Davin News Server

From: Governor Swill <governor.swill@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Yet another stupid misstep from Kamela
Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 21:44:08 -0400

On Sat, 07 Sep 2024 14:22:29 +0000, Mitchell Holman <noemail@aol.com> wrote:

>Skeeter <skeeterweed@photonmail.com> wrote in news:66dbba1a$0$1784
>> In article <XnsB1E5D347CD6B1629555@>, noemail@aol.com 
>> says...
>>> Skeeter <skeeterweed@photonmail.com> wrote in
>>> news:66dba7ac$1$1788$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com: 
>>> > In article <vbfr40$v31c$1@dont-email.me>, nuh-uh@nope.com says...
>>> >> Tom Cotton and Tulsi Gabbard claim it, and even they won't put 
>>> >> names to the people they imply told them.
>>> > 
>>> > They also said JOe and Camel were invited but refused.
>>>     Prove it. 
>> Why? 
>       Because you lied.
>       Biden and Harris were NOT invited. 
>       Why do you lie so much?
Because they know they can't win without lying.

. “During her failed 2020 Democratic presidential bid, Vice President Harris
said she believed the federal government should play a heavy role in restricting
Americans’ red meat consumption to combat climate change,” said the NSSF, the
Firearms Industry Trade Association, in an August 20 post. It was titled “What
Hunters Need to Know About Vice President Harris’s Red Meat Restriction Ruse.”

Of course, Trump himself has taken up the issue, telling a North Carolina
audience in July, “Kamala even wants to pass laws to outlaw red meat to stop
climate change. You know what that means? That means no more cows, you know,
this is serious. . . . I guess eventually she’s gonna mean no more people.
Right? No more people.”


"In 2008, the eurozone and the US had equivalent gross domestic products (GDP) at current 
prices of $14.2 trillion and $14.8 trillion respectively (€13.1 trillion and €13.6 trillion). 
Fifteen years on, the eurozone's GDP is just over $15 trillion, while US GDP has soared to $26.9 trillion."

Between 2008 and now, we've had 4 years of Republicans and 12 years of Democrats running the country.

You do the math.
