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From: Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com>
Subject: Re: There Is Inappropriate Laughter, Then There Is Kamala Harris
Organization: Always Locked and Loaded
Date: 08 Sep 2024 00:34:28 GMT

On 2024-09-07, Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> wrote:
> On 2024-09-07 07:15, AlleyCat wrote:
>> There is inappropriate laughter, then there is Kamala Harris laughing in response to a question about 13 US
>> service members killed in Afghanistan.
>> Reporter: "What's your response to reports of Americans..."
>> Kamala Harris: "Hold on, hold on. Slow down everybody. *Maniacal laughter* I want to talk about two
>> things: First, Afghanistan."
>> Biden deservedly caught a lot of flack after looking at his watch repeatedly, but this is far more
>> disrespectful.
>> Democrats: 'I don't want to vote for the guy with mean tweets, I want to vote for the woman who laughs like
>> the Joker after American soldiers are killed.'
>> https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1827832120070307840/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/GC0kaLawm--oVI3F.mp4?tag=12
> She didn't hear "question about 13 US service members killed in 
> Afghanistan."
> "What's your response to reports of Americans"
> You dishonestly added the "..." at the end, because you're not eliding 
> something that was actually in the video.
> So Harris doesn't know whether the question as about Afghanistan or not, 
> and when she starts to speak about Afghanistan, her demeanour was 
> completely serious.

Is this the one where Kamala Harris is pretending to be talking on a cellphone pressed up against 
here ear while headphones are clearly plugged in?


Charlie Glock
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
-  Thomas Jefferson 1776