Davin News Server

From: "Fuck Your Anal \"Democracy\"" <fuck-it@democracy.shit>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,talk.politics.guns,misc.news.internet.discuss,can.politics
Subject: "Democracy is not a valid system. You can vote, but if you vote the
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2024 23:01:07 -0400
Organization: Mixmin


> We've said it from the beginning: there is no actual way for AfD to take
> over the government. Germany is militarily occupied by the United States,
> and they're not going to let some party they don't like take over the
> government.
> We already saw something like this in Greece. When the Golden Dawn was
> making serious gains, they just put everyone in prison on the stupidest ever
> fake charges.
> Democracy is not a valid system. You can vote, but if you vote the wrong
> way, something will happen and you'll end up with the same people you had
> before.
> We need to end democracy. It's a totally failed system. Unless you're Jewish
> or like, an arms contractor, this is a system that has failed you.


> The government funds anti-AfD protests. The government itself organizes
> protests against the opposition party. They are doing all of these criminal
> investigations, they are shutting down bank accounts.
> The good news is: at least the party is set up to take over the government
> if the West loses its war against Russia, or the American government
> collapses in some other fashion. I do think it's good that the AfD is
> organized as this political entity, because the Americans aren't going to
> run the world forever, and the AfD is ready to be able to take over the
> government if and when the US is no longer militarily occupying Germany and
> deciding everything that happens in the country.