Davin News Server

From: R Kym Horsell <kymhorsell@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,sci.environment,can.politics
Subject: Re: Monitoring "progress" to 2050 : CO2
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:44:26 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: kymhorsell.com

In alt.global-warming citizen winston smith <sss@example.de> wrote:
> On 9/16/2024 2:08 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
>> citizen winston smith <sss@example.de> wrote:
>>> On 9/16/2024 9:46 AM, N_Cook wrote:
>>>> Jan 2022 output was 515.25
>>> CO2 PPM during our most fecund geologic epochs was over 3,000 PPM,
>>> clownshow.
>> Just no mammals, right?
> Dead wrong!
> We estimate CO2 concentrations of more than 2,000 p.p.m. for the late 


2000 is not 3000 clownshow.

Age (mn y)              atm CO2      ext rate      model-est
                        (rel now)    %genera       ext rate
-10                       1.17933      2.06767      1.16133
-15                       1.30199      2.29323      2.00115
-27                       1.46844      5.58271      3.14078
-35                       1.75146      8.35734      5.07853
-47                       1.92988      7.98761      6.30012
-110                      2.04695      3.54135      7.10166
-94                       2.19502      8.88502      8.11545
-119                      2.39967      10.4165      9.51662
-150                      2.63641      9.79616      11.1375
-159                      2.81913      9.28572      12.3885
-162                      3.04563      4.82972      13.9393*
-166                      3.27991      5.91923      15.5434*
-249                      3.48535      16.5902      16.9499
-253                      3.64985      28.3083      18.0762*
-254                      3.77971      25.5551      18.9653*

y = 6.84669*x + -6.91318
beta in 6.84669 +- 2.93244  90% CI
P(beta>0.000000) = 0.999413
r2 = 0.568059
calculated Spearman corr = 0.742857
Critical Spearman = 0.623000 2-sided at 1%; reject H0:not_related

I.e. for each 280 ppmv extinction rate goes up 6.8+-2.9 pct points.
Changes in level of atm CO2 in paleo record explains 57% of ext rate

Extinction rates: 

Atm CO2:
Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels for the last 500 million years
Daniel H. Rothman
PNAS April 2, 2002 99 (7) 4167-4171; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.022055499
Fig 4.