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Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: WHY Won't Kambala Take Questions?
From: Mitchell Holman <noemail@aol.com>
Organization: ViperNews - www.vipernews.com
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:35:50 +0000

AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com> wrote in

> On Wed, 11 Sep 2024 17:41:49 +0000,  Mitchell Holman says...  
>> > 
>> > Oh... and tell us EXACTLY how BIDEN created these jobs.
>>   Oh....and tell us EXACTLY how TRUMP created these jobs. 

    "AlleyCat" snippage, restored:

"I've created over a million jobs since I'm president."
- President Trump, remarks on infrastructure, Aug. 15, 2017

"I think if we continue to create jobs like I've done - 
over 1 million since I've been in office, way over 1 million."
- Trump, remarks at rally in Phoenix, Aug. 22, 2017


     Show us how Trump "personally" created
ANY job, (outside of the White House jobs he 
created for his spoiled children) much less 
millions of them.

> I will... GLADLY. But, I asked first, liberal.
> If you don't know... you weren't paying attention in 2016 and at least
> the 1st year of Trump's Presidency. He actually had his hands ON
> several things that were done to bolster employment,

    Like what? 

    Be specific.

>  and it wasn't
> ANYTHING left over from the Obama regime and the Democrat fiasco,
> which was the crash in 2008/2009. 

    The Bush recession starteed under Bush.

Recession started in December 2007
Dec 1, 2008 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. economy slipped into recession 
in December 2007, the nation's business cycle arbiter declared 
on Monday, and the downturn could be the worst since World War 

The National Bureau of Economic Research said its business cycle 
dating committee members met by conference call on Friday and 
concluded that the economic expansion that started in November 
2001 had ended. The previous period of economic expansion, which 
ended in 2001, lasted 10 years.