Davin News Server

From: "Rod Speed" <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.survival,misc.survivalism,uk.politics.misc,alt.conspiracy,can.politics,aus.politics
Subject: Re: Desalinization vs. Reservoirs
Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 14:58:38 +1000

On Sat, 07 Sep 2024 07:33:16 +1000, Trevor Wilson  
<trevor@rageaudio.com.au> wrote:

> On 6/09/2024 8:05 pm, Rod Speed wrote:
>> On Fri, 06 Sep 2024 14:08:44 +1000, Trevor Wilson  
>> <trevor@rageaudio.com.au> wrote:
>>> On 2/09/2024 10:17 am, Rod Speed wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 02 Sep 2024 08:02:41 +1000, Trevor Wilson  
>>>> <trevor@rageaudio.com.au> wrote:
>>>>> On 1/09/2024 8:31 pm, Joe wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, 1 Sep 2024 16:29:53 +1000
>>>>>> Trevor Wilson <trevor@rageaudio.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>>> **Just a reminder moron: I am not the one trying to use  
>>>>>>> measurements
>>>>>>> that no one on the planet uses, except Americans. Australia, like  
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> rest of the planet, uses Metric measurements.
>>>>>>  There are still many electronic components, even those made in the  
>>>>>> Far
>>>>>> East, that fit a 1/10" grid. If you actually use measurements in  
>>>>>> real
>>>>>> life, you need to be able to deal with any system you may  
>>>>>> encounter. It
>>>>>> is also not unusual to see dimensions quoted in a strange number of
>>>>>> millimetres which turns out to be an exact number of inches. And  
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> bother trying to find a metric screw to fit a photographic mount,
>>>>>> anywhere in the world.
>>>>> I am well aware of legacy products that are still in Imperial  
>>>>> measurements. Plumbing and, as you say, old school electronic  
>>>>> components. However, common-place measurements (distance, capacity,  
>>>>> etc) are now Metric all over the planet. Except for one, tiny,  
>>>>> pocket.
>>>>  Aircraft aren't one tiny pocket, fuckwit
>>> Are you SERIOUSLY trying to tell us that Airbus Industries use  
>>> Imperial measurements when they build aeroplanes?

>>  Nope, that the ENTIRE FUCKING INDUSTRY except for the
>> russian military uses FEET for altitude, KNOTS for airspeed
>> and TONS for fuel, and MILLIBARS for QNH fuckwit.

> A knot is NOT an Imperial measurement.

Corse it is, guess who invented it.

Pity about the other units I listed.

> The Imperial measurement of speed is mph. A knot is one nautical mile  
> per hour. A nautical mile is a radial measurement equivalent to one  
> minute of arc.

Still not metric, fuckwit.

>>> I call bullshit on that. The Frogs would NEVERuse Imperial  
>>> measurements  for their products.

>> Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that
>> you have never ever had a fucking clue, ever.

> Nonetheless, a fact to prove you wrong.

Just another of your pathetic little drug crazed drunken fantasys.

>>> However, it would appear that Boeing still use Imperial measurements,

>>  And so does RR, GE and P&W engines.

> Again: A piddling 5% of the planet bothers with imperial measurements.

Wrong with the aircraft and shipping industry, you pathetic excuse for a  
bullshit artist.

> EVERYONE else uses Metric.

Wrong with the aircraft and shipping industry, you pathetic excuse for a  
bullshit artist.