Davin News Server

From: Dhu on Gate <campbell@neotext.ca>
Newsgroups: can.politics
Subject: Re: Does Slav Really mean Slave?
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 15:09:24 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On Sat, 14 Sep 2024 13:15:58 -0000 (UTC), Dhu on Gate wrote:

> Russia Today keeps yabbing on about the African Slave Trade 
> https://www.rt.com/africa/603630-real-barbarians-french-british/
> as if it was some Novelty dreamed up by the POMEs, and their 
> bosom buddies, the Fr*s.  
> Like Russia, all the rest of Europe was a source of Slaves for
> Ottoman Empire and their various imitations like the Barbary Pirates,
> not as some novelty or marketing innovation but as a continuation 
> of an *ancient* trade in human flesh that was a function of the 
> Roman Empire economics... Ottomans, like the rest of Yurp's 
> "Empires", considered themselves a continuation of Glarious Rome.
> But it's mebbe historically "short sighted" to blame Rome for 
> slavery; just it's Imperial Glorification.

*Glarification*, sorry ;-)

> If I was to hazard a theory, Slavery is an African Invention, 
> exported to the rest of the Wierld startin' about two million 
> years ago.
> Dhu (@#$%@ beach apes...)
>   -- 
> Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.  
>  C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-) 
>  Duncan Patton a Campbell

Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.  
 C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-) 
 Duncan Patton a Campbell