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From: Dhu on Gate <campbell@neotext.ca>
Newsgroups: can.politics,alt.politics
Subject: Caitlin Johnstone on Dick Cheney for Kamala
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 23:14:54 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider


It’s The Trump Party Vs The Cheney Party

One of earth’s most evil living beings, Dick “Darth Vader” Cheney, has 
officially endorsed Kamala Harris for president.
Caitlin Johnstone
September 7, 2024

One of earth’s most evil living beings, Dick “Darth Vader” Cheney, has 
officially endorsed Kamala Harris for president. His daughter, Liz Cheney, 
has also endorsed Harris.

“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who 
is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” said the former 
vice president in a statement, adding, “As citizens, we each have a duty 
to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why 
I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.”

Cheney was a charter signatory to the notorious neoconservative think tank 
Project for the New American Century, and as vice president played a 
leading role in the George W Bush administration’s soaring warmongering, 
militarism and authoritarianism, including most famously the invasion of 
Iraq. He has the blood of millions of people on his hands, and he should 
be living out the rest of his miserable life in a cage.

His daughter Liz is an equally bloodthirsty warmonger who has spent her 
career pushing for mass military slaughter at every opportunity. After the 
Israeli assault on Gaza began last year she went on CNN to declare that 
all deaths which occur in the onslaught are “the responsibility of Hamas”, 
that protests against Israel’s actions are “antisemitic” in nature, and 
that the US should escalate against Iran and the Houthis because of their 
oppositional posture toward Israel.

The Cheneys join a growing list of formerly Republican warmongers who are 
migrating to the Democratic Party in droves to support Harris. Last month 
hundreds of staffers who served under Republicans George W Bush, John 
McCain and Mitt Romney signed a letter endorsing Harris, saying that “re-
electing President Trump would be a disaster for our nation.”

“Abroad, democratic movements will be irreparably jeopardized as Trump and 
his acolyte JD Vance kowtow to dictators like Vladimir Putin while turning 
their backs on our allies,” the group writes, adding, “We can’t let that 

It is here worth noting that contrary to the narratives circulated in both 
mainstream Democrat-aligned media and mainstream Republican-aligned media, 
Donald Trump actually spent his entire term ramping up aggressions against 
Russia and helped pave the way to the war in Ukraine. He also promoted 
many longstanding warmongering agendas against official enemies of the US 
empire like Iran, Syria, and Venezuela. But even Trump’s insane 
hawkishness is insufficient for these freaks.

In June of 2022, author Sarah Kendzior made the following predictions on 
the Gaslit Nation podcast:

    “I’m gonna wrap this up with a warning, which is that there is a new 
plan for our already broken two-party system. The plan is to have two 
parties. One, a batshit crazy MAGA party led by Trump or DeSantis that 
will bulldoze your rights. And the second one will be a far-right 
“respectable” party led by Liz Cheney that will also bulldoze your rights. 
They will call the Cheney party the Democrats and pretend that a creeping 
capitulation to a right-wing agenda is some kind of act of healing 


    “When I mentioned this possibility on Twitter, someone wrote to me, 
‘Liz Cheney is not becoming a Democrat.’ And I replied, ‘I agree. The 
Democrats are becoming Cheneys.’”

This is more or less what appears to have been happening, and it actually 
started several years ago. During the 2016 Trump campaign a bunch of 
neoconservative warmongers switched from defending George W Bush as a 
saint and decrying Obama as an Ayatollah lover, and began pivoting to 
endorse Hillary Clinton instead. After Trump won, this coalition between 
Democrats and Bush-era neocons grew even stronger with the creation of new 
Democratic think tank projects led by Iraq-raping neocons like Bill 

So now we’re seeing two warmongering oligarchic parties shoving the 
Overton window of acceptable opinion as far in the direction of 
imperialism, militarism and tyranny as possible under the leadership of 
some of the very worst people alive. By doing this they ensure that these 
matters are never on the ballot, and that elections are always about 
issues the powerful are completely indifferent toward like abortion and 
trans rights instead.

Progressives who want healthcare and a ceasefire in Gaza are being 
dismissed and ignored while alliances are being made with the world’s most 
blood-soaked imperialists. Things have been shoved so far to the right 
that this election is now a showdown between the Trump Party against the 
Cheney Party, and no matter who wins, the empire wins. 

A lot of fuss will probably be made about election-rigging after the 
results are announced in November, with the loser declaring that the 
results are the result of Russian interference or Deep State vote 
tampering depending on who that loser happens to be. But remember this: 
the worst election rigging is happening right out in the open, to ensure 
that oligarchs and empire managers are happy with either outcome.


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Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.  
 C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-) 
 Duncan Patton a Campbell