Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: "Stand Your Ground" Laws Linked To 11% Rise In U.S. Firearm Homicides, Study Says
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 14:01:56 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

['oh.no.this.definitely.is.NOT.going.to.can.politics' psycho gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]

[subject line vandalism by commie tip-toeing to suck boyfriend's cock, repaired]


On Tue, 10 Sep 2024 09:33:28 -0700, Rudy Canoza, forever the mental and physical midget, who was *NEVER* a 
three sport letterman, like me, and who was *NEVER* a bouncer, like me, and who was *NEVER* an assistant golf 
pro, like me, and who was *NEVER* a lifeguard, like me, and who *NEVER* dunked a basketball, like me, and has 
*NEVER* laid as many women as me, says... 

> > Is that where they are dying?
> No. The biggest increases in homicides due to stand-your-ground laws is in red 
> state shitholes.

Where Blue and Black shithole cities have the highest number of crimes. 


Media Bias/Fact Check has a consumer rating of 1.8 stars indicating that most 
customers are generally dissatisfied.

1.8 stars?


Media Bias/Fact Check ranks 313th among Blog sites.

313th. LOL

How would you rate Media Bias/Fact Check?

Don't trust Fact checkers, especially this one. It favors fake news on the 
left, and to true sites that are not on the mainstream media, it labels as 
conspiracy theory and junk pseudo science, when the truth is just the opposite. 
This website is as biased and as full of lies as you get.


Top Comments:

"I read a few of their so-called "Facts" and found they are not facts at all, 
but rather blatant lies. That's right, LIES! I Probably won't look into it, but 
would be interesting to know who is funding them."

"Amateur Site Masquerading as a Reputable Fact-Checking Service"


Pushes mainstream media, and favors fake news	
October 2nd, 2020

LIARS	- February 11th, 2021


Some fact check resource... NOT!

I was recently doing some research online, when I noticed mediafactcheck.com.

I read a few of their so-called "Facts" and found they are not facts at all, 
but rather blatant lies. That's right, LIES! I Probably won't look into it, but 
would be interesting to know who is funding them.


As biased as they come	
May 9th, 2020

Media Bias Fact Check is supposed to give "objective" ratings to news sites.

Well, I did a little experiment. At random, I checked out 10 sources that they 
rated at one end of the political spectrum. We'll call this Set A. Then I 
checked out 10 sources they rated to be at the OPPOSITE end of the spectrum, 
which we'll call Set B.

For Set A, they listed all the sources as "mostly factual" or "highly factual."

For Set B, however, they listed all the sources as "mixed" (meaning having 
"mixed" factual content).

Does that sound "objective" to you? And could their OWN bias not be any more 

This site appears to be a total joke.


Amateur Site Masquerading as a Reputable Fact-Checking Service	
December 17th, 2020

Discounted and dismissed by real fact-checking outfits like Poynter, 
Mediabiasfactcheck is a small group of amateurs pretending - with varying 
degrees of success - to be a fact-checking site.


This site appears to be a total joke.

Amateur Site Masquerading as a Reputable Fact-Checking Service	
December 17th, 2020

Discounted and dismissed by real fact-checking outfits like Poynter, 
Mediabiasfactcheck is a small group of amateurs pretending - with varying 
degrees of success - to be a fact-checking site.
The website has been described as an amateur effort to rate news media sources 
based on factual accuracy and political bias. - wikipedia

Mediabiasfactcheck.org is just as biased and flawed as any other

The flagrant and simplistic nature of these bogus critiques suggests that Media 
Bias Fact Check is either inept and/or dishonest.

Media Bias/Fact Check: Just Another Bogus Leftist Media Watchdog

Spreading Leftist propaganda in the guise of fighting fake news.

The people that say it's unreliable almost invariably use the same 2 articles 
as their source. Both sites are listed in various places as reliable. Also, 
both articles are listed on the the Wiki page above.

Media Bias/Fact Check is a widely cited source for news stories and even 
studies about misinformation, despite the fact that its method is in no way 

Scam Site "Media Bias Fact Check" Caught Cribbing Its Ratings From Wikipedia 

"MEDIA BIAS/FACT CHECK" Site Fails Fact Check

Discredited self-styled 'fact checker' website is served with a 'cease and 
desist' legal notice today for publishing unsubstantiated and defamatory claims

Media Bias/Fact Check has a consumer rating of 1.8 stars

'Media Bias/Fact Check' Site Served With Cease And Desist, Gets Fact-Checked

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest? 

Can you trust what "Media Bias/Fact Check" says about PolitiFact?

Media Bias/Fact Check bills itself as "The most comprehensive media bias 
resource." It's run by Dave Van Zandt, making it fair to say it's run by "some 
guy" ("Dave studied Communications in college" is his main claim to expertise).


Mediabiasfactcheck.Org Is Just As Biased And Flawed As Any Other

I spent some time on this site because GWB likes to tout it out every once in a 
while as if it is the end-all-be-all of final say in which websites should be 
trusted and which should not be.

All you have to do is spend a little time on the site and you'll see sites like 
Vox and Salon as "mostly factual" even though MBFC does list them as left wing. 
Pick some right wing sites and you'll get words like "nationalistic" and 
"conspiratorial" or "extreme right wing", and a ton of other warnings.

But the adjective used for polar opposite (extreme left wing) sites are just 
"left wing". In fact, many sites on the left have no adjectives used at all. 
For example, Al Jazeera - the news site owned by Qatar:


That's it. The language will say things like "These sources are generally 
trustworthy" where a similar right wing site with "mixed" will get language 
like "rarely are stories fact-checked before publishing" etc.

A good site to go to is Just Facts Daily, though I'm sure even they have bias. 
They issued a complaint and story on MBFC. It is a long read, but very valuable 
as it shows how MBFC incorrectly labeled them and, only when challenged, 
actually reversed some of the review and labeled them truthy. The article:

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest?

Here is another article where Politifactbias.com investigates MBFC for their 
shoddy reporting.

Can you trust what "Media Bias/Fact Check" says about PolitiFact? (Updated)

Another really good read. In it, the following excerpt:

Media Bias/Fact Check rates PolitiFact as a "Least-biased" source of 
information. How does MB/FC reach that conclusion? The website has a 
"Methodology" page describing its methods:

The method for (rating bias) is determined by ranking bias in four different 
categories. In each category the source is rated on a 0-10 scale, with 0 
meaning without bias and 10 being the maximum bias(worst). These four numbers 
are then added up and divided by 4. This 0-10 number is then placed on the line 
according to their Left or Right bias. This system makes PolitiFact's "Truth-O-
Meter" almost look objective by comparison. An 11-point scale? To obtain 
objectivity with an 11-point scale would require a very finely-grained system 
of objective bias measures something that probably nobody on the planet has 
even dreamed of achieving.

It comes as no surprise that Van Zandt lacks those objective measures:

The categories are as follows (bold emphasis added):?

Biased Wording/Headlines- Does the source use loaded words to convey emotion to 
sway the reader. Do headlines match the story.

Factual/Sourcing- Does the source report factually and back up claims with well 
sourced evidence.

Story Choices: Does the source report news from both sides or do they only 
publish one side.

Political Affiliation: How strongly does the source endorse a particular 
political ideology? In other words how extreme are their views. (This can be 
rather subjective)

Likely Van Zandt regards only the fourth category as subjective. All four are 
subjective unless Van Zandt has kept secret additional criteria he uses to 
judge bias. Think about it. Take the "biased wording" category, for example. 
Rate the headline bias for "PolitiFact Bias" on a scale of 0-10. Do it. What 
objective criteria guided the decision

There is nothing to go on except for one's own subjective notion of where any 
observed bias falls on the 0-10 scale.?

Right. In fact, there are a whole host of websites that point out flaws with 
MBFC, though you will have to use a search engine like Duckduckgo that doesn't 
bury these reviews and challenges like Google does - or use Google but go 
through pages of results until you start to find the negative ones (which is 
something Google does to change the narrative, of course).

The fact of the matter is that much of this so-called fact checking is 
subjective in nature. If someone says something that is easy to prove, it is 
easy to fact check. Someone saying something that requires a journalist to 
actually investigate - well, that's another thing entirely. And MBFC seems to 
source Wikipedia as proof that it has fact checked items, when Wikipedia is 
nothing more than crowd sourced info in many cases.

At the end of the day, a lot of this stuff can be avoided if people actually 
challenge the ideas and data presented and spend their energy on devising and 
developing solid arguments founded in the Scientific Method rather than just 
leaping to discredit and slander a source simply because they don't like the 
conclusion reached.

Hope you're listening, GWB. But I doubt you are.


'MEDIA BIAS/FACT CHECK' Site Fails Fact Check

Date: 05/20/21 09:48 PM

'MEDIA BIAS/FACT CHECK' Site Fails Fact Check

Published on March 13, 2020

Written by John O'Sullivan

Discredited self-styled 'fact checker' website is served with a 'cease and 
desist' legal notice today for publishing unsubstantiated and defamatory claims 
against Principia Scientific International (PSI).

MEDIA BIAS FACT CHECK site owner admits he is unqualified and misrepresented 
himself as a seasoned journalist.

According to MEDIA BIAS FACT CHECK Principia Scientific International CIC is:

"CONSPIRACY-PSEUDOSCIENCE Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may 
publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. 
These "


So, who is fact-checking the 'fact checkers'?

Today, PSI has issued Media Bias/Fact Check (MB/FC) site owner, Dave Van Zandt 
with a pre-action legal notice to take down the defamatory and false smear.

Ironically, the self-styled 'MEDIA BIAS/ FACT CHECK' (MB/FC) which negatively 
fact-checked PSI admits it relies on subjective bias to decide how biased 
others are. In other words MB/FC is a pseudo-scientific fact checker!

Apart from unlawfully smearing PSI Mr Van Zandt has smeared other websites that 
publish scientific articles critical of man-made global warming claims. Among 
the unfairly smeared are:

 Climate Depot

Below we help readers to fact check the pseudo fact checker. We put Dave Van 
Zandt the faceless fact checker under the microscope and discovered the 

 Van Zandt cites no scientific qualifications at all
 Van Zandt was exposed by WND as a fraud and a liar
 Van Zandt's website (MB/FC) does not apply any objective scientific method
 Van Zandt relies on unverifiable subjectivity (own bias) to make judgments

In a 2017 WND Exclusive 'Phony baloney: The 9 fakest fake-news checkers' 
Chelsea Schilling uncovered that Van Zandt was a seasoned systemic faker. She 

 "WND was unable to locate a single article with Van Zandt's byline. 
Ironically, the "fact checker" fails to establish his own credibility by 
disclosing his qualifications and training in evaluating news sources.

 Asked for information concerning his expertise in the field of journalism and 
evaluating news sources, Van Zandt told WND: "I am not a journalist and just a 
person who is interested in how media bias impacts politics. You will find zero 
claims of expertise on the website."

 Concerning his purported "25+ years" of experience writing for print and web 
media, he said: "I am not sure why the 25+ years is still on the website."

With the increasing scourge of fake news reports, especially on matters of 
wider scientific interest, Principia Scientific International (PSI) has become 
a recognized source of highly-qualified scientific opinion. That scoundrels 
like Mr Van Zandt get such traction with his bogus 'fact checking' website is 
testimony for the need for more diligence and push back from honest scientists 
and citizens sickened by endless scientific fraud and misinformation.

Below we share with readers the take down letter issued today to Mr Van Zandt:

 Mr Dave Van Zandt

 Media Bias/Fact Check


 Greensboro, NC


 Dear Mr Dave Van Zandt,

 Re: Notice to Cease and Desist Libelous Conduct

 Please accept this communication as a Cease and Desist Notice prior to legal 
action under 28 U.S. Code § 4101(1).

 It has been drawn to our attention that your business, MEDIA BIAS FACT CHECK 
is libeling our business, Principia Scientific International(PSI) by posting 
the following (recorded on March 13, 2020)

 On your site at: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/methodology/ you state:


 The Conspiracy/Pseudoscience designation is reserved for sources that publish 
unverifiable information that relates to known conspiracies such as the New 
World Order, Illuminati, False Flags, Aliens, etc. Pseudoscience is determined 
by publishing unverified health and scientific claims. In order to be 
classified in this group the central theme of the source must revolve around 
conspiracies or pseudoscience."

 On the same webpage you add the following disclaimer:

 "Disclaimer: The methodology used by Media Bias Fact Check is our own. It is 
not a tested scientific method. It is meant as a simple guide for people to get 
an idea of a source's bias. Media Bias Fact Check will always review and change 
any factual errors when brought to our attention. We make every effort to be as 
factual as possible. Our goal is to have MBFC rated as least biased by our own 

 According to Merriam-Webster online dictionary the term 'pseudoscience' is 
defined as: "a system of theories, assumptions, and methods erroneously 
regarded as scientific."

 You thus taint our scientific organization as unscientific - a palpable lie 
provable in a court of law.

 It is our belief you have made the above published statement with intention 
of causing damage to the reputation of our legally regulated UK non-profit 
scientific association which is scrupulously regulated under law as a community 
interest company (CiC).

 By law a CIC is prohibited from political bias i.e. it cannot advocate for 
any political point of view. To engage in such action would render us likely to 
be struck off the register or be prosecuted.

 Contrary to the false impression you give your readers, we are an 
international body of 5,500+ members, many of whom are credentialed science 
professionals, engineers and STEM academics, including award-winning 
scientists, government experts, etc.

 Our published work is not pseudoscience but premised on established 
scientific methods. A select list of some of our distinguished member is here: 
A Selection Of Member Biographies. 

 In conclusion, not only do you admit your own methodology is unscientific, 
but because you also fail to cite which specific PSI posts are pseudoscience, 
you condemn all our members, which compounds your own bias.

 As per 28 U.S. Code § 4101(1) we regard the words below civilly actionable 
and demand removal of them within 28 days:

"CONSPIRACY-PSEUDOSCIENCE Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category 
may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. 
These "


 If you persist in maintaining this false assertion against us to jeopardize 
our legal standing, I hereby require you to provide substantiation of your 
accusation. You may do so by providing us a selection of hyperlinks from 
published material on our website(s) which you claim are 'conspiracy-

 Such evidence may then be considered for submission to a court of law for 
adjudication of the veracity of your claims.

 If you are unwilling/unable to provide us the evidence you rely on to make 
your claims then you are hereby required to remove your false statement.


 I await your reply.


 John O'Sullivan CEO

 Principia Scientific International CIC (No: 10824140) Fully incorporated in 
the UK for charitable purposes. http://principia-scientific.org/