Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: See? Fucking Faggot Cuntnadian Can't Follow a Thread
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 16:56:18 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

If your time is short:

I've said this a MILLION times... I DO NOT CARE! I'm going to write and post the way I have for 31 years, and 
no amount of bitching about it, is going to change my mind.

On Sat, 7 Sep 2024 11:35:18 -0700,  Alan says...  

> On 2024-09-07 11:29, AlleyCat wrote:
> > 
> > On Sat, 7 Sep 2024 08:38:52 -0700,  Alan says...
> > 
> >>>>> FINDITYOURSELF, youchildishfuckingfaggot.
> >>>>
> >>>> Do you drunk-post all the time?
> >>>>
> >>> Snip unreadable bullshit.
> >   
> >> You mean YOUR unreadable bullshit, Pussey?
> > 
> > God DAMN, you are stupid.
> > 
> > Know who you're replying to, dumb ass.
> Mea culpa...
> ...but I guess it's more than me that thinks you post bullshit, isn't it?

LOL... like I give a shit.

I accept that, but since most here on Usenet are nerds with low-self-esteem (I'm NOT saying Skeeter is one) 
and take "sides" when it matters most, like when it's Liberal vs. Conservative, Democrat vs. Republican, and 
in YOUR case, Cuntnadian libtard vs. everyone else [yes, 95% here think you obtuse and pedantic, witness 
Rudy's disdain for some of the things you post :-)], I FULLY expect to DO things "they" don't particularly 
care for.

I've said this a MILLION times... I DO NOT CARE! I'm going to write and post the way I have for 31 years, and 
no amount of bitching about it, is going to change my mind.

Don't like it?... don't read it, and CERTAINLY don't reply to it, if it upsets you so much. That goes for 
others, too. swill said he had me filtered, and we all know how much of a lie THAT was. LOL.

You WANT me in this group... you NEED me in this group! h/t to Jack Nicholson

I am NOT here to make friends. If I see someone posting something wrong (basically a lie, but NOT right-wing 
opinions... I RELISH opinions from the right), I do not CARE if he's a Con OR a Lib... I'm usually going to 
make a remark. True, they may be few and far between, but that just comes from WHO I read and/or filter.

Yes, I DO filter some on the right. The reasons are my own, but I DO filter "Conservatives".

I don't CARE what "side" anyone here is on... I absolutely HATE echo chambers and that's another reason I'm 
here. I don't know how many years I've been subscribed to THIS group, but the others I've been in for 30+ 
years, started to BE those echo chambers I hate, so here I am... putting up a fight against those who do and 
say things at the expense of others, which are usually lies to further an agenda.

FURTHER your agenda... just don't lie to get there.

I CAN'T give less of a fuck whether you're gay or tranny or Drag Queen or whatever floats your boat.[1] What 
I abhor, are things that cost people who are NOT Drag Queens/Gays/Socialists/Antifa 
Fascists/Marxists/Communists/Racists/Liberals OR Democrats, time of money... usually the latter.

WE don't wanna pay for tampons in the boys' rooms. WE don't wanna pay for your dregs of society fucking like 
rats and rabbits and getting free birth control, because all of that shit costs us more in tax monies.[2]


You're going through that shit too, with that faggot Prime Minister. Don't tell me you ENJOY paying for shit 
others did not deserve to get for FREE. I know you will, rationalizing it, JUST to be contrary.

OH! and that's another thing I absolutely abhor... contrarians, who need attention and argue points JUST to 
have something to do, thinking they're showing others how smart they are, but putting up arguments, when 
there really is none.

Sound familiar? What the fuck do YOU care about American politics? YOU'RE here to argue and argue ONLY... 
that's why you won't post anything of your own. I don't know what demons you're trying to exorcise, but you 
REALLY need to find a better outlet, than being a contrarian... you are NOT any good at it.

(back to it)

[2] THAT'S why I post a lot in the global-warming group. The anti-capitalists cost ME and my family money, 
when they try to put big oil and coal out of business. It has NOTHING to do with "saving the planet"... it's 
all about their selfish little agendas, being angry with people who have more money than them.

You haven't frequented A.G-W enough to know... it's NEVER been about climate and weather. Just about every 
post prior to YOU getting here, was about Exxon and BP and what they wanted government to do to put them out 
of business. Then, when they saw THAT wasn't going to happen... other Socialist and Communist and Marxist  
"tricks" started being deployed.

Well, they lost that war and they're losing the current one, since most everyone knows what it's all about, 
thanks to the Internet.

Now, they're on the "renewables" kick, pretending the whole time they're saving the planet, when we all know, 
that no matter HOW many EVs we drive, or solar panels we put up, or wind turbines we construct, AT THE 
EXPENSE OF OTHERS, including endangered species, the CO² is NOT abating... NOT that CO² has anything to do 
with warming, and the warming is still going up.

We're simply warming BACK up to where "we" were before the Little Ice Age, but that's not stopping these 
morons from screeching that it's MAN'S fault, JUST to get their Communistic agendas to fruition. THEY even 
know that man's not responsible, but like a good little Nazi liar, they keep up the facade, JUST to keep 
their agendas alive.

There are a million more things to worry about, than the fucking weather.

Question for the group:  How have YOU been inconvenience, or as Biden and the Democrats say, how have YOU 
been existentially threatened?

How many relatives, friends or neighbors have been affected by the weather? I live in Hurricane Alley, and 
I've seen my share of bad Hurricanes, but NONE of that will convince me that man is responsible for ANY of 

The WORST Hurricanes happened before CO² got to ~420, and they're NOT getting worse OR more numerous. 
Technology and changing the way we measure storms, make it SEEM so, but that's just another trick, put forth 
by governments to fool the foolable.

The Earth's in a constant state flux... always HAS been... always WILL be, but it's NOT because we put 
another 3% or 12ppm into the atmosphere in which CO² makes up only 0.04%, when there are dozens, if not 100s 
of other variables and forcings that can make it get warmer AND colder.

CO² is but one of MANY variables... water vapour being THE variable which makes THE most difference, hence 
the warming we're seeing now after Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'Pai erupted.


[1] PLEASE learn what editorial "you" means. You've taken "you" to mean YOU too many times.


And YOU want THIS to be President?





"This is the most election of our lifetime."

I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been. You know?

What can be unburdened by what has been.

There are those who are unable to see what can be.

But there are many more who are able to see what can be unburdened by what has been.

Remember Venn diagrams, those three circles? Right.

And then let's just see where they overlap.

You will not be surprised because I have constructed a Venn diagram on this. 

Remember those three circles, how they overlap?

I love Venn diagrams. So, I just do.

Whenever you're dealing with conflict, pull out a Venn diagram. Right?

And so, you know, the three circles.

Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. 
Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, 
that's wrong.

I am Kamala Harris. My pronouns are she, her, hers. My pronouns sitting at the table wearing a blue suit.

"We invested an additional $12 billion into community banks, because we know community banks are in the 
community, and understand the needs and desires of that community as well as the talent and capacity of 

"We also recognize just as it has been in the United States, for Jamaica, one of the issues that has been 
presented as an issue that is economic in the way of its impact has been the pandemic. So to that end, we are 
announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in COVID recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery 
efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to, I believe, what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue 
of public health but also the economy."

"It's time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day."

"I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we 
certainly believe that certain issues are just settled. Certain issues are just settled."