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Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 24 23:53:54 UTC
Subject: Re: Trump Vows To Deport Legally Admitted Haitians "Back To Venezuela"
From: D. Ray <d@ray>
Organization: Usenet.Farm

NoBody <NoBody@nowhere.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Sep 2024 16:49:36 +0000, "Lee" <cleetis@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Trump Threatens To Deport Haitians Who 
>> Legally Came To Ohio City
>> Sept 14
>> Donald Trump made more incendiary 
>> comments about Haitian immigrants 
>> in Springfield, Ohio, amid threats 
>> to the city prompted by GOP statements.
>> While speaking to reporters in Los 
>> Angeles on Friday, the former president 
>> and current Republican nominee 
>> threatened to deport the Haitians in 
>> Springfield, despite the majority of 
>> them being in the U.S. legally.
>> “We will do large deportations 
>> from Springfield, Ohio, large 
>> deportations. We’re going to get 
>> these people out. We’re bringing 
>> them back to Venezuela,” he said. 
>> https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-threatens-deport-haitians_n_66e49709e4b03e3cc1002e0d
> The "legality" of their presence is questionable:

It doesn’t matter. Republicucks should grow the balls to admit that the
problem is not legality, the problem is that they’re fucking Haitian 68 IQ
niggers, and they’re here. And the solution is that they’re not here. End
of story.

If you’ll keep looking for ways to state it differently, you’ll keep

“Well, the problem is that they don’t speak English.” - “Oh, really? We’ll
then create taxpayer subsidised English classes, or, even better, we’ll
force all institutions to hire translators who can speak Haitian Creole,
and, by the way, sign on your store also have to be changed.” 

“Well, the problem is that they’re driving aggressively and don’t care
about any rules.” - “Oh, really? We’ll create taxpayer subsidised driving
classes for them, it will be great for economy!”

“There are no houses for them.” - “Oh, really? We have a long history of
building affordable housing for minorities in the middle of your

Et cetera, et cetera.

And when all these solutions will keep failing, and people like you will
keep bitching, they’ll just call you racist, and you’ll shut the fuck up.
Because you’re not racist, Demonrats are real racists, am I right?