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Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,talk.politics.guns,misc.news.internet.discuss,or.politics,can.politics
Subject: "Reality On Politics, Policy and Violence"
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 02:46:52 -0400
Organization: Mixmin


Reality On Politics, Policy and Violence
2024-09-08 07:00 by Karl Denninger

Politicians love to say "violence has no place in politics."

They're lying and they know it.

In fact violence is the underlayment of all political systems and all laws.

Indeed, even something as simple as a speeding ticket is underlaid by
violence. Refuse to pull over and take your ticket when the lights come on
behind you and whatever level of violence is necessary to force you to
comply will be used, up to and including deadly force.

There are in fact no exceptions to this in the political and legal realm --
and never have been.  This is not an American experience, it is as old as
time itself.  Since humans created the concept of "laws" (as opposed to
actual physical laws; the very name as used today is a lie in that it is
often ignored whenever political purposes suit) every single one of them has
been backed by the threat of physical violence and, if you attempt to resist
and are politically disfavored actual violence up to and including the
taking of your life.

Therefore violence not only has a place in politics it is the foundation of

There are only two ways to change someone's mind: Reason and violence.

The Founders understood this quite-well.  It is the reason the First
Amendment is in fact first.  The Second Amendment recognizes that when
reason fails to find agreement there is only one remaining alternative and
the only question then is whether the parties will have the capacity to
reasonably meet each other's force with sufficient violence to convince them
that reason is a better choice.
