Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2024 15:00:13 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

The Narcissist Rudy, Think He is Perfect

When it comes to the narcissist Rudy, he can do no wrong! He think he is perfect, and believe everyone wants to be like him. He also thinks he is the best at everything he does, and no one can compete with him. Narcissists, like Rudy, thinks he is perfect.

One of the traits of narcissism is a sense of superiority and this sense of superiority is what makes narcissists think he is perfect and everyone else is flawed.

The narcissist thinks TOO highly of himself and seems to appear confident in all tasks given to him. He presents himself with high self-esteem and believes he is not only capable of anything, but successful with everything. 

LOL... low-self-esteemed Rudy, has failed at EVERYTHING, hence the all day and night Usenet posts.

Is Rudy, the narcissist, perfect?

Of course not! The narcissist is human, (hence the fuck ups seen above), and he is flawed just like everyone else.

The difference between a narcissist and non-narcissist, however, is that narcissists refuse to acknowledge their flaws.

To acknowledge their flaws would mean he is being vulnerable, and being vulnerable is something that will never be experienced by a narcissist.

To be vulnerable means the narcissist opens himself up to possible scrutiny and he will never allow this to happen.

(this is why Rudy HAS to reply to me, even when he's OH SO FUCKING wrong!)

The narcissist is always on the defensive and everything is viewed as a possible threat.


He wants people to think he is perfect and will do whatever it takes to make this happen. To be seen as not perfect would unravel the core of who he is, and then he must come face to face with their deficiencies.


While the narcissist isn't actually perfect, he is a master in his own words and knows what to say to have people believe he is perfect.


This is just one more way in which he manipulate those around him.


He speaks highly of himself (Prof. Canoza... LOL) and can play word games to embellish the things he THINKS he has done. He also selectively associates himself with people that he think will make him look better.

(I guess that rules me out, because I make him look as stupid as he is)

This could be someone who is less successful than him (HA!... NO ONE is less successful as Rudy!), or someone who is more.

(ta daaa)

The narcissist might associate themselves with someone who is less successful than him because then he will see himself as better, and think others will as well.


If he associates with someone who has difficulties, this can make the narcissist look better than he actually is because of who he is being compared to. On the other hand, if the narcissist associates with someone who is very successful (like EVERYONE else on Usenet), the narcissist can easily take on the persona of this person and appear perfect as he copy this person.

LOL... THIS is why Rudy can't come up with his own material and has to copy my words and actions)

The narcissist is not original in their thoughts and actions, and can easily copy others to take on their qualities.

(BINGO! Rudy has started copying me, because he is sooo jealous of my life)

While we know that narcissists aren't perfect, the narcissist doesn't necessarily see this as true even when met with evidence to the contrary.

This is because the narcissist has blinders on as a way to only see themselves in a certain light.

The narcissist must believe he is free from flaws to maintain his sense of superiority.

He have convinced himself of these facts and he believe others think the same way. 

When the narcissist says everyone wants to be like him and he is good at everything, THIS IS A LIE the narcissist is telling himself to maintain his false beliefs.

He has a false sense of self that is maintained by these false beliefs. The more he tell himself it is true (REPEATEDLY), the fuller he can refill his narcissistic ego.

(LOL... this is so funny, and everything I've ever said about Rudy)

The blinders to the real world and what is happening around him just works to ensure that nothing penetrates his thick wall of armor he wears around himself to prevent narcissistic injury.

The narcissist isn't perfect, but he doesn't care what you think or what evidence you have to suggest otherwise. He believes what he wants and expects those around him to believe what he says as well - because he is always wrong, and that eats him up!