Davin News Server

From: Gronk <invalide@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: "...in a genuinely free and fair election, Trump would landslide
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 23:06:35 -0600
Organization: -2.0

Anonymous American wrote:
> Gronk wrote:
>> AlleyKaKa wrote:
>> 1. bamboo ballots
> Nobody ever seriously proposed that that's what happened, faggot shill.


The Maricopa County vote recount has taken
a surprising turn, with UV lights and
high-tech cameras being deployed as workers
comb through ballots, checking for traces
of bamboo fibers in the paper.

The reason? To investigate a new theory that
40,000 ballots for Joe Biden were flown in
from Asia and smuggled into Arizona's polls.

>> 2. magic thermostats
> Nobody ever seriously proposed that that's what happened, faggot shill.


Jeffrey Clark, a Justice Department official
appointed by former President Donald Trump,
told senior officials that China used
thermostats to change ballots in the 2020
presidential election.

>> 3. ballots from NoKo coming into a port in Maine
> Nobody ever seriously proposed that that's what happened, faggot shill.


Roger Stone Says North Korean Boats Delivered
Ballots Through Maine Harbor As Trump Boosts
Fraud Claims

> Nobody ever seriously proposed that that's what happened, faggot shill.


Lawyer Sidney Powell, who famously vowed to
unleash a mythical sea monster of litigation
to prove that Donald Trump didn’t lose the
2020 election ...

She launched into a theory about election
software having been created in Venezuela
“at the direction of Hugo Chavez” — the
Venezuelan president who died in 2013.

>> 5. satellites controlled from Italy switch votes
> Nobody ever seriously proposed that that's what happened, faggot shill.


The press release, which claims to have come
from Rome, Italy on Jan. 5, alleges that an
employee of the Italian defense, security and
aerospace company Leonardo SpA “provided a
shocking deposition detailing his role in the
most elaborate criminal act affecting a US
election.” It names Arturo D’Elia as the
employee and states that he “outlined the
scheme that proved successful in using
Leonardo computer systems and military
satellites located in Pescara, Italy” to
interfere in the U.S. election in favor of
Joe Biden.