial measurements 
for their products.

However, it would appear that Boeing still use Imperial measurements, 
but General Motors has been specifying Metric parts for many years.

That said, those companies are NOT nations. Only 5% of the planet's 
population uses Imperial measurements. EVERYONE else uses the Metric system.

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