Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Tim Walz's "compassion" in action
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 07:57:55 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 2024-09-10 06:30, Skeeter wrote:
> In article <vbo176$2jcku$1@dont-email.me>, nuh-uh@nope.com says...
>> On 2024-09-08 15:09, Skeeter wrote:
>>> In article <vbke18$1v8om$1@dont-email.me>, nuh-uh@nope.com says...
>>>> On 2024-09-08 07:51, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>> In article <vbi5dt$1endb$6@dont-email.me>, nuh-uh@nope.com says...
>>>>>> On 2024-09-06 17:49, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>>>> In article <vbfj3j$truf$1@dont-email.me>, nuh-uh@nope.com says...
>>>>>>>> On 2024-09-04 16:53, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One can actually hear his words and later read the transcripts of his
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gibberish.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You don't watch. You let MSM hand pick what they want you to hear.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Even if that were true, they don't make up what he says, doofus.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> They edit what is said to make it appear something else was said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "fight" "bloodbath"   and many more.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Bullshit...
>>>>>>>>>>>> ...and you know it.
>>>>>>>>>>> That is what happens. I watch him and then I see what the loser left
>>>>>>>>>>> says about it and it's all taken out of context.
>>>>>>>>>> Give an example.
>>>>>>>>> Bloodbath.
>>>>>>>> Since you ran away without providing an actual example of your claim,
>>>>>>>> I'll give you one for you to tell me how it was edited.
>>>>>>> I did give an example. You are now running from it. Just like he never
>>>>>>> told anyone to inject bleach. You are so easily fooled.
>>>>>>>> When asked what specific legislation Trump would support on child care
>>>>>>>> reform, and he offered up this response:
>>>>>>>> '"I was sitting down and somebody, we had Senator Marco Rubio and my
>>>>>>>> daughter Ivanka were so impactful on that issue, it's a very important
>>>>>>>> issue," said Trump. "But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers
>>>>>>>> that I'm talking about, that, because childcare is childcare, you know,
>>>>>>>> it's something you have to have it in this country, you have to have it.
>>>>>>>> But when you talk about those numbers, compared to the kind of numbers
>>>>>>>> that I'm talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they're
>>>>>>>> not used to, but they'll get used to it very quickly. And it's not going
>>>>>>>> to stop them from doing business with us, but they will have a very
>>>>>>>> substantial tax where they send product into our country. Those numbers
>>>>>>>> are so much bigger than any numbers that we're talking about, including
>>>>>>>> childcare, that it's going to take care, I look forward to having no
>>>>>>>> deficits within a fairly short period of time."'
>>>>>>>> Now... ...that text I got from RawStory and used Chris Hayes' YouTube...
>>>>>>>> ...but you can go here to check if they misquoted him:
>>>>>>>> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeVLALu2wTc>
>>>>>>>> And you can get the rest of his answer until the next question was asked.
>>>>>>>> This is from the automatically generated transcripts:
>>>>>>>> 'coupled with
>>>>>>>> 1:39:00
>>>>>>>> uh the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of
>>>>>>>> the other things that are going on in our country
>>>>>>>> 1:39:07
>>>>>>>> because I have to stay with Jare I want to stay with Jare but those
>>>>>>>> numbers are small relative to the kind of economic
>>>>>>>> 1:39:13
>>>>>>>> numbers that I'm talking about including growth but growth also headed
>>>>>>>> up by what
>>>>>>>> 1:39:19
>>>>>>>> the plan is that I just uh that I just told you about we're going to be
>>>>>>>> taking in millions of dollars and as much as
>>>>>>>> 1:39:26
>>>>>>>> child care uh is talked about as being expensive it's relatively
>>>>>>>> speaking not
>>>>>>>> 1:39:31
>>>>>>>> very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we'll be taken and we're
>>>>>>>> going to make this into an incredible country
>>>>>>>> 1:39:37
>>>>>>>> that can afford to take care of its people and then we'll worry about
>>>>>>>> the rest of the world let's help other people but we're going to take
>>>>>>>> care of
>>>>>>>> 1:39:44
>>>>>>>> our country first this is about America first it's about make America great
>>>>>>>> 1:39:50
>>>>>>>> again we have to do it because right now we're a failing Nation will'll
>>>>>>>> take care of it thank you very good question thank'
>>>>>>>> Now.
>>>>>>>> You tell me how that isn't just gibberish.
>>>>>>> You tell me why you ran away from the "bloodbath" statement.
>>>>>> Because it wasn't a complete statement, and I told you so.
>>>>>> You quoted one word and didn't explain how it was taken out of context
>>>>>> or what its proper context was supposed to have been.
>>>>> You know exactly what I meant. You also know how it was intended. Play
>>>>> stupid.
>>>> No, I really don't.
>>>> But there is no doubt at all about the example I provided.
>>>> And that you are desperately trying to ignore it really says it all.
>>> The one that says Trump owns you?
>> LOL!
>> I gave you a chance, doofus.
>> I gave you a perfect example of Trump's gibberish, which you insist can
>> only exist by being taken out of context.
>> And you punked.
> I laughed at your stupidity. I laugh at all you post. You only parrot
> what others tell you.

I presented you an actual video of Trump speaking at the Economic Club 
of New York.

He was asked what specific legislation he would support on child care 

...and his answer was GIBBERISH.

Deal with it.