Davin News Server

From: citizen winston smith <sss@example.de>
Newsgroups: rec.food.cooking,alt.home.repair,can.politics,can.general,alt.politics.trump
Subject: Re: Opinion: Skank Kamala Harris's 'unrealized gains tax' - so dumb
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 10:44:26 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 9/12/2024 10:22 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2024-09-12 10:39 a.m., Janet wrote:
>> In article <vbt5hs$3r8is$1@dont-email.me>,
>> Bruce@invalid.invalid says...
>>> On Wed, 11 Sep 2024 15:28:51 -0600, citizen winston smith
>>> <sss@example.de> wrote:
>>>> On 9/11/2024 7:52 AM, Ed P wrote:
>>>>> Harris called him out and he showed how stupid he is about them
>>>> Harris couldn't even balance your pissant flowery print checkbook, 
>>>> old man.
>>>> Pipe the fuck down.
>>> I saw a few highlights and Kamala Harris was the clear winner. Trump
>>> came across like an even bigger idiot than normal. "Immigrants are
>>> eating our pets!" What a retard. Only another retard would vote for
>>> him.
>>     Almost as idiotic as his lie that babies are aborted
>> after birth.
> I have given up on raging at Trump for his idiocy.

You are a typical canuckleheaded mugwump, raging at Trump while Turdeau 
communizes your own servile nation.

You DISGUST me to the core!

Not a word of your Orwelian thought crimes bill, ever.

> I will reserve my 
> anger for the morons who support him.  

I will reserve your stupidity for the wood chipper, you mulch-worthy, 
nattering old transference machine.

> It's one thing that he stands up 
> there are rattles off lies and bull shit, 


You mind your walk-in-freezer state's bidnits and leave us to mind ours, 
you got it ASSHOLE?!?!?


> but there are millions of 
> people eating it up. The country is doomed.

The country is OVER if we continue the present Obamunism under CommieLa.

And frankly should we fall, get ready for HELL to melt your frozen tundra.

It's coming you asshole, you make fucking book on it!