Davin News Server

From: Skeeter <skeeterweed@photonmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Democrat Godzilla Tells Democrats To Fuck Off With Your Orwellian Ways
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2024 18:21:08 -0600
Organization: UTB

In article <vbg21n$1015j$2@dont-email.me>, nuh-uh@nope.com says...
> On 2024-09-06 13:08, Bradley K. Sherman wrote:
> > 
> > Ex-Dem Godzilla Leader Switches To Republicans
> > 
> >   | Former California Democratic leader Gloria Romero has switched to the Republican Party, criticizing
> >   | Democrats for authoritarianism and extreme positions on issues like abortion and gender identity.
> >   |
> >   | She endorsed Trump and mocked Green movement regulations on appliances.
> >   |
> >   | Republicans welcomed her departure, while Democrats dismissed it as outdated news.
> >   |
> >   | Source: Fox News
> >   |
> >   | ...
> > 
> > <https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GWxujcJWsAACy9b?format=jpg&name=large>
> > 
> >    --bks
> Just for perspective, 40 former Trump cabinet members won't endorse him.

Walz own family won't endorse him.
> Many are publicly horrified at the prospect of him getting back into power:
> "I have made clear that I strongly oppose Trump for the nomination and 
> will not endorse Trump," [former AG William] Barr told NBC News.
> Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper has called him a ?threat to democracy.?
> Former national security adviser John Bolton has declared him ?unfit to 
> be president.?
> Sarah Matthews, a former Trump aide who testified before the House Jan. 
> 6 committee and is among those warning about the threat he poses, said 
> it?s ?mind-boggling? how many members of his senior staff have denounced 
> him.
> ?These are folks who saw him up close and personal and saw his 
> leadership style,? Matthews said.
> ?The American people should listen to what these folks are saying 
> because it should be alarming that the people that Trump hired to work 
> for him a first term are saying that he?s unfit to serve for a second term.?
> She saw how Trump?s staff tried to get him to condemn the violence for 
> hours without success.
> ?In my eyes, it was a complete dereliction of duty that he did not 
> uphold his oath of office," Matthews told USA TODAY. "I lost all faith 
> in him that day,?
> Someone who continually disrespects the sacrifices of military families 
> has no business being commander in chief," Haley said about Trump, after 
> the ex-president mocked [Nikki] Haley's husband, who is overseas on a 
> military deployment.
> Former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly told CNN that Trump has ?nothing 
> but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution and our 
> rule of law.?