Davin News Server

From: pothead <pothead@snakebite.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Petty Fucking Liberals
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:15:08 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: Kamala Harris Sucks

On 2024-09-19, AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:53:40 +0000,  Lee says...  
>> "Go out and get her book. She 
>> just wrote a book. I hope she 
>> said good things about."I don"t 
>> know, I didn"t, so busy," Trump 
>> said Wednesday during a campaign 
>> speech in Uniondale, New York. 
>> "She just wrote a book called 
>> Melania. Go out and buy it. It's 
>> great. And if she says bad things 
>> about me, I'll call you all up 
>> and I'll say, "Don"t buy it. Get 
>> rid of it."
> Petty little shits turn a joke into a national catastrophe.
> It hasn't even come out yet... do you REALLY think Trump has the time to read a book... ANY book, anyways?
> The memoir is set for an OCTOBER 8 release.
> What's the date, today? Oh... yeah... advance copy. How many does she have? Does Trump have the time to read it? Maybe 
> he HAS started it, but just hasn't finished it.
> Maybe he's completely joking and HAS read it. He tells a lot of jokes, gaytard.
> You read the MOST childish sites, wee wee wrangler.
> Rollingstone and TheDailyBeast?????
> Cutting edge journalism there, wrangler. 

It's all the libbys have. They can't talk policy because Kamala has no policy. She is all over the 
map with her word salad answers.

TBH, I really don't care what Melania did in the past. She is a beautiful woman and if she wants to 
show off her body so be it.
she isn't the first and won't be the last.
And BTW if she was a democrat I would say the same.

Kamala Harris Word Salad Special Of The Day
Served Complete With Venn Diagram Dressing