Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Re: Trump Was Talking AFTER THE FACT About The TV Audience, Not Studio
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 11:11:52 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

He was NOT talking about a studio audience. The TELEVISION and INTERNET audience went crazy, because they started 
blowing up Twitter and other social media platforms, about the moderators for fact-checking Trump and NOT fact-checking 
the lies Harris told.

They're the ones who went crazy about the moderators fact-checking Trump and not Harris, who lied her fucking 
Jamaican/Indian ass off.

1)	Number of new manufacturing jobs under Biden surpasses 800,000
	This claim - which echoes one President Joe Biden made in 2023 - is not quite right anymore. Since Biden took 
office in January 2021, the U.S. added about 739,000 seasonally adjusted manufacturing jobs, according to Bureau of 
Labor Statistics data. Previous estimates did put the job growth well over 800,000, but the Labor Department lowered it 
during its annual preliminary revision of its data. The department estimated that 115,000 fewer manufacturing jobs were 
created during the 12-month period that began in March 2024. Its final revision is expected in February 2025.

2)	Bloodbath
		Trump was talking about car manufacturing (economic bloodbath), not violence, which liar was alluding to.

3)	"National abortion ban"
		Trump NEVER said that.

4)	Harris claimed Trump intends to enact what in effect is a 'sales tax" which she said economists estimate would 
	raise prices on typical American families by almost $4,000 a year.
		That's a high-end estimate FROM A LIBERAL THINK TANK about Trump's plan for "universal baseline 	
		tariffs" on imports.

5)	"Trump left us the worst unemployment since the great depression."
		When President Joe Biden and Harris took office in January 2021, the unemployment rate was 6.4% - lower 
		than it was during several administrations since the 1930s.

6)	Tried to tie Trump to Project 2025
		Trump had nothing to do with that.

7)	Claimed Trump's economic policies led to "one of the highest" trade deficits in American history.		
		The annual trade deficits during the Biden administration have exceeded those under Trump.

8)	Claimed that trump "wants to be a dictator on day 1.
		An obvious joke used by the Democrats on their -85IQ voters as truth.

9)	Said Trump called neo-Nazis and white supremacists 'very fine people'?

But wait, there's more!


On Fri, 20 Sep 2024 15:11:01 +0000,  Lee says...  

> ".....the audience at the 
> presidential debate with 
> Kamala Harris..." 

Trump never said that, moron. THAT was what the author of the article WROTE. You think putting it in quotation marks, 
makes ANYONE think Trump SAID that? The ONLY reason to put that blurb in quotation marks, is to show that it was 
written by the author, not SAID by Trump. 

Donald Trump has been roasted for claiming that "the audience at the presidential debate..."

HE never claimed that he was talking about the audience "AT the presidential debate." Do your research, penis-puffer. I 
did. He even SAID what he was talking about a few moments later.


You know, you got a lot of people WATCHING, I guess we had 75 MILLION PEOPLE WATCHING something like that.



WHO said he was talking about the studio audience, man-fucker?


AFTER the debate, dummy, thousands of people expressed their feelings about Trump being fact-checked and Harris...  not 

Trump: "You know, you got a lot of people WATCHING, I guess we had 75 million people watching, something like that."

"They came at me on everything like crime. I said that crime is rampant. He(moderator) said crime is down. I said crime 
is down? Who would think it's... without even knowing? And I was right. The following day, DOJ announced numbers. I 
don't know who it was in DOJ... but somebody over there likes me. That crime is up 45%. Murders up... numbers like you 
wouldn't even believe. And anybody would know that without even seeing charts. But, it turned out to be a false attack
(bloodbath). They attacked the word "the bloodbath" that was referring to the auto industry. You know, all these 
things. Charlottesville was totally debunked by everybody, including Laura(Loomer?). Laura did a whole show on it. How 
it's so ridiculous.

"And even Snopes... that, which is a left-wing site."

That's right. They even said... but all of them... and they didn't correct her once and they corrected me everything I 
said practically. I think nine times or 11 times... and the audience was absolutely, they went crazy. And the real, I 
thought it was, I walked off. I said that was a great debate. I loved it. You know, you got a lot of people WATCHING, I 
guess we had 75 MILLION PEOPLE WATCHING something like that.


DID he say "studio audience"?


Lyin' Lee, lies again.

He was NOT talking about a studio audience.


Speaking to Gutfeld, Trump later pointed to the TV ratings from the debate.

"We had 75 MILLION PEOPLE WATCHING, something like that, and you have to do well," he said.

Trump never said "studio audience", so in the moment and the context of his conversation with Gutfeld, et al, he was 
talking about the TV and Internet audience.

WHO said he was talking about the studio audience, man-fucker?

AFTER the debate, dummy, thousands of people expressed their feelings about Trump being fact-checked and Harris...  not 

Trump: "You know, you got a lot of people WATCHING, I guess we had 75 million people watching, something like that."

"They came at me on everything like crime. I said that crime is rampant. He(moderator) said crime is down. I said crime 
is down? Who would think it's... without even knowing? And I was right. The following day, DOJ announced numbers. I 
don't know who it was in DOJ... but somebody over there likes me. That crime is up 45%. Murders up... numbers like you 
wouldn't even believe. And anybody would know that without even seeing charts. But, it turned out to be a false attack
(bloodbath). They attacked the word "the bloodbath" that was referring to the auto industry. You know, all these 
things. Charlottesville was totally debunked by everybody, including Laura(Loomer?). Laura did a whole show on it. How 
it's so ridiculous.

"And even Snopes... that, which is a left-wing site."

That's right. They even said... but all of them... and they didn't correct her once and they corrected me everything I 
said practically. I think nine times or 11 times... and the audience was absolutely, they went crazy. And the real, I 
thought it was, I walked off. I said that was a great debate. I loved it. You know, you got a lot of people WATCHING, I 
guess we had 75 MILLION PEOPLE WATCHING something like that.


DID he say "studio audience"?


Lyin' Lee Lee and lyin' little Lolita-fucking (pedophile) liberals, like Alan, lie again.

He was NOT talking about a studio audience. The TELEVISION and INTERNET audience went crazy, because they started 
blowing up Twitter and other social media platforms.



'Worst In The World': Here Are All The Rankings In Which Canada Is Now Last

Most Unaffordable Housing, Highest Cell phone Bills And Worst Rate of Acute Care Beds, To Name A Few

If you spend any time on social media, it's likely that you've seen this 
graphic compiled by columnist Stephen Lautens that assembles 11 international 
indices which feature Canada near the top spot. "Canada is broken? I don't 
think so. Neither does the world," reads a caption.

Next time someone rants on how about how "broken" Canada is; or how badly we 
are doing on the international stage... share some facts.

Numbers don't lie, Felicia.


Naturally, it only tells a partial picture. While Canada may dominate abstract 
indices such as "quality of life" and "peace," there are plenty of far more 
empirical indicators in which we measurably rank as among the worst in the 
developed world.

There's plenty to like about Canada, but below is a not-at-all comprehensive 
list of all the ways in which we are indeed very broken.


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is essentially a 
club of the world's 38 most developed countries. And when these 38 are ranked 
against each other for housing unaffordability, Canada emerges as the clear 
champion. OECD analysts rank affordability by comparing average home prices to 
average incomes, and according to their latest quarterly rankings Canada was 
No. 1 for salaries that were most out of whack with the cost of a home.

Housing by price to income ratio for the second quarter of 2022. That's Canada 
on the extreme right.



Every year, the Finnish telecom analyst Rewheel ranks the world's most 
expensive countries for wireless services. And last year, Canada once again 
dominated. Across several metrics, Canada was found to be the most expensive 
place in the world for mobile data. Analysts found that it would cost the 
average Canadian the equivalent of at least 100 Euros to obtain a cell phone 
plan with at least 100 gigabytes of mobile data. Across much of the EU, that 
kind of cell phone plan could be had for less than 40 Euros.


Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile 
data as companies in France or Ireland.

Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile 
data as companies in France or Ireland. Photo by Rewheel


Canada's health system was particularly walloped by COVID-19 due to the simple 
fact that most of our hospitals are at the breaking point even in good times. 
Multiple times during the pandemic, provinces were forced into shutdown by 
rates of COVID that had barely been noticed in better-prepared countries. A 
ranking by the Canadian Institute for Health Information provides one clue as 
to why. When ranked against peer countries, Canada's rate of per-capita acute 
care beds was in last place, albeit tied with Sweden. Canada has two acute care 
beds for every 1,000 people, against 3.1 in France and six in Germany.


For at least 15 years now, Canada has been a regular contender on rankings of 
overheated housing markets. And the latest UBS index of world cities with 
"bubbly" real estate markets is no exception. In their 2021 index, Toronto was 
second only to Frankfurt in terms of bubble risk, while Vancouver ranked sixth. 
Aside from Germany, Canada was the only country that saw two of its cities in 
the top ten.


Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble 
risks," and they're both in Canada.

Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble 
risks," and they're both in Canada. Photo by UBS Global Real Estate Bubble 
Index 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in the most feverish global accumulation of debt 
in the history of human civilization. So it's rather remarkable that amidst 
this international monsoon of debt, Canada still managed to out-debt everyone 
else. Last year, analysts at Bloomberg tracked each country's rate of public 
and private debt accumulated during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Canada came in with an overall debt burden equivalent to 352 per cent of GDP. 
While a handful of countries (Japan, France and Hong Kong) came out of the 
pandemic with higher overall debt burdens, Canada outranked all of them when it 
came to how quickly that debt had been accumulated.

Containers on rail cars waiting to be shipped east by rail at the Port of 
Vancouver Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Photo by (Photo by Jason Payne/ PNG)



Last year - just as the global supply chain crisis got going - the World Bank 
decided to rank the performance of the world's 370 major ports. Authors weighed 
factors such as how long the ports kept ships waiting, and how long crews took 
to unload a vessel. And when everything was added together, the Port of 
Vancouver ranked 368 out of 370. The only places with worse scores were the 
Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach. And it's not like our other 
ports are much better. If Vancouver is too gummed up, you can always sail north 
to Prince Rupert, which ranks 339 out of 370.


Take that, Los Angeles and Long Beach. Photo by World Bank Group

Queues at Toronto Pearson International Airport. Photo by Peter J. 
Thompson/National Post



Flight delays are another category in which basically the entire world is 
feeling the pinch. And yet, Canada still managed to outdo all of them. Last 
month, CNN used data from the website FlightAware to figure out which airports 
were seeing the highest rates of flight delays. In the number one spot was 
Toronto Pearson, with 52 per cent of all flights out of the airport 
experiencing some kind of delay. And it was a commanding lead; the second-place 
finisher, Frankfurt, only managed to see 45.4 per cent of its flights delayed. 
Toronto was also a contender in flight cancellations; with 6.9 per cent of its 
scheduled flights never getting off the ground, it ranked fourth worst in the 


A 2020 study out of the University of Calgary tracked foreign investment flows 
into a cross-section of developed countries between 2015 and 2019. Virtually 
every country on the list saw a surge in foreign cash during that period; 
Ireland topped out the ranking thanks to its foreign investment climbing by 
more than 115 per cent. Only four countries actually saw a reduction in foreign 
investment: Mexico, Brazil, Australia and Canada. A report by the Business 
Council of Canada noticed the same trend. "Canada is the second-worst in the 
OECD on openness to foreign direct investment," it concluded.



In 2019, the International Energy Agency examined the fuel economy of the 
world's private car fleets. On almost every measure, Canada led the pack in 
driving unnecessarily huge, gas-guzzling vehicles. Per kilometre driven, the 
average Canadian burned more fuel and emitted more carbon dioxide than anyone 
else. Canadian cars were also the largest and (second only to the U.S.) the 
heaviest. While it would be convenient to blame this on Canada being a sparse, 
cold country with lots of heavy industry, our ranking was well beyond plenty of 
other countries where that was similarly the case.