Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: NOTHING Is As Dumb As Kamala Harris on Multiple Dates
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 20:54:06 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

Careful:   https://i.imgur.com/viCKfR4.mp4


On Fri, 13 Sep 2024 14:54:37 -0700,  Alan says...  

> > You're quite funny, because you're not trying to be.

> So you're admitting you're Skeeter?

WHO accused me of being Skeeter?

WHO'S tryna BE Skeeter?

It's hard to inflect on certain words without HTML or rich text. Do I REALLY need to do that for you to get the 
inflection, every time I'm being sarcastic?

I should have used "expressive markers", like quotation marks and capitalization and asterisks, or whatever would get 
through your thick skull that I wasn't replying to you, but simply TELLING you what I thought about you and what you 
HAVE said, not necessarily what you said in that particular place in the thread TO Skeeter.

Hell, I REALLY don't give a shit, but I WILL explain myself... THIS time. Offer to do same later, expires after this 
article is sent. :p

I had a feeling when I wrote what I wrote, that you would play the child again and try to link it with what I called 
YOU out on... your replies in the wrong place, to the wrong person in a thread.

Childish is as childish does, I guess... huh child?

This is also why I said "I take nothing", because I WASN'T taking anything and not thinking you were "giving" ME 
anything. I was simply expressing my gratitude, for the bullshit you offer to EVERYONE, every time you write that 

I knew you weren't giving ME anything to take, but I was letting you know how **I** felt about YOU making me laugh, 
shake my head and wonder what the fuck you're thinking, drinking or smoking, for you to come up with some of the LAMEST 
reasons to keep a discussion going on, after the point MOST people would accept whatever THEY think is the truth and 
move on.

But, YOU can't do that. You've got some chip on your shoulder or some other reason to further a discussion, which 
FORCES you to find ANY possible means to prove you're right. THAT'S what this is all about.

I may not admit when I'm not 100% right(LOL), but YOU take proving you're right about SOMETHING, nay, ANYTHING, nay, 
EVERYTHING (nothing really, because it's usually off-topic) to heights not imagined by normal people, because normal 
people don't do what you do. ONLY you and Rudy, and there's a HELLUVA lot you two have in common. I don't know what it 
is, but it borders on the psychotic, or in the least, an obsessive compulsive disorder.  

A lot of the things you say ARE right, but they're not ON POINT. You HAVE to delve into the minutiae of EVERY FUCKING 
discussion, and it never refutes the original point or topic. N E V E R!

I guess it only proves to YOU, your the "xest", "xxxxxxest", and mostest, whatever, YOU think you are. Clue to the 
clueless... you are NOT all that and a bag dicks, homo.

What is it? Are you proving something to someone else, because "WE" here don't give a flying fuck how this or that you 
are. You argue as if your life depends on you "winning". Is THAT it... you HAVE to win, because life has been full of 
losses and you're trying to make up for that?

JOIN the fucking club, then get off that trying to prove yourself to yourself and others... no one gives a shit. 

WHO are you trying to impress... yourself? Your brother? Your parents? A girl? A boy? Your dog? Cat? Who the fuck 


LOL... of course! But is that a good reason to look like a spoiled and pedantic little boy to others... is it REALLY 
worth that? I bet "we" don't think so, other than your psycho brother in broomstick arms, Rudy.


What IS it that makes you HAVE to "win", while arguing shit that NO ONE brings up? If I said the sky is blue, and 
99.99% of those here agreed, YOU'D have to start talking about the color spectrum, saying "well, it's actually cyan, 
with a touch of magenta and black," JUST to prove you were right about something and it not necessarily the fucking 

HOW or WHY something is the way it is, is NOT a refutation. I can't believe the many times you've excused bad behaviour 
because of reasons. The FACTS were presented and then you had to make excuses for WHY person "A" did what he did, or 
how it was done differently than person "B", making it perfectly "legal" and acceptable for whatever person "A" did. 

What on Earth makes you DO that? You CAN'T always be on the side of the person being exposed, but you are. I have a 
feeling that if I excoriated Hitler, you'd find ways to bring out his good points, like his left-wing socialism, that 
you left-wingers all adore, because you want government to take care of things that you think you're too powerless to 
change or do.

The people you're defending A) have NOTHING to do with your country and B) can't POSSIBLY be in your good graces... at 

Take Biden and Harris. You KNOW they've fucked up everything they've touched, yet you defend them, as if they were YOUR 
President and VP. WHY? Is it your Trump Derangement Syndrome? Is it THAT bad, that you would defend the indefensible?

No... it's your low self-esteem, narcissism and all the other attributes I've mentioned before and after this sentence 
(I read ahead, LOL). You have a problem, Bunny. Thanks for the laughs that come from you thrusting it upon us. We ALL 
shake our heads and laugh at your picayune and pedantic bullshit.

Fuck that... just stop it already... argue the points of the discussion, or just talk with yourself. Start your own 
threads with your own opinions, chicken shit. You're not gaining any converts with your pedantic and obtuse bullshit. 
You change NO ONE'S minds here, but I KNOW that's not what you doing... it all that self shit, that drives you.

I bet you CAN'T be as pedantic with your friends, as y9u are here, lest they whop you upside your head with a field 
hockey stick.

I know what you want... you want to get under others' skins to satisfy some warped sense of self you have that forces 
you to be the way you are here on Usenet, but that's not true with me. I pity you, because I know you're trying to 
compensate for something.

Narcissism, low-self-esteem, no self-confidence, loneliness, loss of loved ones, losing in field hockey, breakup with a 
boyfriend... WHATEVER... I don't know, but I DO know how off-putting you really are, (and maybe that's what you want), 
arguing every minute detail of shit that doesn't matter, or is off-topic or off-point. 

Back to the point. LOL

I knew you were addressing Skeeter, and this wasn't a case of speaking to the wrong person.

I was just expressing how you make me laugh and I was thanking you for that. I can SEE, stupid.


This was no mistake. I SAW the thread progression. I was simply thanking you for the laughs.

"Uhhh... **I**(for emphasis and to distinguish myself FROM Skeeter) take NOTHING from what you've said, other than 
gratitude. Thanks for the laughs."


That wasn't a reply to you replying to me... it was just added discussion on what you do for me. You are entertainment. 
I used to say I was here to refute the lies... I still am, but oh!, what entertainment YOU are.

YOU are the one who answers to others in the wrong place.


Well... I might be done for the day!



Alan "Low-Self-Esteem" Baker... someone who always "THINKS" he knows everything ABOUT everything and has to 
have the last word in ANY conversation or argument. That's why he HAS to reply to EVERY article I post, or it 
drives him crazy enough to not being able to sleep... since... you know... I'm just a big dumb jock and he's 
a smart gay fuck.

He CAN'T let me win. He'd never sleep.

What is Low Self-Esteem?

Low self-esteem is when someone lacks confidence about who they are and what they can do. They often feel 
incompetent, unloved, or inadequate. People who struggle with low self-esteem are consistently afraid about 
making mistakes or letting other people down.

Having self-esteem issues can be detrimental to their health and negatively affect their personal and 
professional relationships. There are many reasons why they may have low self-esteem - their genes, how and 
where they grew up, and other life circumstances all play a role.

A major factor of low self-esteem, however, comes from their own mental state. Their inner voice, or the 
thoughts in their head, can be constantly telling them that they are not good enough or worth anything, even 
if there is evidence to the contrary. Negative thinking in general is linked to low self-worth and low self-

Signs of Low Self-Esteem

There are several signs that either they or someone they know may be struggling with low self-esteem. Those 
signs of low self-esteem include:

Sensitivity to Criticism

If they have low self-esteem they may be extra sensitive to criticism, whether from others or themselves. 
They see it only as reinforcing their flaws and confirming that they are incapable of doing anything right.

Social Withdrawal

Declining invitations to go to a party or meet up with friends, canceling scheduled plans last-minute, and 
generally not wanting to be around others are signs of low self-esteem. They may not have any desire to hold 
a conversation or talk about their life because it will only reinforce the depression and anxiety they are 
already experiencing.


For someone with low self-esteem, lashing out or becoming aggressive towards others is a defense mechanism. 
If they feel that they are about to be exposed or criticized, attacking whoever might criticize them can be a 
sign of low self-esteem.

Excessive Preoccupation with Personal Problems

Consistently worrying about their own personal issues takes up a lot of time for someone with low self-
esteem. They may struggle to help or empathize with someone else's problems because they are too preoccupied 
with their own.

Physical Symptoms 

Low self-esteem has been shown to lead to mental and physical health issues like depression, anxiety, and 
anorexia. It can also lead to unhealthy habits like smoking tobacco, alcohol abuse, or drug use.

Dealing with Low Self-Esteem

They can overcome low self-esteem with the right support, mindset, and change in behaviors. Start with these 
steps to begin improving their self-esteem:

Identify Troubling Conditions and Situations

Take a moment to think about certain conditions and situations in their life that seem to always deflate 
their self-esteem. It could be giving a work presentation, dealing with a difficult family member or friend, 
or facing a life-changing event, like a job loss or a move.

Become Aware of their Thoughts and Beliefs

After they've identified the times in their life where they have felt low self-esteem, evaluate their 
thoughts about they. How are they interpreting what happened? These thoughts could be either positive, 
negative, or neutral. They can be based on facts or irrational and false ideas. 

If they take a moment to notice what they are thinking, they can begin to understand whether or not their 
reactions to what has happened are appropriate and useful.

Challenge Negative or Inaccurate Thoughts

It is important to ask themselves whether their thoughts are consistent with facts or logic. There could be 
another explanation for a situation that is truer than their interpretation. Sometimes it is hard to break 
from long-held beliefs that have become part of their reality. Understand that it can take time and patience 
to overcome any negative preconceived notions toward their life that they've built up.

Adjust their mindset

They've been able to identify the times where they've felt a blow to their self-esteem. They've become self-
aware about how and why they have the thoughts and feelings towards those events. Now they can take a step 
back and analyze those thoughts and emotions. them now have the power to change their thought patterns to 
raise their self-esteem. 

Remember to think and feel hopeful statements, focus on the positive aspects of all situations, and not be 
afraid to relabel upsetting thoughts. And most importantly, don't hesitate to forgive yourself. No one is 
perfect and everyone makes mistakes. It doesn't make them a bad person-it just makes them human.