Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: There Was, Of Course, No Insurrection at The Capitol
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 16:02:59 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

['oh.no.this.definitely.is.NOT.going.to.can.politics' psycho gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]

[subject line vandalism by commie tip-toeing to suck boyfriend's cock, repaired]

On Fri, 13 Sep 2024 11:59:48 -0700, Rudy Canoza, forever the mental and physical midget, who was *NEVER* a 
three sport letterman, like me, and who was *NEVER* a bouncer, like me, and who was *NEVER* an assistant golf 
pro, like me, and who was *NEVER* a lifeguard, like me, and who *NEVER* dunked a basketball, like me, and has 
*NEVER* laid as many women as me, says... 

> > OK, faggot version of Adam Schiff. No evidence, all lies.
> Multiple eyewitnesses, all of them part of Trump's inner circle.

Still no video.

Not waitinnnnng.


10 Signs You're Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

1) Changing others" text to illicit replies - https://i.imgur.com/WZY0zXu.jpg


An emotionally needy narcissist is typically selfish, emotionally unintelligent, and manipulative. These 
individuals have no idea who they are, who they want to be, or who they should be. Their...


Lonely Narcissist: Narcissism and Schizoid Personality Disorder


The Narcissist feels superior, unique, entitled and better than his fellow men. He thus tends to despise 
them, to hold them in contempt and to regard them as lowly and subservient beings. The narcissist feels that 
his time is invaluable, his mission of cosmic importance, his contributions priceless. He, therefore, demands 
total obedience and...


Are Narcissists Lonely? - Yes, But They'll Never Admit It


Spending time alone is arguably healthy and beneficial for our mental health, but, regularly feeling lonely, 
on the other hand, can be very detrimental to our social and communication skills. When it comes to 
narcissists, they have a reputation for feeling superior, which means that they will do anything they deem 
necessary in order for people to admire them and never openly talk about their...


Narcissists Are Lonely Little Creatures | HuffPost Life


Spouses divorce, children estrange. Again, the narcissist is alone. "The loneliness, the emptiness, the sense 
of unlovability, the isolation continues," she says. It's only when a narcissist has reached a breaking point 
like that, Behary says, that they might find the right help; not just any therapist, but someone experienced 


When The Narcissist Is Left Alone


Printed with prior permission. Narcissists only care about themselves, and all those things that only benefit 
them. Putting someone else first and prioritizing them is something a narcissist can never think of doing. 
So, when everyone leaves them, they become all alone and loneliness slowly starts to eat away at them.


Why are narcissists such lonely people? - Quora


Answer (1 of 12): I am 63 yo retired physician, a quasi expert now in Cluster B disorders, of which my 
extended family has numerous, the worst for me was my mother. The initial answer above is very accurate. My 
mother was an overt narcissist completely enabled by my Dad, the covert narcissist. N...


Why narcissists end up lonely? - Quora


Answer (1 of 7): Firstly they are SELFISH and often so SELF-CENTERED that they spend most of the time 
checking out for affirmation from others. (Do they really have a good self image? THEY think they do and 
those who haven't noticed it need their heads read). Such people that are SELF seeking...


8 Life Setbacks and Failures of Narcissists | Psychology Today


Some higher-functioning narcissists achieve external success in life - at the expense of others - and find 
themselves lonely at the top. 5. Missed Opportunities - From a lack of true...