Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Bull Clinton, The Serial Abuser
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 09:15:28 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

Bill Clinton's Nearly Forgotten 1992 Sex Scandal | CNN


Apr 6, 2016 - What you need to know about Bill Clinton's alleged sexual misconduct. Besides surviving the 
scandal, Clinton performed masterfully in New Hampshire, inspiring crowds by demonstrating his ...


Bill Clinton's Alleged Sexual Misconduct: What You Need To Know


Hillary and Bill Clinton dodged questions Thursday about the former president's alleged and admitted sexual 
misconduct. But nearly two decades after Bill Clinton's administration was rocked by sexual scandal, the 
stories are back in the news. Clinton himself wouldn't address his transgressions when a reporter asked the 
former president about Trump's comments as he campaigned [?]


We Evaluate The Strength Of Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Bill ...


Stories of President Bill Clinton's alleged extra-marital sexual encounters have been rampant since his first 
term as Commander-in-Chief. Some were claims allegations of consensual affairs (Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer 
Flowers, Dollie Kyle Browning, Elizabeth Ward Gracen).Some were confirmed or partially confirmed by Clinton 
himself (Lewinsky, Flowers).


Rethinking Bill Clinton Amid Sexual Harassment Debates - Npr


Nov 18, 2017 - With Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore in the headlines for sexual misconduct, The 
Atlantic writer Caitlin Flanagan says it's time for Democrats to reassess the legacy of Bill Clinton.


Bill Clinton Sexual Misconduct Affair Allegations | Law & Crime


Here is a list of Bill Clinton's alleged and admitted sexual misconduct a over the years as well as his 
alleged affairs. Monica Lewinsky. Then President Clinton began an affair with the 22-year-old White House 
intern in 1995. The two had numerous sexual encounters in the White House, including some in a private office 
connected to the Oval ...


She Accused Bill Clinton Of Sexual Assault Years Ago. Now She's ...


Nov 3, 2018 - In 2017, as the #MeToo movement began toppling titans of Hollywood and Capitol Hill, Bill 
Clinton's sexual misconduct was not left out of the conversation. Advertisement


Bill Clinton Should Have Resigned Over Lewinsky Affair, Kirsten ...


Nov 16, 2017 - Her criticism of the former president's affair with Monica S. Lewinsky between 1995 and 1997 
comes as the nation grapples with charges of sexual misconduct and harassment by celebrities ...


Bill Clinton Was Expelled From Oxford Over A Rape Incident?


Published Oct. 9, 2016. Claim: Bill Clinton was expelled from Oxford University for raping a British 
classmate named Eileen Wellstone. Rating: Unproven. About this rating. As the 2016 presidential ...


Just Like Bill Clinton, Sexual Misconduct Might Be Trump's Undoing


The times have officially changed. For years, Bill Clinton's alleged sexual misconduct was questioned, 
disbelieved, and flatly ignored. But post-#MeToo America has made a seismic shift, and it's now looking in 
the rear-view mirror right at Mr. Clinton. Now, Donald Trump's decision to trot out Kathleen Willey, Juanita 
Broaddrick, and Kathy Shelton at the presidential
Did Bill Clinton Say 'Allegations of Sexual Misconduct Should ...
"Bill Clinton: 'Allegations of Sexual Misconduct Should Disqualify a Man from Public Office.'" 25 September 
2018. By Dan Evon Dan Evon is a former writer for Snopes.