Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Thank You, Border Czar Kamala Harris
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2024 12:06:37 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 2024-09-05 11:46, AlleyCat wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Sep 2024 11:13:07 -0700,  Alan says...
>>> Kamala Harris is our border czar.
>> Weird you cannot produce a single official document that says that.
> Freaky faggot playing faggot semantics game again.


> Firstly, faggot: The term "czar" is unofficial -- something that is more often used by the media than by the
> government itself.

Yeah, Pussey... ...I know that.

So show ANYTHING from the ADMINISTRATION that placed her in a position 
to be in charge of the ENTIRE BORDER.

That being what a "border czar" would be.

> Be even weirder if YOU produce the documentation for these "Czar" positions:
> Obama's "Czars":
> Alan Bersin:		"Border CZAR"

Official title: "Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection"

And before he had that job, he was 'DHS Assistant Secretary for 
International Affairs and Special Representative for Border Affairs'...

...and there was this press release:


Which said (in part):

'Bersin’s responsibilities at DHS will include improving relationships 
with the Department's partners in the international community, as well 
as those at the state and local level including elected officials, law 
enforcement, community organizations and religious leaders. He will lead 
the Department’s efforts to crack down on violence along the Southwest 
border highlighted in Secretary Napolitano’s March 24 announcement 
including the deployment of additional personnel and enhanced technology 
to help Mexico target illegal guns, drugs and cash.'

> Jeffrey Crowley:	"AIDS Czar"
> Ron Bloom:		"Car Czar"
> Herb Allison:		"TARP Czar"
> Valerie Jarrett:	"Special Advisor Czar"
> Richard Holbrooke:  "Afghanistan and Pakistan Czar"
> Carol Browner:	"Climate Czar"
> Victoria Espinel:	"Copyright Czar"
> Elizabeth Warren:	"Consumer Czar"
> Tom Bossert:		"Cyber Czar"
> Lynn Rosenthal:	"Domestic Violence Czar"
> Michael Botticelli	"Drug Czar"
> Paul A. Volcker:	"Economic Czar:
> You wanna see 25 more? Produce the "documentation" for these APPOINTED positions, which DO have documentation
> for their "official" titles
> Biden's "Czars":
> Roberta S. Jacobson:	"Border Czar"
> Ashish Jha:		"Covid Czar"	
> If you must... they WERE called "Czars" by their respective Presidents and governments, so if you want
> documentation for their OFFICIAL titles, look them up yourself, faggot.

That's the point, Pussey. Although you're too thick to see you're making 
my point FOR me.

They probably all DO have documentation. Because governments send out 
press releases when they appoint people to new positions or to carry out 
new duties.

So show me where Kamala Harris was ever documented to have been given 
all responsibility for the border.