Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: NOTHING Is As Dumb As Kamala Harris on Multiple Dates
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 14:43:42 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 2024-09-10 14:27, AlleyCat wrote:
> ACK!
> So much off-topic bullshit. Buuut, since I'm into aircraft...
> =====
> On Tue, 10 Sep 2024 12:54:13 -0700,  Alan says...
>>> So, why was the Avro Arrow being built with Pratt and Whitney engines?
>> It wasn't going to end up with one.
> "One"?
> You don't know much about planes, do ya? The Arrow was a two-engined plane.

Oh, no, Pussey.

One MODEL of engine.

> Annnd, coulda shoulda wouldas don't count here, Ski Bunny.
> https://i.imgur.com/70GcSTw.mp4
>> The Iroquois engine was built, running and undergoing flight testing.
> More coulda shoulda wouldas?
> https://i.imgur.com/D6JfTne.mp4
> "Most powerful in the world", but... NEVER OPERATIONAL. Not in the 105, anyways.
> ONE of the fastest.
> The F-102/106 built the same year was a far better plane. Smaller AND more agile, with the same speed
> capabilities, it would have flown circles around the Arrow. AND it actually flew in combat. [snicker]


> AND it was bought by Canada. LOL

Neither the F-102 Delta Dart, nor the F-106 Delta Dagger were ever 
bought by Canada.

And the F-102 was a failure which could barely break the sound barrier.

> Performance
>      Maximum speed: 1,325 kn (1,525 mph, 2,454 km/h) at 40,000 ft (12,200 m)
>      Maximum speed: Mach 2.3
>> And the Arrow was **arguably** above and beyond any aircraft of its time; far beyond.
> Uhhh... no. Never got past the test phase, so it could have been a total bust.

They were farther along the test phase that you know.

> And now you buy F-35s. Again, the F-102/106 was built the same year(s) and out-performed the 105 ANNNND
> Canada bought them. [giggle]

Wrong, wrong and wrong!

> It WOULD have been a great interceptor, but nothing else. Too big to fight.

You really don't understand aerodynamics.

Ability to manoeuver is largely a function of wing loading.

Good dog fighters have relatively low wing loading.

The F15: 73.1 lb/sq ft
The F16: 88.3 lb/sq ft

Both know as good dogfighters, right?

Avro Arrow: 46.5 lb/sq ft

> Besides, it was already obsolete. Russia was already starting to build and implement intercontinental
> ballistic missiles. Plus, when the MIG-25 was built(Mach 3.2+), it probably would have never intercepted
> THAT, even IF the Iroquois had been updated.

Interceptors were never intended to intercept other interceptors, Pussey.

And it was the Americans who claimed that interceptors were obsolete.

> Frames and skins can only take so much.
> So... why didn't Canada build something along the same lines any of the years following, instead, relying on
> AMERICAN aircraft LIKE the 102/106?

The Americans bullied them out of it.

>>> Did your race cars have Canadian engines?
>> No.
> Thanks.
> No one asked what engines Formula Ones were using. Everyone knows about Cosworths, which are NOT Canadian
> built.
> What engines did YOU use?

I started with a Formula Ford with a Kent engine. I don't know where my 
particular engine was made.

I'm now driving a 1998 Van Diemen RF98-2 Formula F (the new name of the 
class after legalizing the new engine) Honda.

>> Formula Ford was started with an engine designed and manufactured in England.
> But... where were they MADE?

Can you not read? "manufactured in England"

And look at all you snipped!

>> Later on, Ford did build variants in the US, but it was an English engine.
>> And the vast majority of Indy cars from 1976 on used an engine designed and built by Cosworth: an English company. 