Davin News Server

From: Skeeter <skeeterweed@photonmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Thank You, Border Czar Kamala Harris
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2024 18:43:05 -0600
Organization: UTB

In article <vbfjrt$tvcg$1@dont-email.me>, nuh-uh@nope.com says...
> On 2024-09-05 11:46, AlleyCat wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 5 Sep 2024 11:13:07 -0700,  Alan says...
> > 
> >>> Kamala Harris is our border czar.
> >>
> >> Weird you cannot produce a single official document that says that.
> > 
> > Freaky faggot playing faggot semantics game again.
> Nope.
> > 
> > Firstly, faggot: The term "czar" is unofficial -- something that is more often used by the media than by the
> > government itself.
> Yeah, Pussey... ...I know that.
> So show ANYTHING from the ADMINISTRATION that placed her in a position 
> to be in charge of the ENTIRE BORDER.
> That being what a "border czar" would be.
> > 
> > Be even weirder if YOU produce the documentation for these "Czar" positions:
> > 
> > Obama's "Czars":
> > 
> > Alan Bersin:		"Border CZAR"
> Official title: "Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection"
> And before he had that job, he was 'DHS Assistant Secretary for 
> International Affairs and Special Representative for Border Affairs'...
> ...and there was this press release:
> <https://www.dhs.gov/archive/news/2009/04/15/secretary-napolitano-highlights-illegal-immigration-enforcement-appoints-bersin>
> Which said (in part):
> 'Bersin?s responsibilities at DHS will include improving relationships 
> with the Department's partners in the international community, as well 
> as those at the state and local level including elected officials, law 
> enforcement, community organizations and religious leaders. He will lead 
> the Department?s efforts to crack down on violence along the Southwest 
> border highlighted in Secretary Napolitano?s March 24 announcement 
> including the deployment of additional personnel and enhanced technology 
> to help Mexico target illegal guns, drugs and cash.'
> > Jeffrey Crowley:	"AIDS Czar"
> > Ron Bloom:		"Car Czar"
> > Herb Allison:		"TARP Czar"
> > Valerie Jarrett:	"Special Advisor Czar"
> > Richard Holbrooke:  "Afghanistan and Pakistan Czar"
> > Carol Browner:	"Climate Czar"
> > Victoria Espinel:	"Copyright Czar"
> > Elizabeth Warren:	"Consumer Czar"
> > Tom Bossert:		"Cyber Czar"
> > Lynn Rosenthal:	"Domestic Violence Czar"
> > Michael Botticelli	"Drug Czar"
> > Paul A. Volcker:	"Economic Czar:
> > 
> > You wanna see 25 more? Produce the "documentation" for these APPOINTED positions, which DO have documentation
> > for their "official" titles
> > 
> > Biden's "Czars":
> > 
> > Roberta S. Jacobson:	"Border Czar"
> > Ashish Jha:		"Covid Czar"	
> > 
> > If you must... they WERE called "Czars" by their respective Presidents and governments, so if you want
> > documentation for their OFFICIAL titles, look them up yourself, faggot.
> That's the point, Pussey. Although you're too thick to see you're making 
> my point FOR me.
> They probably all DO have documentation. Because governments send out 
> press releases when they appoint people to new positions or to carry out 
> new duties.
> So show me where Kamala Harris was ever documented to have been given 
> all responsibility for the border.

Then why did she claim that?