Davin News Server

From: citizen winston smith <sss@example.de>
Newsgroups: rec.food.cooking,alt.home.repair,can.politics,can.general,talk.politics.guns,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
Subject: Re: Lobster for lunch -- lobster for dinner
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 12:02:47 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 9/15/2024 11:36 AM, Graham wrote:
> And so they should judging from the extreme attitudes that the right wing
> are taking.
> !



In recent developments in Canada, the Canadian parliament is considering 
new legislation known as the Online Harms Act, or Bill C-63, which has 
sparked a significant debate over free speech and government overreach. 
The proposed bill could lead to life imprisonment for individuals found 
guilty of advocating genocide online.

The Bill C-63 intends to increase penalties for what it deems the 
"willful promotion of hatred," raising the potential prison time from 
two years to five years. Furthermore, the legislation suggests that if 
someone is convicted of views supportive of genocide, the current 
maximum penalty of five years could be extended to a life sentence.

Justice Minister Arif Virani has been a vocal supporter of the bill, 
expressing his concern over the safety of children on the internet. He 
has drawn parallels between the regulation of physical toys and the lack 
of regulation of online content, stating, "I am terrified of the dangers 
that lurk on the internet for our children."

Critics of the bill, including prominent figures such as author Margaret 
Atwood, have voiced their opposition, calling the proposed measures 
"Orwellian" and comparing them to pre-revolutionary French "Lettres de 
Cachet" – a reference to the royal orders that could imprison 
individuals without trial. Atwood highlighted the potential for "revenge 
false accusations + thoughtcrime" on her Twitter account.

The debate over the Online Harms Act has grown, with some commentators 
labeling it as one of the most severe legislative actions against free 
speech in the Western world in years. Concerns have been raised about 
the vague definition of what constitutes the willful promotion of hatred 
and how it could lead to the suppression of legitimate free speech.

The Canadian government has defended the bill, citing the increased 
penalties as a necessary step to combat the promotion of genocide and 
hatred online. The bill also includes a provision that would allow 
judges to impose house arrest if there is reasonable belief that a 
defendant "will commit" a similar offense in the future, a concept 
likened by some to the predictive policing in the film "The Minority 