Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: It Oly Takes Someone With a +85 IQ, To See That These 20 Posts Are The Same - Well... That Leaves Rudy and The rEst of The Liberals Out
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2024 17:59:15 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

> he is and likes being a complete do-nothing shitbag.

Said the fucking retard who took time out of HIS do-nothing schedule to reply.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

What an idiot.

Since Rudy doesn't HAVE an IQ above 85...


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

THIS is why Rudy is Rudy:

When Dad Isn't There

Research has found that when a father is not present it is likely:

	The infant was born pre-term or low birth weight or with dwarfism. 

	Many of these families will be low-income households.

	Children may struggle with regulating emotions which can lead to an increase in aggressive behavior and difficulty 	with social skills. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! 

	A child will become involved in risky behavior.

	Sons have the potential to struggle with gender identity and role confusion.

	Even if the biological father role is filled by another, some of these figures become temporary or have the potential 	of being abusive.

	Children will be left with feelings of blame or emptiness as to why their father left.

Where Did He Go?

What is the reason these fathers are not staying around? Though simply having children can suggest being a father, for many men there is more a father wants to provide for their family. Unemployment and lack of education can be contributing factors as to why fathers leave.5 When men feel they are not meeting the social demands that define fathers, the idea of achieving other fatherly roles decreases and it may seem easier to leave. Other reasons for father absence can 
include imprisonment, infidelity, and abuse.

How to Help Children of Absent Fathers

Though the negative consequences of father absence can be disheartening, there is still hope for these children.

Include positive extended male family figures in the child's life. Children can form strong relationships as they have a safe, stable male figure to rely upon as they grow up. This could come from a grandparent, uncle, or another positive male family member. When these men are present for monumental moments in life, as well as day-to-day interactions, a void can be filled, and the child's confidence can grow.4 Including extended family can also provide another resource 
for the mother to help reduce stress overload and feelings of loneliness.

If there is no male family member available or near to help, try finding a mentor in the community. When a child is able to spend time with a successful individual in their community, different doors of potential are opened to them to see ways that they can become successful.8 Examples of mentors could be coaches, teachers, after school staff, ecclesiastical leaders, etc.

Find support groups in the local area. Just like children can find mentors, single mothers can find others working through these difficulties. There truly is strength in numbers. Brainstorm, network, and help each other. Though the past may not change, the future trajectory can be a positive one. Make time for you.

Growing up without a father brings risks, but that does not determine you or your child's future. Fatherless families can become resilient in their circumstance. Let those who your child will be interacting with know of their struggles. Teachers, caretakers, and other community figures can help alleviate the difficulties your child may face. But they cannot help if they are not aware. Remember, there is hope for brighter tomorrows. There are fathers who chose to stay in 
their child's life after growing up without their father. You do not have to let the absentee determine what your family will become. For stories of hope please visit the references below.


Gay Narcissistic Personality Disorder And Gay Rudy

Gay Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition often erroneously mistaken for overconfidence or 

"Professor Canoza"

Sufferers will often monopolize conversations, BELITTLE OTHERS, freely express their sense of SUPERIORITY and 
ENTITLEMENT and BECOME DEPRESSED, ANGRY and ABUSIVE in the face of perceived criticism which raises feelings 
of insecurity and shame.

There is a theory that gay men, like Rudy, may be particularly susceptible to narcissistic personality 
disorder(BINGO!), as a result of subconscious feelings of intense inadequacy, for which narcissism is an 

Counseling for gay men can offer the opportunity to discuss and resolve these issues. Unresolved, the 
symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder can have serious consequences, in terms of failure to form 
meaningful relationships, build friendships, develop careers and... 


Common indicators

Criteria for diagnosing narcissistic personality disorder are generally considered to be an exaggerated sense 
of self-importance, feeling superior and expecting to be considered superior by others, exaggerating 
achievements, fantasizing about spectacular successes, demanding constant admiration and compliance, taking 
advantage of others while struggling to recognize their needs and feelings, believing they are envied by 
others and generally behaving arrogantly. Psychotherapy and counseling for gay men, like Rudy, can help open 
the process of exploring issues that underlie these responses.

When to seek help

Often people experiencing narcissistic personality disorder put off seeking clinical intervention. Their 
erroneous self-perception as powerful and perfect isolates them from others including medical professionals, 
and they generally only seek treatment when they experience associated symptoms of depression, as a result of 
perceived slights or rejections with which they struggle to cope.

Early medical intervention

If you recognize personality traits that are common to narcissistic personality disorder, or you're 
experiencing depression, anxiety or a disabling sadness, you should consider contacting your own doctor to 
discuss these feelings and related concerns, or contacting an experienced counselor or psychiatrist in London 
who may be able to offer insight, perspective and the counseling that allows you to confront this life-
limiting condition. Getting appropriate treatment could make your life more rewarding and enjoyable.


When The Narcissist Rudy Fails

A Cautionary Examination of How Narcissists React To Failure

Key points

Any public embarrassment of a narcissist can cause them to unleash further anger, rage, attacks, unethical 
comportment, and incivility.

Even in light of factual evidence to the contrary, a narcissist who fails will lie more profusely and adamantly.

As a narcissist faces failure, arrest, indictment, or dismissal, they will endlessly air their grievances.

Not without cause, malignant narcissism is one of the most searched-for topics on the internet in part because seemingly there are so many people that appear to have those toxic traits that negatively impact us. These individuals are notorious because they destabilize our lives, make us feel insecure, undervalued, disparaged, or inconsequential, and as I noted in my book, Dangerous Personalities, they can victimize us emotionally, physically, and even financially. They 
come into our lives as family members, friends, lovers, spouses, colleagues at work, bosses, or worst as national leaders. Once they enter our orbit, no matter how distant, toxicity is what they have in common and they always leave a debris field of human suffering behind them.

By now, we recognize how dangerous these individuals are, precisely because their pathology drives so much of their sordid behavior, especially toward others. Their common traits such as a hyper-inflated sense of entitlement, grandiose feelings of superiority or uniqueness, delusions of infallibility, incessant disregard for the truth, perennial conniving and scheming to take advantage of others, feeling that rules and laws don't apply to them, and of course the need to 
debase others, coupled with callousness, not only wears on us, it can have devastating consequences.

The one area that is rarely talked about when it comes to malignant narcissists is what happens when they fail. Failure in private, at work, or as leaders for the narcissist can be quite disquieting if not traumatic for the rest of us. As Stuart Yudofsky notes in Fatal Flaws, these individuals are so severely "flawed of character," that they handle failure much differently than you and I because they are not introspective or capable of reform, and are lacking in empathy 
for others.

We often see narcissists in glowing terms as successful leaders of industry, or as heads of state, and yet, more often than not, their malignancy will likely, in time, ensure their own downfall, failure, or even arrest. Be it because they cheat on taxes, because they embezzle money, they circumvent rules and laws, they cheat business partners, they devalue and torment their family or domestic partner to the point of divorce, or in the case of cults (thinking of Jim Jones 
and Charles Manson here) or as national leaders, they can lead their followers or their nation into actions that are destructive. And so, when calamity strikes or failure of some sort is inevitable, how the narcissist reacts and what we, as potential victims of their actions can expect to see, is what this article is about.

As with many personality disorders, those who are severely flawed of character, but especially the narcissist, when they face public disgrace, when they are outed as criminals or for their misbehavior, or when they fail in a very public way-that is when they become metastable, placing us as family, friends, co-workers, corporations, the public, or a nation in greatest danger. When things begin to sour for the narcissist, here is what we can expect:

They will falsely claim that everything is fine and that there is nothing wrong. They will try to first misdirect us or claim there is nothing to the allegations or circumstances.

If evidence is presented, they will seek to have it invalidated or claim that 
it is false, fake, or a product of vague conspiracies, but most certainly not 

Any evidence presented, and those that present it will be attacked aggressively 
and vindictively. The better the evidence, the more aggressive the attack. 
Individuals who are doing the right thing by reporting criminal acts, unethical 
behavior, or failings are to be discredited, humiliated, hounded, and bullied-
not even their families are to be spared if need be. The narcissist will engage 
supporters or enablers to simultaneously attack those who offer proof or 
evidence, even if it embarrassingly exposes their poodle-like behavior as that 
of spineless sycophants.

Foolproof evidence will be portrayed as false and the result of pettiness, 
jealousies, bad actors, malicious individuals, negativity, haters, enemies, 
losers, conspirators, opposition, gain seekers, the faithless (usually seen in 
religious groups or cults), or as we are seeing now in American politics, "fake 
news" or "deep state" actors. There is always a large constellation of people 
to blame, the narcissist casts wide to see which vacuous claim resonates, 
especially with their supporters.

As they lash out with vindictiveness, the malignant narcissist will continue to 
talk about themselves in glowing terms; irrespective of their actual situation, 
as they are incapable of introspection, much less contriteness. They will 
trumpet their greatness, their achievements (real or imagined), their faux 
infallibility, and even portray themselves as worthy of being revered rather 
than reviled.

They will seek to find someone to blame for their troubles or downfall, 
preferably someone that cannot defend themselves. A scapegoat is always useful 
and when there is not a real one, one will be invented. If they are not promoted or fired, it is because a cabal at work was against them. If they 
cheat their business partners, it was because they deserved it. If the wife 
gets the kids in a divorce settlement, it is because of her dastardly attorney, 
not his abominable behavior. If they lose an election it is because of campaign 
managers, unappreciative voters, trickery, fraud, or some other kind of 
malfeasance on the part of a conspiracy (conspiracies are useful to the 
narcissist because they conveniently require no evidence). As they are not 
married to the truth, they will prattle countless baseless reasons that all 
point away, never at themselves.

As circumstances become dire, the narcissist will not take any responsibility-
ever. Anything that has gone wrong is the responsibility of others. They will 
blame spouses as undeserving of their greatness, ignorant colleagues who just 
don't measure up, the disloyal (Oh, they love to blame the disloyal), those who 
abide by rules and laws because ironically, they abide by rules and laws, or 
those that just clearly did not understand the very specialness of the 
narcissist. Everyone, and I mean everyone from people long gone, to the 
peripherally connected, to the earthly departed will be blamed for the failure 
or downfall of the narcissist. Once more it is never their fault.

In the process of casting blame, even the most loyal and stalwart will be 
discarded and denigrated if needed with reptilian indifference. For the 
malignant narcissist, there is only the "good" - those that provide blind, 
unwavering loyalty and who are useful, and everyone else who is an enemy, 
useless, and thus "bad." Whether you are in or out, good or bad, is not 
determined by history, by friendship, sacrifices, or how well you have 
performed in the past-it is determined by the capricious and selfish needs of 
the narcissist, and that can change in a moment.

Expect lies to increase and to be repeated exponentially. They will, even in 
light of factual evidence to the contrary, lie more profusely and adamantly. 
Lies are and always will be the number one tool of the malignant narcissist. 
The only difference now is that in facing failure or public ridicule, the lies 
must increase in frequency and audacity to the point of incredulity. The 
narcissist will expect supporters, the unethical, and enablers to lie for them 
or even create plausible alibies. That they imperil others by compelling them 
to lie is the collateral damage the malignant narcissist does as they thrash in 
despair when they are failing or caught.

And while lies will increase, so too will be the need to devalue others in 
order to further value themselves. They will attack everyone and anyone in the 
most vicious and vindictive ways. This is when we see their rage come through. 
Not just anger, but unbridled rage. They will say things that shock the 
conscience and they expect everyone to swallow what they say, much as their 
enablers do. The most decent of persons will be attacked, mocked, ridiculed, 
and turned into a human chew-toy as the narcissist unleashes untethered rage 
and hatred. They will dip down into a bottomless cauldron of antipathy and like 
an arterial spurt, will spew this toxic brew far and wide with metronomic 

The malignant narcissist, lacking guilt or a conscience, is only concerned with 
respect and not being publicly shamed. Any kind of public embarrassment will 
cause them further anger, further rage, further attacks, further unethical 
comportment, and unprecedented incivility.

If the narcissist is going to be brought down, they will also seek to bring 
everyone else around them down to vindictively make them suffer. How the 
narcissist vilifies, lashes out, or destroys others (spouse, friends, business 
partners, workmates, the general public) is up to the morbid creativity and 
depravity of the malignant narcissist, the viable tools they have available, 
and of course how dire or desperate the situation. The internet and social 
media are certainly useful as lives can be ruined with a single tweet. But so 
are guns and rifles, poison, and even assassins for hire. And if they command a 
country, they can put the security organs or the military to work on their 

In certain situations, as the end nears, the suffering of others is paramount 
to the malignant narcissist. It is their way of elevating themselves-sick as 
that sounds-by malevolently paying back society with even more suffering. As 
they lash out, they will show no concern or empathy because they have none. If 
others are suffering because of their actions, the narcissist simply does not 
care. Lacking a conscience or any kind of remorse, much like Robert Hare's 
psychopath, they sleep very well at night while everyone else is anxious, 
worried, stressed, physically or psychologically traumatizes all the while 
nervously and justifiably pondering what further malevolence will take place.

As they face failure, arrest, indictment, or dismissal, they will endlessly air 
their grievances. Narcissists are natural wound collectors and as such, they 
have been collecting and nurturing social slights and perceived wrongs just for 
this occasion. They will wallow in victimhood claiming they have been 
relentlessly and needlessly persecuted. They, of course, expect their 
attorneys, followers, or enablers to subserviently echo their flatulent claims.

So, what happens in the end? Difficult to predict. Each circumstance is 
different. Some will kick and flail and disappear for a while, intentionally or 
thanks to incarceration-biding their time until they can do it all over again. 
Others regroup, plan, scheme, and prepare another triumphant entry into the 
lives of the unsuspecting to victimize them when the opportunity arises. 
Others, unfortunately, will seek to do harm as they face a breakup, a divorce, 
are fired from a job, are outed for their crimes, or are removed from office. 
Others will hound, stalk, or just make life intolerable for those they deem responsible. Their past can often give us insight as to what they might do, but one can never be sure-humans are terribly complex and as with many afflicted with a personality disorder, sensitive to the smallest of unrecognized but catalytic triggers.

In the case of narcissistic cult leaders, the cult members often pay with their lives as they did in Jonestown Guyana when Jim Jones came under investigation. In interpersonal relationships, violence is always something to be concerned about as J. Reid Meloy reminds us in his book, Violent Attachments.

And of course, in politics, much harm can be done when power can be wielded-but the worst comes when a malignantly narcissistic leader or head of state, severely flawed of character, claims that only they can fix things, that only they can shape the future, that only they have the answers, and that only they have a grand vision for the future and so out of necessity they must stay on to save us.

When you hear that, it should give you pause. That is when we have to worry the most. If you don't believe me, let me tell you about one malignant narcissist of note. You may have heard of him-he was an Austrian corporal who painted postcards for a living. Full of himself and with no shortage of grandiose ideas, he decided on his own to run for office with one goal among various, which was to "Deutschland wieder großartig machen" - to make Germany great again.


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his 
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

11 Things Rudy The Narcissist Can't Stand, Which Makes Him Miserable

Rudy is a person who refuses to acknowledge his own flaws and believes in his own infallibility. This state of mind is referred to as "narcissistic personality disorder" or simply "narcissism" in psychology.

A narcissist is someone who believes in his or her own superiority over others. It's not difficult to spot him among pals. He makes an effort to be the center of attention, and he succeeds because others are much more modest. The narcissist himself makes a lot of noise, speaks loudly, and gestures a lot. He routinely makes fun of his friends and has no qualms about gossiping about his colleagues who are currently absent.

A narcissist is someone who has pathological narcissism as well as low self-confidence. He thinks of himself as attractive, intellectual, and brilliant, but he continually seeks validation from others.

So, in today's topic, I'll take you on a fascinating tour through the top 11 things that narcissists, like Rudy, despise.

Number One: Insufficient Narcissistic Supply

When a narcissist's supply, that is, the attention that allows them to feel like they are truly significant and exist, runs short, an irritating emptiness and anxiety emerge from within them.

This is when Rudy posts on Usenet, articles that seem to be calling out people. Rudy has run out of his narcissistic supply, felling empty and all alone.

It's also self-evident. When a narcissist is high as a KITE with enough narcissistic supply to feed his or her unsafe and demanding ego, you'll notice how darkness and moodiness become obvious, and when he or she isn't being given supply, you'll see how darkness and moodiness become apparent.

"I can kill you with one hand. You know this." - Rudy

This is the most dangerous zone, wherein "the narcissist you know" can turn on you or must flee the scene in order to get much-needed supplies out in the world and escape the self-annihilating inner feelings of the flawed and exceedingly dangerous Inner Being.

Number Two: They Don't Believe They're In Charge

People must believe that narcissists are gifted, unique, and knowledgeable.

When someone with greater expertise and experience than them enters a Usenet group, they can suffer serious narcissistic harm. This includes EVERY single right-thinking Conservative.

They might try to take control and prevent the other person from speaking.

"You already squandered your reply.  You only get one." - Rudy Canoza

... or they might try to change the subject.


They will depart if this is not doable. Then, of course, deconstruct this person's trustworthiness.

Number 3: Are You Enjoying Yourself?

This serves as a powerful reminder to the narcissist that while he or she feels dead on the inside, you have the potential to access and experience his negative emotions.

If your happy feelings are about anything or someone other than the narcissist, this is a further insult to the narcissist.

He should be the center of your universe, according to the narcissist. And you have no right to be happy when the narcissist isn't.

He'll do everything he can to sabotage your positive feelings.

The mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy, *NOT* a three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a golf pro, *NEVER* a lifeguard, NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been laid, but just a pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy" praised Rudy:

Number 4: You Are Prosperous

The narcissist, on the other hand, should be the one receiving all of the praise, honors, and attention.

If you earn any recognition, she or he is pathologically envious and jealous.

You'll very certainly be punished for depriving narcissists of something they desperately need to survive: valuable importance.

Number 5: Other People Are More Appealing Than They Are

Narcissists believe they are the most desirable person on the planet because of their false version of themselves.

Because of their horrible anxieties, they may purposely keep their lovers away from such a person.

Number 6: Having Constraints

Narcissists despise borders. They despise being told what to do and find it intolerable.

They prefer not to be held accountable to anyone. Being a normal person is a terrifying prospect for them.

Narcissists believe that they must be able to have whatever they want, whenever they want it... And no one has the right to tell them otherwise!

Number 7: Being Interrogated

The narcissist thinks he or she is above criticism.

You have no right to question the narcissist in any way. They believe that you are supposed to let them do anything they want, whenever they want, and without question.

If you ask a narcissist a question, which you should, you will be faced with tremendous defense mechanisms, wrath, or abandonment.

A narcissist will not accept it, much less meet with you to work things out.

Number 8: Being Exposed

When you cure yourself of any fear, anxiety, or guilt from persecution and bring the facts to the table plainly and calmly, it makes the narcissist extremely uncomfortable.

This is particularly true when you are attempting to draw other people's attention to the topic.

Unless you let the narcissist drag you into the shadows, he can't tamper with you.

A narcissist will fade as much as a vampire does when a great bright light is put on them once you stand true and tall and bring everything out into the bright light of exposure.

Number 9: You Refusing to Be Hoovered

You never give up and allow yourself to be a narcissist supply again if you know your value and keep it, no matter what the narcissist attempts to do - the narcissist will take it as a great insult.

Why aren't you succumbing to the seductions any longer?

Why do you believe you are entitled to something better or that you can survive without them?

All of these questions terrify and plague a narcissist, depriving them of their own significance.

Number ten: Ignorance

When a narcissist is neglected, he or she suffers a severe ego injury.

When you become "anti-fear" as a result of working on your Inner Self to eliminate emotional inner triggers, you're no longer interested in games, nonsense, or power struggles.

You'll separate them from their food and refuse to feed them anymore.

The narcissist runs out of gasoline without your fear, worry, and sadness to keep powering up and hurting you.

He or she feels helpless and resents the fact that you are no longer impacted. To receive a feed, the narcissist will and must take their hostility and manipulation to someone else.
You're Thriving, Number 11

The narcissist feels that you should have been affected for the rest of your life, and that you should have been thoroughly devastated and desecrated. It gives her or him a sense of importance!

What's so great about this group is that these ancient outcomes (personal irreversible damage), which were all too common for those who had been narcissistically abused, are now firmly in the past.

You have the ability to thrive.

You have a chance to succeed.

You might also strive to live a better life than you have in the past.

You may reclaim your health and achieve tremendous radiance and well-being, free of all narcissistic abuse symptoms.

You can restore your health to incredible radiation and luxury, completely free from all symptoms of narcissistic abuse.

This is what I do and I have the greatest happiness in helping you generate in your life.

You can also continue this amazing journey that I and others live every day, so you can know " how to help a narcissist ".

"I'm done with you because I choose me!"


Rudy's Little Man's Disease: A disease of short males marked by aggressive antisocial behavior and constant overcompensation resulting in pompous mannerisms such as spitting, twitching, swearing, speaking loudly and tough talk. 

"I can kill you with one hand. You know this." - Rudy

The disease only affects teenagers or men who are less than 5" 6" tall.

"I'm about eight inches shorter than Trump." - Rudy

The severity of this disease is inversely proportional to the height of the sufferer. Other characteristics of this scourge are a very short penis, acne, low I.Q and bad etiquette.

Often these males are homophobic to the point of insanity because of latent sexual orientation issues.


"Fixed your lie, you you no-fight faggot." - Rudy

"Thanks for kicking my faggot ass." - Rudy

"'Self" is redundant, you toothless squat-to-piss no-fight faggot. - Rudy

"I've beaten *you* to a bloody pulp, you squat-to-piss *no-fight* faggot - every fucking time. You're a zero, as every, stale, squat-to-piss *no-fight* faggot who incessantly bleats about "mommy's basement" *ALWAYS* is." - Rudy

"... you you no-fight faggot." - Rudy

"... you toothless squat-to-piss no-fight faggot" - Rudy

"Kicked your flabby faggot ass again. Yes." - Rudy

"You a Squat-to-Piss Faggot." - Rudy

"The disgusting gurgling, slurping sounds below are just the faggots Hartung, Sanitary Napkin and Bit of Nothingness enjoying a three-way" - Rudy

"YOU lose, Nazi faggot." - Rudy

Little Man's Disease is an untreatable epidemic in this country. 

This is Rudy: https://i.imgur.com/x47K4Rh.mp4


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his 
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

Rudy Gets So Angwy
Narcissists, like Rudy, are people who feed off the energy of others. They draw from people around them TO BOOST THEIR SELF-ESTEEM.


As a result, they are extraordinarily self-centered. If you have a narcissist for a boss, it can be very difficult. Narcissists are reluctant to share credit with others.

One question about narcissists is whether they are also prone to aggressive and violent reactions toward others when their self-esteem is threatened. This issue was explored in a paper by Zlatan Krizan and Omesh Johar in the May 2015 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

The researchers point out that there are actually two subtypes of narcissism:

One is grandiose narcissism, which is characterized by people having a high opinion of themselves. Grandiose narcissists believe that other people are interested in them, and that they should be listened to by others. One of the most popular personality tests used to identify narcissists, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, measures grandiose narcissism.

The second subtype is vulnerable narcissism, in which people are self-centered, but also defensive and resentful of others.

This new set of studies suggests that vulnerable narcissism leads to aggressive and violent reactions to other people, while grandiose narcissism does not.

In one study, participants were given several personality inventories, including one designed to test for grandiose narcissism and one designed to test for vulnerable narcissism. Participants filled out scales that measured their level of physical and verbal aggression, as well as anger and hostility toward others. The researchers also measured individuals' tendency to experience shame.

Vulnerable narcissists were much more prone than grandiose narcissists to experience shame, to find their self-esteem influenced by the beliefs of others, and to experience anger and rage toward others. Grandiose narcissists were more prone than vulnerable narcissists to feel entitled and to try to exploit others.

A second study looked at aggression in the laboratory. Participants were measured on scales of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. Participants had been told that the study was focused on food preferences. They were told that they had been paired with a partner sitting in another room. First, that unseen partner was going to select a food for them to taste, and then they were going to select a food for the partner to taste.

The first phase of the study was designed to provoke a reaction in the participants. They were told that their partner selected a bitter drink for them to try. They were told that the partner could give them a mildly bitter drink or a harshly bitter drink, and could select how much of it the person had to try.

One group of participants was given three ounces of the harshly bitter drink. This was expected to make the participant feel like their partner did not like them. A second group of participants was given three ounces of the mildly bitter drink. This condition was a control. All participants were asked to drink what they were given, and all did so. The participants given the more bitter drink felt it was vile. Participants rated how annoyed they were at the other person as 
well as their anger toward that person and their trust of that person.

In the second phase of the study, participants selected a spicy sauce for a second person to drink. They could select amounts from two bottles, one of which was a very hot pepper sauce, while the other was mild. Participants got a small taste of the sauces so that they would know how unpleasant the hotter sauce was. The idea was that the more aggressive the participant felt toward their partner, the more hot sauce they would want that participant to drink.

Participants who had been given the bitter drink were more annoyed at their partner than those given the mild drink. As a result, people who were given the bitter drink were more likely to give hot sauce to the other person than those who were given the mild drink. The people high in vulnerable narcissism who received the bitter drink were most likely to give hot sauce to the other person. The vulnerable narcissists given the bitter drink were also most angry at, and 
least trusting of, the other person. Grandiose narcissism, however, did not predict aggression toward the other person or ratings of anger or trust.

These studies suggest that there are two distinct subtypes of narcissists:

Those whose narcissism reflects a feeling of self-importance tend to exploit other people, but they are not inclined to act aggressively or violently toward others.

Those whose narcissism reflects feelings of defensiveness and resentment feel shame when their self-esteem is threatened, and tend to react to those threats with anger and aggression.


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

Why Does Narcissistic Rudy Need So Much Attention

Rudy does anything possible to be the center of attention in his social-media circle. Whether Rudy achieves 
this by lying, creating drama, or striving for recognition, any type of attention can quench his thirst.

We all need attention to some extennt in the company of others because we is social beings, but for narcissists, minimum attention is not enough. Rudy has a deeper hunger for it. Rudy feels satisfied only when Rudy is the center of attention.

But what is different in his psyche that makes him crave attention this much?

Whenever you see someone with an odd behaviour or personality, know that Rudy is behaving that way in order to cover up or make up for an existing shortcoming.

Like his height?


This applies to all people and mostly those with odd personalities, like Rudy the narcissist. A lying person will try to look as innocent as possible. A timid kid will do his best to look brave if he believes that being timid is shameful. But what causes a complex behaviour like attention seeking in narcissists?

1. Rudy Believes That He Deserves It

Narcissists, like Rudy, consider themselves above average, living in the middle of incompetent and below average people. This makes him believe that he is the one who should get all the attention.

Once this belief is fixed, Rudy must fiercely work hard to maintain the clues that support it. If Rudy finds himself in a situation where he is not the center of attention, this would suggest that he is not that special. This can badly hurt his fragile ego.

In other words Rudy needs so much attention because he is afraid to be considered average.

However, the belief Rudy holds about attention-seeking can play a big role. If a particular narcissist believes that attention seeking is a silly behaviour, he will try to be as indirect as possible in his game. 

2. It Is A Source of Narcissistic Supply

Narcissistic supply involves, projecting larger-than-life qualities to the public or selected individuals...

"Professor Rudy"

"Superior Rudy"

... in order to get positive feedback. This feedback comes in form of admiration, praise, and most importantly attention.

(Only to HIMSELF!)

Note that negative attention is also appreciated to some extent.

He would rather get negative attention that zero attention.


This narcissistic supply is the oxygen he breathes. Without it, he would sink into depression and bad moods. 

3. To Cover Up Inferiority Feelings. (LOL)

The popular definition of narcissism says that, "behind the mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem (inferiority)." And that is completely true. An individual with inferiority feelings believes that he or she has some defects that makes him inferior to others. These defects can be real or imagined.

(Oh, they're real, all right. Dwarfism?)

Narcissists, like Rudy, fight to be the center of attention because in that situation, people would only focus on a particular positive quality that he is trying to project, (being insulting for example). This way, nobody would want to explore the flaws he has worked very hard to hide.

Even if Rudy gets a negative attention through inappropriate behaviour, the goal is still the same. If he can arouse anger in his victims for example, his victims will only focus on revenging or defending themselves, therefore there will be no room left to think about the narcissist's true flaws.

4. He Feels Ignored. (ding ding ding ding... we have a winner!)

Feeling invisible is one of Rudy's worst fears.

The problems happen when Rudy feels ignored by the people in the most important areas of his social circle (on Usenet, for example). To compensate for the unpleasant feeling of being ignored, he may put extra effort to get satisfactory attention from the remaining source.

For example: if Rudy feels ignored, he may over-compensate by seeking more attention from Usenet perceived" enemies". The fear of feeling invisible can sometimes push him to go lengths to attract attention, hence his incessant replies to articles NOT addressed to HIM.


Narcissists Really Are Pathetic And Broken

Imagine that the only way you could feel better about yourself is by putting other people down, sabotaging them, crushing them, turning others against them. Entering them into a competition that they did not sign up for and beating them at any and all cost. Imagine having such poor, pathetic character that that's the main way that you operate in life. That's all you're capable of. That's all you stand for, taking away the joy and fulfillment from other people.

That's just pathetic. How empty, how shameless do you have to be to behave like that? To treat other people as only existing to be a means to your end? Being utterly incapable of ever truly wishing another well? That is a sad, desperate existence.

They are emotionally stunted. They are not capable of the full depth of emotion you and I am. They will never truly know love. At best the mimic the appearance of love and think that's what it is. Now that is truly sad.

The narcissist already knows that he is broken. The narcissist hates himself, has massive shame and expects everything he touches to turn to shit. His outer defense is to deny and avoid that shame, because he won't get the attention, energy, admiration and sex that he requires if he steeps himself in that toxic tea.

To be clear, I'm NOT talking about covert narcissists, because I have no experience with them.

Therefore, the overt narcissist presents a confident, powerful, indifferent, ego-centric public profile. No matter his stature/height, he will be "Large and in Charge," larger than life. In this case, the narcissist is 5'6", ugly, badly-groomed, sloppily dressed and with an unseemly figure.

He's chronically depressed, frequently sunk into a pit of despair that he tries to remedy by watching porn and being addicted to his image on Facebook (mysterious, twistedly funny and politically "out there") with frequent rants that were childish and offensive to many people.

So, narcissists don't have to "find out" they're broken. If you are hoping that helping them discover their brokenness may lead them to an epiphany that will turn around your Usenet relationship, don't. 

Their brokenness is not fixable.

Message-ID: <MPG.41490d491673770698ab9a@news.eternal-september.org>


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his 
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

Why Rudy Is Rudy

There are many similarities between the way Rudy the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Rudy the narcissist has arrested emotional development. 

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Rudy, for whatever reason. Often, this reason is abuse or neglect during childhood. 

These things caused Rudy to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse. 

Rudy's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are skipped, so to speak, or don't happen. 

(see Rudy's separation from reality) 

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense pattern malignant narcissism. 

In children, these things are normal. In Rudy, they are evidence of a disorder. 

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When Rudy's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply could not cope anymore, does Rudy sympathize accordingly? Does Rudy stop crying? 

No. Rudy does not recognize this. Rudy does not care. Rudy can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs, regardless of his mother's suffering. 

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Rudy the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand or consider other people's needs. 

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Rudy is, the more narcissistic he will be, the more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking. 

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler. 

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Rudy that is very clearly on par with a very young child's, Rudy the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people. 

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children. Rudy sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Rudy the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension of himself, the way that children do and Rudy the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and immortality as children do. 

He has always been, he will always be. 

So children believe... so Rudy the narcissist believes. 

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children. 

How could it? Rather, Rudy functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he experiences or encounters is related to him in some form. 

This is the same way Rudy see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Rudy. 

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children; despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in any way. 

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only context they can understand. This is identical to how Rudy the narcissist views all other people: outside of the narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist. 

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as individuals that are separate from themselves. Rudy does not. 

The development of Rudy is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world. 

Because of this, Rudy often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who act in the world. 

In Rudy's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life. 

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a child. 

Rudy the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child. 

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Rudy may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things, simply reacting on impulse as we see children do. 

Like a child, Rudy often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults. 

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility. 

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Rudy doesn't seem to feel he should be either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say. 


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Rudy doesn't seem to realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be. 

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents. 

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are. It does not seem to enter Rudy's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old. Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really 
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is an inability to even understand why this would be expected. 

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Rudy does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Rudy's reasoning is examined, when all of Rudy's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain, this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are expected to 
behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else. 

All of Rudy's attention seeking, all of Rudy's manipulations, all of Rudy's gas lighting, all of Rudy's smear campaigns, all of Rudy's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult. 

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate." Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore. Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and 
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more dangerous because they are coming from an adult. 


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

[I Just *LOVE* The Way This Sig-file Makes Boi-Fucker Lose His Fucking Mind]

Rudy's Little Man's Disease: A disease of short males marked by aggressive antisocial behavior and constant overcompensation resulting in pompous mannerisms such as spitting, twitching, swearing, speaking loudly and tough talk. 

"I can kill you with one hand.  You know this." - Rudy

The disease only affects teenagers or men who are less than 5' 6" tall.

"I'm about eight inches shorter than Trump [6' 2"]." - Rudy

The severity of this disease is inversely proportional to the height of the sufferer. Other characteristics of this scourge are a very short penis, acne, low I.Q and bad etiquette.

Often these males are homophobic to the point of insanity because of latent sexual orientation issues.

**FAGGOT!** - Rudy Canoza

"Fixed your lie, you you no-fight faggot." - Rudy Canoza

"Thanks for kicking my faggot ass." - Rudy Canoza

"'Self' is redundant, you toothless squat-to-piss no-fight faggot. - Rudy Canoza

"I've beaten *you* to a bloody pulp, you squat-to-piss *no-fight* faggot - every fucking time.  You're a zero, as every, stale, squat-to-piss *no-fight* faggot who incessantly bleats about "mommy's basement" *ALWAYS* is." - Rudy Canoza

"... you you no-fight faggot." - Rudy Canoza

"... you toothless squat-to-piss no-fight faggot" - Rudy Canoza

"Kicked your flabby faggot ass again.  Yes." - Rudy Canoza

"You a Squat-to-Piss Faggot." - Rudy Canoza

"The disgusting gurgling, slurping sounds below are just the faggots Hartung, Sanitary Napkin and Bit of Nothingness enjoying a three-way" - Rudy Canoza

"YOU lose, Nazi faggot." - Rudy Canoza

Little Man's Disease is an untreatable epidemic in this country. 

This is Rudy Canoza:  https://i.imgur.com/kDtydh1.mp4


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

What Rudy Does To Ease His Pain And Failure

A Cautionary Examination of How Rudy Reacts To Failure

Not without cause, malignant narcissism, like Rudy's, is one of the most searched for topics on the internet, in part, because seemingly, there is so many people, like Rudy, that appear to have those toxic traits.

Rudy is notorious, because he destabilizes his own life, making himself feel insecure, undervalued, disparaged, or inconsequential, and as noted, can victimize himself emotionally, as well as physically (poor wittle midget), even financially (dirt-poor mommy-sitter).

We recognize how dangerous rudy is to himself, precisely because his pathology drives so much of his sordid behavior, especially toward others.

His common traits such as: a hyper inflated sense of entitlement, grandiose FEELINGS OF SUPERIORITY or uniqueness, DELUSIONS OF INFALLIBILITY, incessant DISREGARD FOR THE TRUTH, feeling that RULES AND LAWS DON'T APPLY TO HIM, and of course THE NEED TO DEBASE OTHERS to make himself feel better... coupled with callousness, can have devastating consequences.

The one area that is rarely talked about when it comes to the malignant narcissist, is what happens when he fails, like Rudy does when he misspells a word or fucks things up grammatically.

These individuals is so severely "flawed of character," that he handles failure much different than you and I because he is not introspective or capable of reform, and is lacking in empathy for others.

More often than not, his malignancy will likely, in time, ensure his own downfall or failure.

(too late... done happent)

As with many personality disorders, those who are severely flawed of character, and ESPECIALLY like Rudy... when he faces public disgrace or when he is outed as a criminal or for his misbehavior, or when he fails in a very public way (like, every day!)-that is when he become metastable.

(Yeah, Rudy... you ARE a Cancer)

FOOLPROOF EVIDENCE WILL BE PORTRAYED AS FALSE and the result of: pettiness, jealousies, bad actors, malicious individuals, negativity, haters, enemies, losers, conspirators, opposition, gain seekers, the faithless (usually seen in religious groups or cults), or as we are seeing now in American politics, "fake news" or "deep state" actors. There are always a large constellation of people to blame, and Rudy casts wide to see which vacuous claim resonates.

As Rudy lashes out with vindictiveness, the malignant narcissist will continue to talk about himself in glowing terms (Professor Canoza); irrespective of his actual situation, as he is incapable of introspection, much less contriteness.

HE WILL TRUMPET HIS GREATNESS, his achievements, real or imagined (IMAGINED), his faux infallibility, and even portray himself as worthy of being revered rather than reviled.

He will seek to find someone to blame for his troubles or downfall (like those who make him look stupid on Usenet... we know who we are... wink wink), preferably someone that he THINKS cannot defend himself. A scapegoat is always useful and when there is not a real one, one will be invented.

As circumstances become dire, Rudy will not take any responsibility-ever! 

Anything that has gone wrong is the responsibility of others.

He will blame Usenet members as UNDESERVING OF HIS GREATNESS, ignorant colleagues who just don't measure up.


He will, even in light of factual evidence to the contrary, LIE MORE PROFUSELY and adamantly.

Lies will always be the number one tool of the malignant narcissist, Rudy.

The only difference now is that in facing failure or public ridicule, the lies must increase in frequency and audacity to the point of incredulity.

Rudy will expect supporters, like the gay leftist liberals on Usenet, the unethical, and enablers to lie for him or even create plausible alibis.

(Nope... he uses words like *FAGGOT*, so don't expect THAT to be true)


He will attack EVERYONE AND ANYONE in the most vicious and vindictive ways. 

This is when we see his rage come through.

Not just anger, but unbridled rage. Rudy will say things that shock the conscience and he expect everyone to swallow what he says, much as his enablers do.

"I can kill you with one hand. You know this."

"Thanks for kicking my faggot ass."

"'Self' is redundant, you toothless squat-to-piss no-fight faggot."

"I've beaten *you* to a bloody pulp, you squat-to-piss *no-fight* faggot - every fucking time.  You're a zero, as every, stale, squat-to-piss *no-fight* faggot who incessantly bleats about "mommy's basement" *ALWAYS* is."

"... you you no-fight faggot."

"... you toothless squat-to-piss no-fight faggot"

"Kicked your flabby faggot ass again. Yes."

"You a Squat-to-Piss Faggot."

"The disgusting gurgling, slurping sounds below are just the faggots Hartung, Sanitary Napkin and Bit of Nothingness enjoying a three-way"

"YOU lose, Nazi faggot."

The most decent of persons will be attacked, mocked, ridiculed, and turned into a human chew-toy as Rudy unleashes untethered rage and hatred. He will dip down into a bottomless cauldron of antipathy and like an arterial spurt, will spew this toxic brew far and wide with metronomic regularity.

Rudy lacks guilt or a conscience, and is only concerned with respect and not being publicly shamed. Any kind of public embarrassment will cause him further anger, further rage, further attacks, further unethical comportment, and unprecedented incivility.

(That's our Rudy!)

If Rudy is going to be brought down, he will also seek to bring everyone else around them down to vindictively make them suffer.

How Rudy vilifies, lashes out, or destroys others is up to his MORBID CREATIVITY and depravity, the viable tools he has available, and of course how dire or desperate the situation.

(Perfect description coming)

In certain situations, as the end nears, the suffering of others is paramount to Rudy, the malignant narcissist.

IT IS HIS WAY OF ELEVATING HIMSELF-sick as that sounds-by malevolently PAYING BACK SOCIETY with even more suffering.

As he lashes out, he will show no concern or empathy because he has none.

As he faces failure, he will endlessly air his grievances. Narcissists, like Rudy, are natural wound collectors and as such, has been collecting and nurturing social slights and perceived wrongs just for this occasion.

HE WILL WALLOW IN VICTIM-HOOD claiming he has been relentlessly and needlessly persecuted. He, of course, expects everyone to subserviently echo his flatulent claims.

So, what happens in the end? Difficult to predict. Each circumstance is different. Some will kick and flail and disappear for a while (like wy wee edell and Yeung and Matt, wink wink), intentionally or thanks to incarceration (taking care of mommy)-biding his time until he can do it all over again.

Others regroup, plan, scheme, and prepare another triumphant entry into the lives of the unsuspecting to victimize them when the opportunity arises.

Others will hound, stalk, or just make life intolerable for those he deems responsible.

His past can often give us insight as to what he might do, but one can never be sure-humans are terribly complex and as with many afflicted with a personality disorder, sensitive to the smallest of unrecognized but catalytic triggers.

Rudy... triggered.


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his 
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

Fear of "The Other"

According to A.J. Marsden, assistant professor of psychology and human services at Beacon College in Leesburg, Florida, one reason Rudy hates is because he fears things that are different from himself.

Behavioral researcher Patrick Wanis, cites the in-group out-group theory, which posits that when Rudy feels threatened by perceived outsiders, he instinctively turns toward our in-group-those with whom Rudy identifies as a survival mechanism.

Wanis explains, "Hatred is driven by two key emotions of love and aggresssion: One love for the in-group-the group that is favored; and two, aggression for the out-group-the group that has been deemed as being different, dangerous, and a threat to the in-group."

Fear of Himself

According to Washington, D.C., clinical psychologist Dana Harron, the things Rudy hates about others, are the things that he fears within himself. She suggests thinking about the targeted group or person as a movie screen onto which Rudy projects unwanted parts of the self. The idea is, "I'm not terrible; you are."

This phenomenon is known as projection, a term coined by Freud to describe our tendency to reject what Rudy doesn't like about himself. Psychologist Brad Reedy further describes projection as Rudy's need to be good, which causes him to project "badness" outward and attack it:

"Rudy developed this method to survive, for any 'badness' in him puts him at risk for being rejected and alone. So, Rudy represses the things that he thinks are bad (what others told him or suggested to him that was unlovable and morally reprehensible) - and Rudy employs hate and judgment towards others.

Rudy thinks that is how one rids himself of undesirable traits, but this method only perpetuates repression which leads to many mental health issues.


Lack of Self-compassion

The antidote to hate is compassion - for others as well as ourselves. Self-compassion means that Rudy accept his whole self. "If Rudy finds part of himself unacceptable, he tends to attack others in order to defend against the threat," says Reedy.

"If Rudy is okay with himself, he see others' behaviors as 'about them' and can respond with compassion. If I kept hate in my heart for [another], I would have to hate myself as well. It is only when Rudy learns to hold himself with compassion that Rudy may be able to demonstrate it toward others."

It fills a void

Psychologist Bernard Golden, author of Overcoming Destructive Anger: Strategies That Work, believes that when hate involves participation in a group (like Usenet), it may help foster a sense of connection and camaraderie that fills a void in one's identity. He describes hatred of individuals or groups as a way of distracting oneself from the more challenging and anxiety-provoking task of creating one's own identity:

(BINGO! coming up)

"Acts of hate are attempts to distract oneself from feelings such as helplessness, powerlessness, injustice, inadequacy and shame. Hate is grounded in some sense of perceived threat. It is an attitude that can give rise to hostility and aggression toward individuals or groups. Like much of anger, it is a reaction to and distraction from some form of inner pain. The individual consumed by hate may believe that the only way to regain some sense of power over his or her pain 
is to preemptively strike out at others. In this context, each moment of hate is a temporary reprieve from inner suffering."


Societal and Cultural Factors

The answer to why Rudy hates, according to Silvia Dutchevici, LCSW, president and founder of the Critical Therapy Center, lies not only in our psychological makeup or family history, but also in our cultural and political history. "Rudy lives in a war culture that promotes violence, in which competition is a way of life," she says.

"Rudy fears connecting because it requires us to reveal something about himself. Rudy was taught to hate the enemy - meaning anyone different than us - which leaves little room for vulnerability and an exploration of hate through empathic discourse and understanding. In our current society, one is more ready to fight than to resolve conflict. Peace is seldom the option."

What Can Rudy Do?

Hatred has to be learned, Golden says: "Rudy was born with the capacity for aggression as well as compassion. Which tendencies Rudy embraces requires mindful choice by individuals, families, communities and our culture in general. The key to overcoming hate is education: at home, in schools, and in the community."

According to Dutchevici, facing the fear of being vulnerable and utterly human is what allows us to connect, to feel, and ultimately, to love. She suggests creating "cracks in the system." These cracks can be as simple as connecting to your neighbor, talking with a friend, starting a protest, or even going to therapy and connecting with an 'Other.' It is through these acts that one can understand hate and love."

In other words, compassion towards others is the true context that heals.


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his 
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

How Rudy Thinks (Warning: It's Pretty Messed Up)

Joe Navarro

We often hear the term "narcissist," but in reality, what does that mean? Does it merely describe someone who likes to be the center of attention or likes the way he or she looks, or is there more to it?

The psychiatric literature defines narcississts, like Rudy, as having specific traits such as having a sense of entitlement or requiring excessive admiration, to name a few. But what are narcissistic individuals really like on a day-to-day level?

How a narcissist, like Rudy, thinks:

Anyone who has lived with or worked for a narcissist will tell you how a narcissist, like Rudy, thinks: narcissists, like Rudy, view themselves entirely differently - i.e., preferentially - compared to others, making those around them less valued. And there's the rub: everything must be about the narcissist.

We don't mind that a two-year-old needs constant attention. That's appropriate for the developmental stage of a two-year-old. But we do mind when a forty-year-old needs that level of appreciation - and achieving it comes at our expense.

Narcissists, like Rudy, victimize those around them just by just being who they are, and they won't change. That statement may seem extreme until you listen to the stories of those who have been victimized by a narcissist. Then you realize just how toxic these individuals are.

Work for a narcissistic boss and I can guarantee that he or she will make you physically or psychologically ill. Live with one and I fear for you. I can say that because in researching my book Dangerous Personalities, I talked to scores of individuals who have been victimized by narcissistic personality disorder.

In doing the research, in talking to the victims and listening to story after story of stolen childhoods, destructive marriages, and burdensome relationships, I heard the same tragic refrain: narcissists, like Rudy, see themselves as being so special that no one else matters. No one. Over time, the behavior resulting from their defining pathological traits will cast a wide debris field of human suffering.

But don't take it from me. Listen to the victims. Here's what I have learned about how a narcissist thinks and the lessons that no medical book can teach you. They are lessons for all of us.

1. I love myself and I know you do, too; in fact, everyone does - I can't imagine anyone that doesn't.

2. I have no need to apologize. You, however, must understand, accept, and tolerate me no matter what I do or say.

3. I have few equals in this world, and so far, I have yet to meet one. I am the best (manager, businessman, lover, student, etc.).

4. Most people don't measure up. Without me to lead, others would flounder.

5. I appreciate that there are rules and obligations, but those apply mostly to you because I don't have the time or the inclination to abide by them. Besides, rules are for the average person, and I am far above average.

6. I hope you appreciate all that I am and everything that I have achieved for you-because I am wonderful and faultless.

7. I do wish we could be equals, but we are not and never will be. I will remind you with an unapologetic frequency that I am the smartest person in the room and how well I did in school, in business, as a parent, etc., and you must be grateful.

8. I may seem arrogant and haughty, and that's OK with me. I just don't want to be seen as being like you.

9. I expect you to be loyal to me at all times, no matter what I do; however, don't expect me to be loyal to you in any way.

10. I will criticize you and I expect you to accept it, but if you criticize me, especially in public, I will come at you with rage. One more thing: I will never forget or forgive, and I will pay you back one way or another because I am a "wound collector."

11. I expect you to be interested in what I have achieved and in what I have to say. I, on the other hand, am not at all interested in you or in what you have achieved, so don't expect much curiosity or interest from me about your life. I just don't care.

RELATED: 11 Signs Your Personality Is Offensive (And You Don't Know It)

12. I am not manipulative; I just like to have things done my way, no matter how much it inconveniences others or how it makes them feel. I actually don't care how others feel; feelings are for the weak.

13. I expect gratitude at all times, for even the smallest things I do. As for you, I expect you to do as I demand.

14. I only associate with the best people, and frankly, most of your friends don't measure up.

15. If you would just do what I say and obey, things would be better.

As you can see, it is not easy living with or working with someone that thinks and behaves this way. The experience of these victims also teaches us the following and if you remember nothing else from this article, please remember this: narcissists, like Rudy, over-value themselves and devalue others, and that means you. You will never be treated as an equal, you will never be respected, and you will in time be devalued out of necessity so that they can over-value 


Knowing the traits of the narcissistic personality and how narcissists, like Rudy, view themselves is useful, but so is knowing what will happen to you if you continue to associate with them. I say this while being well aware that in many cases, children, the elderly, or the infirm may not have a choice. In those cases, it is up to all of us as friends, relatives, teachers, coaches, associates, and co-workers to assist as best we can.

Also, there are those who, for reasons of finances, circumstances, or because they are in a complicated relationship or marriage, will choose to stick it out. To them I say beware: you will be victimized and you will pay a price, be it physically, psychologically, or even financially.

I say that from experience and from talking to many victims whose stories still burden my heart. If you do choose to live with or work with a narcissistic personality, be prepared to accept the following:

1. Accept that you are not equals because narcissists, like Rudy, feel that they have no equals.

2. Those feelings of insecurity, dismay, disbelief, or incongruity that you are experiencing are real and will continue.

3. Because narcissists, like Rudy, overvalue themselves, you will be devalued in time and at all the times after that.

You will, in essence, become the narcissist's chew-toy. Gird yourself to be repeatedly degraded.

4. You will be talked to and treated in ways you never imagined, and you will be expected to tolerate it.

5. The narcissist's needs, wants, and desires come first above all others, no matter how inconvenient to you.

6. Be prepared on a moment's notice for them to turn on you with reptilian indifference at a moment's notice...

As if any positive interactions in the past did not matter. You will question your own sanity as they turn on you, but that is your reality when involved with a narcissist.

7. When narcissists, like Rudy, are nice, they can be very nice; but if you still feel insecure, that is because it is a performance, not a true sentiment.

Niceness is a tool for social survival-a means to get what they want, like needing a hammer to hang a picture.

8. You will lap up the narcissist's niceness, poodle-like, because it doesn't come often, but niceness for the narcissist is perfunctory; merely utilitarian.

9. Be prepared for when the narcissist lashes out not with anger, but with rage.

It is frightening! You will feel attacked and your sense of dignity will be violated.

10. Morality, ethics, and kindness are mere words.

Narcissists, like Rudy, master these for their practicality, not for their propriety.

11. Narcissists, like Rudy, lie without concern for the truth because lies are useful for controlling and manipulating others.

When you catch them in a lie, they will say that it is you who is lying or wrong, or that you misunderstood. Prepare to be attacked and to receive counter-allegations.

12. If it seems that they can only talk about themselves, even at the oddest of times, it is not your imagination.

Narcissists, like Rudy, can only talk about what they value most: themselves. That is their vacuous nature.

13. Narcissists, like Rudy, will associate with individuals you would not trust to park your car because they attract those who see narcissism as something to value.

14. Never expect the narcissist to admit to a mistake or to apologize.

Never! Blame is always outward toward you or others, never inward. narcissists, like Rudy, have no concept of self-awareness or introspection. But they are quick to see faults in others.

15. They expect you to forgive and forget and above all never to challenge them or make them look bad in public.

You must remember that they always want to be perfect in public. Don't embarrass them or contradict them publicly, or you will pay the price.

16. Get used to losing sleep, feeling anxious, restless, less in control, becoming increasingly worried, perhaps even developing psychosomatic ailments.

That is what happens when you live with or associate with a narcissist. Those insecurities are your subconscious talking to you, telling you to escape.

17. Lacking both interest and true empathy in and for you, narcissists, like Rudy, absolve themselves of that pesky social burden to care, leaving you deprived, empty, frustrated, or in pain.

18. They will be unwilling to acknowledge even the smallest thing that matters to you.

In doing so, they devalue you, leaving you feeling unfulfilled and empty.

19. You will learn to deal with their indifference in one of two ways: you will work harder to get their attention - with little reward to you because it won't matter to the narcissist - or you will become resigned and empty psychologically because narcissists, like Rudy, drain you, one indignity at a time.

20. You will be expected to be their cheerleader at all times, even when it is you who needs encouragement the most.

This is the sad, unvarnished truth about how a narcissist thinks, how they will behave, and how they will make you feel. I wish it were a better picture, but talk to the survivors of these personalities and they will tell you: it is that bad, it is that toxic. Why? Because, as Stuart C. Yudofsky explained in his book Fatal Flaws: Navigating Destructive Relationships With People With Disorders of Personality and Character, the truly narcissistic personality is "severely 
flawed of character."

For those who ask, "What can I do?" Conventional wisdom advises seeing a trained professional for guidance. That is wise but not always available. In my experience, there is only one solution that works.

Distance yourself from these individuals as soon as you recognize them for what they are and as soon as it is practical. Get as far as you can from them and as your wounds heal, you will see your life change for the better and your dignity restored. As painful as distancing yourself may be, it is often the only way to make the hurting stop and to restore your own physical and mental well-being.


Why Are Narcissists Such Hypocrites?

In the narcissistic world view, everything they do is the greatest. They can do no wrong. And, they refuse to see facts or evidence that suggests otherwise.

Fundamentally, this disconnect between facts and reality comes about because narcissists live in a fantasy world they construct for themselves. Their aim is to control their life by manipulating everyone else around them to see them they way they want to be seen.

When confronted with contrary facts to this reality, a narcissist will -

Ignore the facts

Blame other people for those faults

Lie to make them OK

Use triangulation and gaslighting to make other people believe their lies

Go on the offensive to distract people from their mistake

Narcissists are also overly judgmental. This too stems from the desire to be better than other people. By holding other people to high standards, they are able to easily criticize people who they fear might be competition and bring them down a notch.

A narcissist doesn't have to be good, they just feel and think they have to be better than you.

When a narcissist's judgmental mentality combines with their warped perception of reality, the become a hypocrite. A narcissist will blame you and call you out for doing exactly the same things that they do.

A narcissist will pay heavy lip service to themselves: how good they are at..., the high standards they hold for themselves, how they are perfect in every way. Yet, will feel no obligation to actually perform.

Yet, when you fail to hold to their unrealistic standards, they will call you out for being a failure.

Are All Narcissists Hypocrites?

All narcissists are hypocrites by their very nature. The symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder are thought to stem partially from upbringing, and invariably cause them to act hypocritical.

As a child, most narcissists experienced either overly strict parenting or lived in a family with little parental guidance. As a consequence they failed to develop self-esteem, and a healthy separation between their own thoughts and emotions and the thoughts and emotions of others.

Because of this, they need to need other people to feel good about them in order for them to feel good about themselves. And, they have a severely underdeveloped instinct for empathy.

Why does this make them hypocritical?

A narcissist will do anything to make themselves look good in the eyes of other people, and don't feel the need to be fair or reciprocate. They don't seem them self as an equal to everyone else. Instead, they are special in their own mind, and follow their own set of rules that don't apply to everyone else.

By definition, they are hypocrites because they don't apply their own rules for other people to themselves.

Do Narcissists Realize They are being Hypocritical?

While narcissists know they are being hypocritical on a intellectual level, they do not feel like they are being unfair or hypocritical.

This is very much linked to their difficulty separating their needs and wants from the needs and wants of others. To a narcissist, what is good for them is good forever everyone else. How could someone want something other than what they want?

So when a narcissist passes judgment on you, so that they feel good, there is no contradiction in their mind when they act the same way that you did, again so they feel good. If it feels good to them, then it aligns with their conception of good and bad.

If a narcissist could be objective about the facts of the situation, then they would agree that they are being hypocritical. For instance, if you described what they are doing back to them, but say that you are talking about a friend, then they would be able to recognize how they are being hypocritical.

However, if you confront a narcissist directly with their hypocrisy, then they will never be able to recognize or accept that that they are the ones at fault.


The Narcissist Rudy, Think He is Perfect

When it comes to the narcissist Rudy, he can do no wrong! He think he is perfect, and believe everyone wants to be like him. He also thinks he is the best at everything he does, and no one can compete with him. Narcissists, like Rudy, thinks he is perfect.

One of the traits of narcissism is a sense of superiority and this sense of superiority is what makes narcissists think he is perfect and everyone else is flawed.

The narcissist thinks TOO highly of himself and seems to appear confident in all tasks given to him. He presents himself with high self-esteem and believes he is not only capable of anything, but successful with everything. 

LOL... low-self-esteemed Rudy, has failed at EVERYTHING, hence the all day and night Usenet posts.

Is Rudy, the narcissist, perfect?

Of course not! The narcissist is human, (hence the fuck ups seen above), and he is flawed just like everyone else.

The difference between a narcissist and non-narcissist, however, is that narcissists refuse to acknowledge their flaws.

To acknowledge their flaws would mean he is being vulnerable, and being vulnerable is something that will never be experienced by a narcissist.

To be vulnerable means the narcissist opens himself up to possible scrutiny and he will never allow this to happen.

(this is why Rudy HAS to reply to me, even when he's OH SO FUCKING wrong!)

The narcissist is always on the defensive and everything is viewed as a possible threat.


He wants people to think he is perfect and will do whatever it takes to make this happen. To be seen as not perfect would unravel the core of who he is, and then he must come face to face with their deficiencies.


While the narcissist isn't actually perfect, he is a master in his own words and knows what to say to have people believe he is perfect.


This is just one more way in which he manipulate those around him.


He speaks highly of himself (Prof. Canoza... LOL) and can play word games to embellish the things he THINKS he has done. He also selectively associates himself with people that he think will make him look better.

(I guess that rules me out, because I make him look as stupid as he is)

This could be someone who is less successful than him (HA!... NO ONE is less successful as Rudy!), or someone who is more.

(ta daaa)

The narcissist might associate themselves with someone who is less successful than him because then he will see himself as better, and think others will as well.


If he associates with someone who has difficulties, this can make the narcissist look better than he actually is because of who he is being compared to. On the other hand, if the narcissist associates with someone who is very successful (like EVERYONE else on Usenet), the narcissist can easily take on the persona of this person and appear perfect as he copy this person.

LOL... THIS is why Rudy can't come up with his own material and has to copy my words and actions)

The narcissist is not original in their thoughts and actions, and can easily copy others to take on their qualities.

(BINGO! Rudy has started copying me, because he is sooo jealous of my life)

While we know that narcissists aren't perfect, the narcissist doesn't necessarily see this as true even when met with evidence to the contrary.

This is because the narcissist has blinders on as a way to only see themselves in a certain light.

The narcissist must believe he is free from flaws to maintain his sense of superiority.

He have convinced himself of these facts and he believe others think the same way. 

When the narcissist says everyone wants to be like him and he is good at everything, THIS IS A LIE the narcissist is telling himself to maintain his false beliefs.

He has a false sense of self that is maintained by these false beliefs. The more he tell himself it is true (REPEATEDLY), the fuller he can refill his narcissistic ego.

(LOL... this is so funny, and everything I've ever said about Rudy)

The blinders to the real world and what is happening around him just works to ensure that nothing penetrates his thick wall of armor he wears around himself to prevent narcissistic injury.

The narcissist isn't perfect, but he doesn't care what you think or what evidence you have to suggest otherwise. He believes what he wants and expects those around him to believe what he says as well - because he is always wrong, and that eats him up!



AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his 
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

This is Rudy:  https://i.imgur.com/4FSRuAQ.mp4

Rudy "Low-Self-Esteem" Canoza... someone who always "THINKS" he knows everything ABOUT everything and has to have the last word in ANY conversation or argument. That's why he HAS to reply to EVERY post about him, or it drives him crazy enough to not being able to sleep.

What is Low Self-Esteem?

Low self-esteem is when someone lacks confidence about who they are and what they can do. They often feel incompetent, unloved, or inadequate. People who struggle with low self-esteem are consistently afraid about making mistakes or letting other people down.

Having self-esteem issues can be detrimental to their health and negatively affect their personal and 
professional relationships. There are many reasons why they may have low self-esteem - their genes, how and 
where they grew up, and other life circumstances all play a role.

A major factor of low self-esteem, however, comes from their own mental state. Their inner voice, or the thoughts in their head, can be constantly telling them that they are not good enough or worth anything, even if there is evidence to the contrary. Negative thinking in general is linked to low self-worth and low self-esteem.

Signs of Low Self-Esteem

There are several signs that either they or someone they know may be struggling with low self-esteem. Those signs of low self-esteem include:

Sensitivity to Criticism

If they have low self-esteem they may be extra sensitive to criticism, whether from others or themselves. They see it only as reinforcing their flaws and confirming that they are incapable of doing anything right.

Social Withdrawal

Declining invitations to go to a party or meet up with friends, canceling scheduled plans last-minute, and generally not wanting to be around others are signs of low self-esteem. They may not have any desire to hold a conversation or talk about their life because it will only reinforce the depression and anxiety they are already experiencing.


For someone with low self-esteem, lashing out or becoming aggressive towards others is a defense mechanism. If they feel that they are about to be exposed or criticized, attacking whoever might criticize them can be a sign of low self-esteem.

Excessive Preoccupation with Personal Problems

Consistently worrying about their own personal issues takes up a lot of time for someone with low self-esteem. They may struggle to help or empathize with someone else's problems because they are too preoccupied with their own.

Physical Symptoms 

Low self-esteem has been shown to lead to mental and physical health issues like depression, anxiety, and anorexia. It can also lead to unhealthy habits like smoking tobacco, alcohol abuse, or drug use.

Dealing with Low Self-Esteem

They can overcome low self-esteem with the right support, mindset, and change in behaviors. Start with these steps to begin improving their self-esteem:

Identify Troubling Conditions and Situations

Take a moment to think about certain conditions and situations in their life that seem to always deflate their self-esteem. It could be giving a work presentation, dealing with a difficult family member or friend, or facing a life-changing event, like a job loss or a move.

Become Aware of their Thoughts and Beliefs

After they've identified the times in their life where they have felt low self-esteem, evaluate their thoughts about they. How are they interpreting what happened? These thoughts could be either positive, negative, or neutral. They can be based on facts or irrational and false ideas. 

If they take a moment to notice what they are thinking, they can begin to understand whether or not their reactions to what has happened are appropriate and useful.

Challenge Negative or Inaccurate Thoughts

It is important to ask themselves whether their thoughts are consistent with facts or logic. There could be another explanation for a situation that is truer than their interpretation. Sometimes it is hard to break from long-held beliefs that have become part of their reality. Understand that it can take time and patience to overcome any negative preconceived notions toward their life that they've built up.

Adjust their mindset

They've been able to identify the times where they've felt a blow to their self-esteem. They've become self-aware about how and why they have the thoughts and feelings towards those events. Now they can take a step back and analyze those thoughts and emotions. them now have the power to change their thought patterns to raise their self-esteem. 

Remember to think and feel hopeful statements, focus on the positive aspects of all situations, and not be afraid to relabel upsetting thoughts. And most importantly, don't hesitate to forgive yourself. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. It doesn't make them a bad person-it just makes them human.


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his 
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

When the Narcissist Fails

A Cautionary Examination of How Narcissists React To Failure

Rudy, The Insanely Jealous Narcissist 

Rudy, the narcissist, usually has a deep need to be better than everyone else. 
This makes him likely to become jealous of anyone he perceives as better than 
him in any possible way. 

Surprisingly, you don't have to be better in a real sense for you to trigger 
his jealousy. 

As long as you have any advantage he doesn't have, that's enough to make him 
jealous. Sometimes jealousy can force Rudy the narcissist to act in ways that defy normal human behaviour.

Jealousy is one of the emotions that makes Rudy, the narcissist, both hilarious and sad.

A Sense of Competition:

A sense of competition, real or perceived can trigger jealous narcissists, 
like Rudy. 

Surpassing a narcissist, like Rudy, at anything that you are both involved in 
or succeeding at something he failed at, can make him extremely jealous.

Rudy Has Low Self-Esteem: 

Rudy, the narcissist, may not be jealous of someone on Usenet, who is better looking, as long as he is confident in his looks.


But, he isn't, so he isn't confident in his ability to socialize. Rudy is always jealous of his social and Usenet rivals, who make him look like the runt child he is... daily.

Actually... Rudy, the narcissist, makes himself look like a child. We do not need to help him in this realm.
Because Rudy, the narcissist has very low self-esteem behind the mask of ultra-confidence, he becomes very jealous of anyone who has genuine confidence... like those he pretends to be better than.
They Are Happier Than Rudy:

When a narcissist is depressed, he doesn't like to see someone happier and excited, especially if that person makes him look stupid... which is usually hourly.

This is because he knows that a happy person is powerful. Powerful enough to make him feel like a worthless turd... that is, until that person makes a spelling or grammar mistake.

Rudy's self-esteem is so low, that even though HE'S fucked up so many times, grammatically and spelling-wise, he still has to show his imaginary superiority, by pointing out others' mistakes.

When you are happy, you became more confident, assertive and clear-minded. On the other hand, when a person is sad or depressed, he usually feels weak and vulnerable, like Rudy, who lashes out at those he sees as his superiors. 

When a narcissist, like Rudy is depressed, feelings of vulnerability that accompany depression make him see a happy person as a threat, especially when it's a person that he doesn't get along with, which is 99.9% of Usenet, since he's a homophobic racist, who insults everyone, because Rudy HATES everyone he thinks is his superior.

Rudy Is Insecure:

Insecurities make a person doubt his ability to keep anyone interested.

If he is financially unsuccessful (well... YEAH!) and believes that his Usenet rivals are MORE successful (well... duh!), he may be very jealous their success.

Rudy, the narcissist, hates it when people around him are better in every possible way. He needs to be above everybody else in order to feel superior, and have the ability to sleep.

For this reason, he becomes very jealous of anyone he sees as superior than him, especially when there is a sense of competition.

We Are Stealing His Attention:

RUDY, THE NARCISSIST NEEDS SO MUCH ATTENTION, hence the replies that offer NO refutations. He only replies to say, "play with me!"

Rudy doesn't have the mental capacity to form his own opinions on subject matters that are above his head, so he simply replies in the negative, even if it's proven that the OP is correct in everything he says or quotes. 

Because he thinks that he is better than common people, Rudy believes that he deserves more attention than the average Usenet member.

Getting the attention that a narcissist believes HE deserves, can cause a lot of jealousy.

Poor Rudy.


Are Narcissists Lonely? - Yes, But They'll Never Admit It

Here are 5 signs of a narcissist and how they behave:

an excessive need to be adulated

a strong tendency to megalomania


a low degree of empathy towards others


4 Reasons why narcissists are lonely


Do narcissists end up alone?

Do narcissists isolate themselves?

Does the narcissist ever get sad?

Spending time alone is arguably healthy and beneficial for our mental health, 
but, regularly feeling lonely, on the other hand, can be very detrimental to 
our social and communication skills. When it comes to narcissists, they have a 
reputation for feeling superior, which means that they will do anything they 
deem necessary in order for people to admire them and never openly talk about 
their alleged "weaknesses'. Plus, they believe that being open about their 
feelings and admitting to feeling alone and misunderstood, will make them 
appear weak, which is why they often choose to flee their emotions. For them, 
remaining in the dark about what they feel this a way of saving face, although, 
in reality, they are crying out to be loved and to build connections, yet too 
proud and afraid to recognize their needs.

Harsh but true...
1) They are unable to connect with people

These folks arguably lack empathy, which means they have no time for heartfelt 
discussions, and even less time for genuine connections. They fail to see why 
having friends and being able to confide in people are important.

2) Their personalities intimidate people

Whilst people with narcissistic personality disorders can be charming at 
points, their bullish and manipulative behavior always shine through 
eventually. That's right, the prospect of becoming friends with someone so 
devious understandably scares people.

3) They have their walls up

Letting people in is definitely a narcissist's worst nightmare! It's just not 
in their nature to make themselves appear vulnerable and let people into their 
lives. For them, opening up to someone is a synonym of them relinquishing their 
power and losing the upper hand.

4) They are scared to put themselves out there

Despite the facade they hide behind, narcissists are very insecure people and 
are constantly scared of judgment. Their fear of being judged prevents them 
from creating a solid support base around them, and paradoxically encourages 
them to become more devious.

Do narcissists end up alone?

Narcissists frequently end up alone due to the simple fact that they are 
incapable of enjoying healthy relationships. Although the most high-functioning 
ones may be able to fool someone into sticking around for a set amount of time. 
However, generally, their devious ways, lack of empathy, and immeasurable egos 
prevent them from ever finding true love. Plus, they are totally against the 
idea of changing and working on themselves, which evidently scares potential 
suitors away. After all, no one wants to be the only partner making concessions 
and sacrifices in a relationship. Now, although they'll never admit it, ending 
up alone does in fact terrify these folks, however, the prospect isn't 
intimidating enough for them to want to become better people... 

Do narcissists isolate themselves?

A narcissist isolates themselves (at home for example without seeing anyone) 
WHEN they are too overwhelmed; especially in the instance when he has gone 
hunting for new prey, and has received many narcissistic sources. When their 
search for new victims has been successful, they are obliged to withdraw 
themselves from the situation because otherwise they will implode. Although 
narcissists do well for a certain amount of time during their isolation, 
they'll soon take up their narcissistic ways again. In fact, their isolation 
will not exceed 1 week max, because they cannot fight off temptation to 
manipulation any longer.

Does the narcissist ever get sad?

As much as they may like to hide and conceal their emotions, narcissists are 
just like anyone else when it comes to their feelings, meaning they do get sad 
at points. However, that being said, they'll never openly admit to feeling down 
or upset, because they are simply scared of people judging them and looking 
upon them as weak. Plus, these personalities never really talk about their 
feelings either, or share with those close to them when they are feeling down. 
In fact, their behavior gives away when they are sad, because they instantly 
become very vindictive and even more relentless in their actions.

Can a narcissist be likable?

At the beginning, narcissists can come across as very friendly, attractive and 
fun to be around. However, this is just a technique for them to seduce their 
prey and destroy them little by little. Most narcissists are unaware of their 
problem and are convinced that they are acting for the good of others (a 
minority is sadistic and takes pleasure in making others suffer). The 
manipulations of these people can be distinguished from emotional blackmail, 
small lies or guilt-tripping of others, which make everyone more or less 
manipulative. The signs are similar and usually appear in early adulthood. 

Here are 5 signs of a narcissist and how they behave:

an excessive need to be adulated
a strong tendency to megalomania
a low degree of empathy towards others
an excessive quest for recognition.

What do narcissists do when they're alone?

When a narcissist finds themselves alone in their life, they may feel an emotional void or a sense of loneliness, but this depends on the person and their level of self-awareness. Some people with narcissistic personality disorder may have difficulty coping with loneliness, as they need the attention and validation of others to feel important and valued.

However, other people with narcissistic personality disorder may prefer to be alone rather than in the company of people they consider inferior or uninteresting. These people may have interests or passions that keep them busy and give them a sense of satisfaction or achievement. In some cases, loneliness can actually reinforce narcissistic behavior in a person with narcissistic personality disorder. They may be tempted to put themselves forward or boast more to attract 
the attention of others, even when they're not in their presence. How a person with this personality reacts to loneliness depends on many factors, such as the severity of their disorder, their level of self-awareness, and their other personality traits.
Editor's opinion - Expressing their feelings is impossible for them
We all have certain struggles when it comes to talking about how we feel, but a narcissist's inability to express what they are going through is definitely more penalizing for them than for anyone else. These personalities are lonely, yet their innate traits prevent them for breaking the cycle of loneliness, and also dissuades others from attempting to pull them out of their misery.


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his 
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.


Called pathological liar, compulsive liar, or habitual liar, Rudy has a 
strong tendency to lie or exaggerate. Typically, he has no regard for 
the truth. 

What Is a Pathological Liar? 

Rudy, the pathological liar is a person who lies at a high frequency and 
has no regard for the repercussions of his lies. He will lie to anyone 
at any time about any issue. The lies could be big or small, detailed or 
vague, or orchestrated or spontaneous. For pathological liars, it seems 
his only goal is to lie. 

Typical lies have a clear purpose, including to avoid trouble, gain
benefit, or impress HIMSELF.

A pathological liar differs from normal lying behavior based on the
frequency, the duration, and the goal of his lies. 

The lies that a pathologcal liar, like Rudy, tells, are:

Lies that are extensive and overly complicated Lies and patterns of 
lying that last for years or a lifetime Lies that are disproportionate 
or unrelated to any end goal Lies that are not a result of another 
mental or medical health condition.

Well, we already KNOW that isn't true... Rudy has MULTIPLE mental

Based on these factors, Rudy's pathological lying could be defined as "a 
persistent, pervasive, and often compulsive pattern of excessive lying 
behavior that leads to clinically significant impairment of functioning 
in social, occupational, or other areas."

Other characteristic of Rudy's pathological lying are: 

It causes marked distress to the individual
It poses a risk to others
It occurs for longer than 6 months 

Rudy may also be called a:

Compulsive liar
Habitual liar
Chronic liar
Person with mythomania 
Person with pseudologia fantastica 

5 Signs of Rudy's Pathological Lying: 

Because his lies are often concealed well, Rudy, the pathological liar may be 
well disguised among other people. With time, the pattern of untruths 
and inconsistencies may become more apparent. For the most part, though, 
his pathological lies will blend in with the truth, making these statements 
challenging to discern. Even discovering the lies may not be enough to 
stop the liar from telling them. 

Here are five signs of Rudy, the pathological liar:

Speaking in vague or general terms:
(BINGO!  or semantically vague... take your pick)

Liars, like Rudy, will try to avoid the future distress of having to recall 
what lies he has told to which people by keeping information loose and vague. 

Even something benign, like his favorite place to give blowjobs, can turn into a long story with no solid answer.

The goal of this behavior is to keep his answer from conflicting with any lies they may have told in the past.

Being overly specific or detailed: Alternatively, Rudy, the liar, may offer stories with numerous fine points and details. The plan here is to be so specific that no one could possibly question the truthfulness of the story because the details are convincing.

Inconsistencies in stories: Rudy, the pathological liar, will not have a 
perfect memory, so it is only a matter of time before he slips up by confusing
one lie for another. Hearing multiple responses to the same question will be a 
way to identify a pathological liar.

Failure to commit to plans or often canceling plans: Rudy the pathological liar will avoid making plans or may make plans and frequently cancel. This is because he needs to keep his options open for other opportunities.

BECOMING ANGRY AND DEFENSIVE WHEN QUESTIONED: Rudy the liar, will make excuses when caught in a lie. When the other person's patience is thin, Rudy, the liar, may become angry or defensive to take the focus off of his lies. 


5 Characteristics of Pathological Lying 

The seeming randomness and unimportance of pathological lies may 
surprise people. Some lies will have no influence or impact on a 
relationship or situation whatsoever. Any story, situation, or 
exaggeration a person can imagine may become a pathological lie. 
Specific lies are endless, but they often have commonalities. 

Pathological lies share these five characteristics:

Rudy, the pathological liar, lies more often than others and average 
about ten or MORE lies per day. In terms of frequency, the lies could all be 
variations of the same lie or 10 separate lies. To Rudy, the liar, the actual 
lie may not be as important as the process of lying.

Long in duration: 
Studies show that Rudy, the pathological liar, will continue with the excessive 
lying for at least six decades. He may continue with a lie over the 
long-term, or he may move from lie to lie with fluidity. Pathological 
liars, like Rudy, are typically able to maintain a lie for years.

Lacking purpose: 
Rudy's pathological lies are confounding because they serve no purpose and 
accomplish no goal, other than for himself. Rudy, the liar, may say that his favorite color is blue when it is actually orange or that his favorite food is pizza when it is really lobster. This lie does not benefit the liar, but they say it anyway.

Stress inducing:
Pathological liars, like Rudy, experience higher rates of stress from lying. The stress may come from the intricacy of ongoing lies and the risk of being caught.

Self-incriminating and defeating:
Standard lies can get Rudy out of trouble, but pathological lies get him into trouble.



7 Reasons Narcissists Rarely Grow Emotionally

Narcissists Are Notorious For Not Changing. Here's Why They Get Stuck

Key points

Narcissistic behavior often begins in childhood as a form of self-defense against feeling unloved.

The resulting self-protective patterns can block narcissists from personal growth.

Narcissistic personalities can change, but they have to be open to self-reflection and criticism and not get stuck in comforting delusions.

One of the most frustrating things about narcissistic personalities is their resistance to growth. Throughout life, we all-including narcissists-have the capacity to develop ourselves. So why do they rarely evolve?

Narcissistic behavior begins as self-protection from the shame and low self-esteem that result from insecure attachment with parents. Children who are developing a narcissistic personality will adopt defensive behavior patterns to shield themselves from negative feedback, both from others and from their own thoughts and feelings.

7 Reasons Narcissists Rarely Grow Emotionally

Keeping their negative self-concept out of consciousness (repressed) and compensating with self-aggrandizing superiority is meant as a failsafe from pain, but it's a deal with the devil that also blocks them from personal growth.

1. They avoid self-reflection.

A hallmark of emotional maturity is the habit of self-reflection. We check in with ourselves about how we're feeling, how others are responding to us, and what we're doing that is successful and not successful. Self-reflection is an act of self-agency that enables us to learn from our experiences and better adapt to our circumstances.

Narcissists' refusal to self-reflect allows them to repress their shame and avoid looking at how their grandiosity affects others, but it also prevents them from developing self-awareness and learning from their mistakes. This is why they tend to have a simplistic view of their childhoods, lack insight into their relationships, and become enraged when confronted with their own behavior. Narcissists are strangers to themselves, and they want to keep it that way.

2. They distort reality.

Along with avoiding introspection, narcissistic people hold facts at a distance and substitute lies and distortions that conform to their inflated self-beliefs. From denying inconvenient truths to having delusions of superiority and entitlement, to rationalizing neglect and abuse, to gaslighting those around them, narcissists continuously attempt to elude reality, making objectivity, fairness, and accountability impossible. Clinging to magical thinking, they fail to 
engage with the truths that enable us to know ourselves and others.

3. They project negatives.

Another self-protective mechanism of narcissistic people is projecting their own negative thoughts, feelings, and actions onto others. Like avoiding introspection and denying reality, externalizing what they wish to disown in themselves onto people around them allows them to dump uncomfortable emotions, such as aggression and jealousy, while giving them free rein to sidestep consequences, repudiate responsibility, and shift blame. Narcissists' compulsion to project makes 
them reckless, cruel, and impervious to the learning that only comes from honest self-assessment and accountability.

4. They see themselves as special or perfect.

Absurd as it sounds, narcissists have a grandiose special or perfect delusion meant to insulate them from any possibility of flaw or fault. By telling themselves they are never wrong, deserve special treatment, and should be exempt from rules and consequences, they rationalize never having to question themselves or answer to others. Even covert narcissists, who may not appear grandiose, harbor these underlying beliefs. As they see it, change is something others need to 
do, never themselves.

5. They have a victim narrative.

Like the special or perfect defense, feeling victimized is a common mindset of narcissistic people, particularly more passive-aggressive types. Adopting the stance that they are always the wronged party when they don't get what they want is a loophole that allows them to avoid accountability and blame others. Playing the victim violin is also a strategy to get attention, sympathy, and caretaking from others. The problem with framing experience as constantly unjust is the 
lack of agency inherent in seeing themselves as perpetual victims helpless to change their circumstances.

6. They don't empathize.

Narcissists' lack of empathy is perhaps their greatest deficit and obstacle to growth. Not connecting emotionally with the experience or feeling states of others stems from their inner alienation and lack of compassion for the vulnerable child self. Standing at a distance from their own humanity is meant to buffer them from vulnerability, but it keeps them fear-driven, rigid, and isolated.

7. Others shield them from consequences.

Narcissistic people are emotionally dysregulated, ruthlessly self-serving, and profoundly traumatizing to others, particularly their family members. Many have been shielded from consequences in childhood (while also being emotionally deprived). As adults, they seek out partners who similarly accept and enable their delusions and abusive behavior, and they often align with narcissistic professions and institutions that reinforce their entitlement.
The narcissistic trap

Like the rest of us, people who are narcissistic can change and evolve. But as long as they shun self-reflection, distort reality, project negatives, self-aggrandize, play the victim, and disconnect emotionally while never being held to account by the people around them, they will not get the traction they need to develop moral responsibility and healthier ways of coping. What begins as a childhood defense against feelings of unlovability becomes a self-fulfilling trap 
that makes it impossible to experience trust and loving connection with the self or others.


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his 
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

Rudy's split personality refers to dissociative identity disorder (DID), a 
mental disorder where a person has two or more distinct personalities (nym-

The thoughts, actions, and behaviors of each personality may not be completely 

Trauma often causes this condition, particularly during childhood. (Mommy 
spanked him hard) While there is no defined cure for DID, long-term treatment 
(posting on Usenet) may help people combine their personalities into one.


People with DID have two or more distinct personalities. They do not present as 
simple changes in traits or moods. A person with DID may or may not express 
differences between these alternate identities, which can also be referred to 
as alters.

Often, these personalities are completely different from each other. These 
fragmented personalities take control of the person's identity for some time.

A person also maintains their primary or host identity, which is their original 
personality, and will answer to their given name. Their primary identity is 
generally more passive, and they may be unaware of the other personalities.

When a personality change happens, the new personality will have a distinct 
history, a new identity, and different behaviors.

These split personalities, or alters, often have their own distinct:

    name (Rudy, Bill Flett, 100s of others)
    vocabulary (grammar Nazi fucks up too)

A new personality will see themselves differently. For instance, someone 
assigned male at birth may have an alternate identity as a woman. They may 
experience themselves with female biological sex characteristics.

The shift between these personalities tends to occur when a person faces a 
certain stressor or trigger.

The exact cause of DID is not fully understood. However, there is a strong link 
between the condition and trauma. This may be particularly true for trauma or 
abuse during childhood. In Europe, the United States, and Canada, 90% of people 
who experience DID are victims of severe trauma in childhood.

The condition represents someone who struggles to integrate and assimilate 
certain aspects of their own identity, which become disjointed over time.
Signs and symptoms

The signs of DID may vary, but they include a change between two or more 
separate personalities.

Symptoms include:

Experiencing two or more separate personalities, each with their own self-
identity and perceptions.

A notable change in a person's sense of self.

Frequent gaps in memory and personal history, which are not due to normal 
forgetfulness, including loss of memories, and forgetting everyday events.

When these other personalities take over, they often talk with a different 
vocabulary, and gesture differently. In some cases, one personality may also 
pick up certain habits that the other does not, such as smoking, or becoming 

In the shift from one personality to another, a person may experience other 
symptoms. Some people can have anxiety, as they may be afraid of the 
personality change. Some may become very angry or violent. Others may not 
notice or remember these transitions at all, although another person may notice 

Specific personalities may appear in response to certain situations. These 
symptoms can cause a person significant distress, and disrupt their ability to 
live their life normally.

Other symptoms may include:

    amnesia (forgets how to spell or speak right)
    losing sense of time
    going into a trance-like state
    out-of-body experiences, or depersonalization
    engaging in behaviors that are unusual for the person
    sleep disturbances

A person with DID may also experience symptoms of other conditions, such as 
self-harm. One study notes that more than 70% of people with DID have attempted 


Attention Trap Part 1: Narcissism, Validation and Self-Worth

Picture yourself in a newsgroup. What do you do? Do you scan the group looking for someone to fuck with? If 
no one fucks with you, do you feel less validated? Do you feel best when fucking with a person whom you know 
is smarter, taller, athletic and better looking? 

If you've answered yes to any of these questions, you may have fallen into what I call an Attention Trap.

As humans, once our basic needs are met, much of our conscious and unconscious behaviors are meant to make us 
feel respected and validated. But this attention and validation can come from external or internal sources.

Internally, the source of attention and validation is self-esteem. And externally, this attention and 
validation tends to take one of two forms - either the long-term reinforcement of the self that comes from 
friends, family, or a committed relationship, or the short-term benefits of narcissistic behaviors in which 
we seek attention, admiration or adoration. One is a cure, the other is a Band-Aid.

If enough of your external validation comes from attention, it can become an addiction - a dependence on the 
affirmations of others in order to feel a sense of worth.

And believe it or not, you can even see this attention addiction in our online behaviors.


In 2011, researchers from the University of Kentucky published this article describing how narcissists and 
non-narcissists represent themselves in internet profiles and communications. Of course, narcissists 
displayed intentional self-promoting photos on their Facebook profile pages, but they were especially likely 
to use fake photos when they had promoted themselves less in the rest of their profile. If they didn't cry 
for attention with their words, they were even more likely to cry for attention with their pictures!

(he's not that tall... lol)

Further research shows the effects of this narcissistic, attention-seeking form of band-aiding the self in 
comparison with the internal experience of self-esteem. Basically, narcissists felt as if they alone were 
awesome, whereas people with high self-esteem felt like both they and their romantic partners were awesome. 
Self-esteem builds community, whereas narcissistic attention-seeking rips it down.

What it comes down to is this: Only through the internal experience of self-esteem can you ensure that your 
external validation takes the form of a constructive relationship instead of serial attention-seeking. 
Remember, the answer is never outside of yourself. It is always inside.