Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Rudy's Just Mad As a Child Because Trump Showed Up Biden and Harris
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 07:33:22 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

Where's Harris and Biden? Off ignoring Gold Star Families, because it was THEM who got their sons killed.


Poll Shows FIFTY-NINE Percent of AMERICANS Approve of Trump's Arlington Cemetery Visit








Harris and Biden:




AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his 
little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

THIS is why Rudy is Rudy:

When Dad Isn't There

Research has found that when a father is not present it is likely:

The infant was born pre-term or low birth weight or with dwarfism. 

Many of these families will be low-income households.

Children may struggle with regulating emotions which can lead to an increase in aggressive behavior and 
difficulty with social skills. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! 

A child will become involved in risky behavior.

Sons have the potential to struggle with gender identity and role confusion.

Even if the biological father role is filled by another, some of these figures become temporary or have the 
potential of being abusive.

Children will be left with feelings of blame or emptiness as to why their father left.

Where Did He Go?

What is the reason these fathers are not staying around? Though simply having children can suggest being a 
father, for many men there is more a father wants to provide for their family. Unemployment and lack of 
education can be contributing factors as to why fathers leave.5 When men feel they are not meeting the social 
demands that define fathers, the idea of achieving other fatherly roles decreases and it may seem easier to 
leave. Other reasons for father absence can include imprisonment, infidelity, and abuse.

How to Help Children of Absent Fathers

Though the negative consequences of father absence can be disheartening, there is still hope for these 

Include positive extended male family figures in the child's life. Children can form strong relationships as 
they have a safe, stable male figure to rely upon as they grow up. This could come from a grandparent, uncle, 
or another positive male family member. When these men are present for monumental moments in life, as well as 
day-to-day interactions, a void can be filled, and the child's confidence can grow.4 Including extended 
family can also provide another resource for the mother to help reduce stress overload and feelings of 

If there is no male family member available or near to help, try finding a mentor in the community. When a 
child is able to spend time with a successful individual in their community, different doors of potential are 
opened to them to see ways that they can become successful.8 Examples of mentors could be coaches, teachers, 
after school staff, ecclesiastical leaders, etc.

Find support groups in the local area. Just like children can find mentors, single mothers can find others 
working through these difficulties. There truly is strength in numbers. Brainstorm, network, and help each 
other. Though the past may not change, the future trajectory can be a positive one. Make time for you.

Growing up without a father brings risks, but that does not determine you or your child's future. Fatherless 
families can become resilient in their circumstance. Let those who your child will be interacting with know 
of their struggles. Teachers, caretakers, and other community figures can help alleviate the difficulties 
your child may face. But they cannot help if they are not aware. Remember, there is hope for brighter 
tomorrows. There are fathers who chose to stay in their child's life after growing up without their father. 
You do not have to let the absentee determine what your family will become. For stories of hope please visit 
the references below.