Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: "These Voting Machines Can Be HACKED Quite Easily." - Democrats
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 07:33:26 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

Remember... these are DEMOCRATS (D)

VICE PRESIDENT Kamala Harris(D):
"They're a lot of states that are dealing with antiquated machines. Right? 
Which are vulnerable to being hacked."

"Hacked" = hacked

"I actually held a demonstration for my colleagues here at the capitol, um,  
where we brought in, um, folks, who, before our eyes, hacked election 
machines... um, those that are not... those that are being used in many 


"Hacked" = hacked




Rep. Ted Lieu(D):
"These voting machines can be HACKED quite easily."


Hacked = hacked

"Workers were able to easily hack into electronic voting machine... it was 
possible to switch votes."


"hack" = hack
"In a close (unintelligible... "present day"?) election, they just need to have 
one swing state, or maybe one or 2, or maybe just a few counties in one swing 



Rep. Adam Schiff(D):  "I continue to think that our voting machines are too 
vulnerable (to being hacked)."





Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee(D):
"Researchers have repeatedly demonstrated that ballot recording machines and 
other voting systems are susceptible to tampering."


Tampering = hacked

"Recently I wrote to the Department of Justice regarding the recent attempts to 
HACK into voter machines and at least two successful breaches into election 

Hack = hack




Rep. Val Demings(D):
"Even hackers with limited prior knowledge tools and resources, are able to 
breach voting machines in a matter of minutes."


Breach voting machines = Hacking




Rep. Jennifer Wexton(D):
"In 2018, electronic voting machines in Georgia and Texas deleted votes for 
certain candidates or switched votes from one candidate to another."


ALREADY hacked.



Sen. Ron Wyden(D):
"The biggest seller of voting machines, is doing something that violates 
cybersecurity 101... directing that you install remote access software 
which would make a machine like that, you know, a magnet for fraudsters and 


"43 percent of American voters use voting MACHINES that researchers have found 
have serious security flaws, including the 'back doors'."


What do hackers do?  Hack.



Sen. Amy Klobuchar(D):
"You could easily hack into them. It makes it seem like all these states are 
doing different things, but in fact, 3 companies are controlling that."


"hack" = hack

"I'm very concerned that you could have a hack that finally went through."


"hack" = hack


"Ms. Kelly"(D):
"It is the individual voting machines that some pose... that pose some of the 
greatest risk(of being hacked)."



VICE PRESIDENT Kamala Harris(D):
"There a lot of states that are dealing with antiquated machines. Right? 
Which are vulnerable to being hacked."


"Hacked" = hacked

"I actually held a demonstration for my colleagues here at the capitol, um,  
where we brought in, um, folks, who, before our eyes, hacked election 
machines... um, those that are not... those that are being used in many 

"Hacked" = hacked


Sen. Mark Warner(D):
"We know how vulnerable now, our systems were, we know, I know, that hackathon 
that took place last year, where virtually every machine was broken into fairly 


"Hackathon" = been hacked


Rep. Zoe Lofgren(D):
"Aging systems also frequently rely on unsupported software like windows XP and 
2000, which may not receive regular security patches, and are thus, more 
vulnerable to the latest methods of cyber attacks."


"More vulnerable to the latest methods of cyber attacks" = hackable



Remember... these are DEMOCRATS:

Virginia just stopped using touchscreen computer voting because it's so 
vulnerable. We need to look at all the voting machines. Every secretary of 
state needs to be assisted in making sure that they are not being hacked and 
attacked. - Hillary Clinton

I continue to think that our voting machines are too vulnerable.

The researchers have repeatedly demonstrated that ballot recording machines and 
other voting systems are susceptible to tempering.

Even hackers with limited prior knowledge, tools and resources are able to 
breach voting machines in a matter of minutes.

In 2018, electronic voting machines in Georgia and Texas deleted votes for 
certain candidates or switched votes from one candidate to another.

The biggest seller of voting machines is doing something that violates 
cybersecurity 101, directing that you install remote access software which 
would make a machine like that, you know, a magnet for fraudsters and hackers. 

These voting machines can be hacked quite easily.

You could easily hack into them. It makes it seem like all these states are 
doing different things, but in fact three companies are controlling that.

It is the individual voting machines that some pose some of the greatest risks. 

There are a lot of states that are dealing with antiquated machines, right?... 
which are vulnerable to being hacked.

Workers were able to easily hack into an electronic voting machine. It was 
possible to switch votes.

Forty-three percent of American voters use voting MACHINES, that researchers 
have found have serious security flaws, including back-doors.

We know how vulnerable now our systems were. We know, I know, that hackathon 
that took place last year where virtually every machine was broken into fairly 

I actually held a demonstration for my colleagues here at the Capitol where we 
brought in folks who, before our eyes, hacked election machines, those that are 
not, those that are being used in many states.

Aging systems also frequently rely on unsupported software like Windows XP in 
2000, which may not receive regular security patches and are thus more 
vulnerable to the latest methods of cyber attack.

In a close present re-election, they just need to hack one swing state, or 
maybe one or two, or maybe just a few counties in one swing state.

I'm very concerned that you could have a hack that finally went through. You 
have 21 states that were hacked into, they didn't find out about it for a year.

Right now we have over a dozen states that either don't have any backup paper 
ballots or only have them partially. Do you think that our adversaries don't 
know what those states are? Of course they know what those states are. And if 
we have a close election, and the general election, in a presidential race, and 
one state's out with standing, and their ballot boxes get hacked into, their 
elections get hacked into, we will have absolutely no backup.

I know America's voting machines are vulnerable, because my colleagues and I 
have hacked them repeatedly. We've created attacks that can spread from machine 
to machine...