Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: See? Fucking Faggot Cuntnadian Can't Follow a Thread
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 15:03:03 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 2024-09-07 14:56, AlleyCat wrote:
> If your time is short:
> I've said this a MILLION times... I DO NOT CARE! I'm going to write and post the way I have for 31 years, and
> no amount of bitching about it, is going to change my mind.


This TOTALLY reads like you "don't give a shit"


> On Sat, 7 Sep 2024 11:35:18 -0700,  Alan says...
>> On 2024-09-07 11:29, AlleyCat wrote:
>>> On Sat, 7 Sep 2024 08:38:52 -0700,  Alan says...
>>>>>>> FINDITYOURSELF, youchildishfuckingfaggot.
>>>>>> Do you drunk-post all the time?
>>>>> Snip unreadable bullshit.
>>>> You mean YOUR unreadable bullshit, Pussey?
>>> God DAMN, you are stupid.
>>> Know who you're replying to, dumb ass.
>> Mea culpa...
>> ...but I guess it's more than me that thinks you post bullshit, isn't it?
> LOL... like I give a shit.
> I accept that, but since most here on Usenet are nerds with low-self-esteem (I'm NOT saying Skeeter is one)
> and take "sides" when it matters most, like when it's Liberal vs. Conservative, Democrat vs. Republican, and
> in YOUR case, Cuntnadian libtard vs. everyone else [yes, 95% here think you obtuse and pedantic, witness
> Rudy's disdain for some of the things you post :-)], I FULLY expect to DO things "they" don't particularly
> care for.
> I've said this a MILLION times... I DO NOT CARE! I'm going to write and post the way I have for 31 years, and
> no amount of bitching about it, is going to change my mind.
> Don't like it?... don't read it, and CERTAINLY don't reply to it, if it upsets you so much. That goes for
> others, too. swill said he had me filtered, and we all know how much of a lie THAT was. LOL.
> You WANT me in this group... you NEED me in this group! h/t to Jack Nicholson
> I am NOT here to make friends. If I see someone posting something wrong (basically a lie, but NOT right-wing
> opinions... I RELISH opinions from the right), I do not CARE if he's a Con OR a Lib... I'm usually going to
> make a remark. True, they may be few and far between, but that just comes from WHO I read and/or filter.
> Yes, I DO filter some on the right. The reasons are my own, but I DO filter "Conservatives".
> I don't CARE what "side" anyone here is on... I absolutely HATE echo chambers and that's another reason I'm
> here. I don't know how many years I've been subscribed to THIS group, but the others I've been in for 30+
> years, started to BE those echo chambers I hate, so here I am... putting up a fight against those who do and
> say things at the expense of others, which are usually lies to further an agenda.
> FURTHER your agenda... just don't lie to get there.
> I CAN'T give less of a fuck whether you're gay or tranny or Drag Queen or whatever floats your boat.[1] What
> I abhor, are things that cost people who are NOT Drag Queens/Gays/Socialists/Antifa
> Fascists/Marxists/Communists/Racists/Liberals OR Democrats, time of money... usually the latter.
> WE don't wanna pay for tampons in the boys' rooms. WE don't wanna pay for your dregs of society fucking like
> rats and rabbits and getting free birth control, because all of that shit costs us more in tax monies.[2]
> (sidebar)
> You're going through that shit too, with that faggot Prime Minister. Don't tell me you ENJOY paying for shit
> others did not deserve to get for FREE. I know you will, rationalizing it, JUST to be contrary.
> OH! and that's another thing I absolutely abhor... contrarians, who need attention and argue points JUST to
> have something to do, thinking they're showing others how smart they are, but putting up arguments, when
> there really is none.
> Sound familiar? What the fuck do YOU care about American politics? YOU'RE here to argue and argue ONLY...
> that's why you won't post anything of your own. I don't know what demons you're trying to exorcise, but you
> REALLY need to find a better outlet, than being a contrarian... you are NOT any good at it.
> (back to it)
> [2] THAT'S why I post a lot in the global-warming group. The anti-capitalists cost ME and my family money,
> when they try to put big oil and coal out of business. It has NOTHING to do with "saving the planet"... it's
> all about their selfish little agendas, being angry with people who have more money than them.
> You haven't frequented A.G-W enough to know... it's NEVER been about climate and weather. Just about every
> post prior to YOU getting here, was about Exxon and BP and what they wanted government to do to put them out
> of business. Then, when they saw THAT wasn't going to happen... other Socialist and Communist and Marxist
> "tricks" started being deployed.
> Well, they lost that war and they're losing the current one, since most everyone knows what it's all about,
> thanks to the Internet.
> Now, they're on the "renewables" kick, pretending the whole time they're saving the planet, when we all know,
> that no matter HOW many EVs we drive, or solar panels we put up, or wind turbines we construct, AT THE
> EXPENSE OF OTHERS, including endangered species, the CO² is NOT abating... NOT that CO² has anything to do
> with warming, and the warming is still going up.
> We're simply warming BACK up to where "we" were before the Little Ice Age, but that's not stopping these
> morons from screeching that it's MAN'S fault, JUST to get their Communistic agendas to fruition. THEY even
> know that man's not responsible, but like a good little Nazi liar, they keep up the facade, JUST to keep
> their agendas alive.
> There are a million more things to worry about, than the fucking weather.
> Question for the group:  How have YOU been inconvenience, or as Biden and the Democrats say, how have YOU
> been existentially threatened?
> How many relatives, friends or neighbors have been affected by the weather? I live in Hurricane Alley, and
> I've seen my share of bad Hurricanes, but NONE of that will convince me that man is responsible for ANY of
> it.
> The WORST Hurricanes happened before CO² got to ~420, and they're NOT getting worse OR more numerous.
> Technology and changing the way we measure storms, make it SEEM so, but that's just another trick, put forth
> by governments to fool the foolable.
> The Earth's in a constant state flux... always HAS been... always WILL be, but it's NOT because we put
> another 3% or 12ppm into the atmosphere in which CO² makes up only 0.04%, when there are dozens, if not 100s
> of other variables and forcings that can make it get warmer AND colder.
> CO² is but one of MANY variables... water vapour being THE variable which makes THE most difference, hence
> the warming we're seeing now after Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'Pai erupted.
> https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22Hunga+Tonga+volcano%22+javier&ia=web
> [1] PLEASE learn what editorial "you" means. You've taken "you" to mean YOU too many times.
> =============================================================================================================
> And YOU want THIS to be President?
> https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1832183023510429696/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/fdQv8hThHaQNjE5J.mp4?tag=12
> https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1819482094310940674/vid/avc1/1280x720/__Zc7AMUqL_cXO8V.mp4?tag=16
> https://youtu.be/WzSBm4CaWPM
> https://www.skynews.com.au/world-news/us-vice-president-kamala-harris-attempts-to-explain-ai-in-latest-word-
> salad-gaffe-kind-of-a-fancy-thing/news-story/96539b79b23be7b45ba66db72c5fbd34
> "This is the most election of our lifetime."
> I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been. You know?
> What can be unburdened by what has been.
> There are those who are unable to see what can be.
> But there are many more who are able to see what can be unburdened by what has been.
> Remember Venn diagrams, those three circles? Right.
> And then let's just see where they overlap.
> You will not be surprised because I have constructed a Venn diagram on this.
> Remember those three circles, how they overlap?
> I love Venn diagrams. So, I just do.
> Whenever you're dealing with conflict, pull out a Venn diagram. Right?
> And so, you know, the three circles.
> Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country.
> Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically,
> that's wrong.
> I am Kamala Harris. My pronouns are she, her, hers. My pronouns sitting at the table wearing a blue suit.
> "We invested an additional $12 billion into community banks, because we know community banks are in the
> community, and understand the needs and desires of that community as well as the talent and capacity of
> community."
> "We also recognize just as it has been in the United States, for Jamaica, one of the issues that has been
> presented as an issue that is economic in the way of its impact has been the pandemic. So to that end, we are
> announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in COVID recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery
> efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to, I believe, what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue
> of public health but also the economy."
> "It's time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day."
> "I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we
> certainly believe that certain issues are just settled. Certain issues are just settled."