Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: NO ONE Was "Shocked" At The Sleeveless Gown...
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 15:20:00 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 13:05:28 +0000,  Mitchell Holman says...  

>     Conservatives who were shocked - just shocked - 
> at Michelle Obama wearing a sleeveless gown to a
> banquet event have no problem Melania's porno past.

No one was "shocked" at the sleeveless gown...

... we were shocked at Michael's guns. He'd been working out and his bi and triceps simply weren't a FIT with a 
sleeveless gown.


Hussein knew better than to trot out his husband in THAT attire.

>     If it weren't for double standards they would have no standards at all. 

Coming from someone who seems to be of the party that double standards are canon... we'll let it go without response.

Oh wait.


"Republicans" weren't even mentioned in this, coming from a liberal author writing for a liberal rag:

FIND the word "Republican", drag queen lover.


Obama's Choice To Bare Arms Causes Uproar

March 2, 2009 - The latest arms controversy embroiling the White House has nothing to do with the Second Amendment. 
Instead, it's sprung from criticism about Michelle Obama showing off her toned triceps and biceps in her first official 
photo as first lady.

The nation's first spouse, who often dons sleeveless attire, dared to show off her limbs in the picture that graces her 
Web site and was released Sunday.

"The sleeveless look is very much in keeping with what we've seen from Michelle Obama," said Politico White House 
reporter Malika Henderson of the first lady's black dress, which she set off with a white pearl necklace. "It is very 
much her signature look, so I wasn't that surprised."

But some are criticizing the South Side Chicago native for her choice of attire, calling it too informal and out of 

And Obama's black dress with a strand of white pearls around her neck is just the most recent of her fashion choices 
that have featured her exposed arms.

Last week at President Obama's first congressional address, she chose a purple sleeveless ensemble.

"One reader summed it up better than most of them. She talked about how the season is winter, the occasion was business 
and a sleeveless dress was the wrong style at the wrong time," said Chicago Tribune style reporter Wendy Donahue.

She said the paper's Web site has received hundreds of online responses about Obama's outfit.

"Most of the complaints centered on the dress conveying a sense of informality on a serious occasion," Donahue said. 
"She's kind of faced some criticism for that in the past where people have said maybe  distracting from the central 
point, from what is going on."

Even some Washington insiders were surprised by Obama's wear because of the frigid February weather.

"When she was at the non-State of the Union address and had the sleeveless dress on, that was a bit of a surprise and I 
got some e-mails from some folks who were, you know, they work on the Hill and they were like, 'Wow she's 
sleeveless,'" Henderson said. "'Nobody else is sleeveless here and it is the winter.'"


Liberals Are Wimps (New Study Shocks Scientifc Community... 

https://freedomwire.com/liberals-are-wimps-new-study-shocks-scientific- community/ 

Liberal men are physically smaller and weaker than conservative men - and it's measurable. 


Vice Admits Liberal Men are Weaker, Less Attractive than... 

https://phillipschneider.com/vice-admits-liberal-men-are-weaker-less- attractive-than-conservatives/ 

Vice Admits Liberal Men are Weaker, Less Attractive than Conservatives By Phillip Schneider on August 11, 2020 ( Leave 
a comment ) While the flames of the culture war rage, even far-left media publication Vice admits that liberal men are 
weaker and less competent than conservatives. 


TRUTH: Why Liberals Are WEAKER Than Conservatives https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/truth-liberals-weaker-

TRUTH: Why Liberals Are WEAKER Than Conservatives. Speaking of weak liberals, who can't even stand the sight of 
history: Texas Restaurant Defending Controversial Sign Some Are Calling Racist - by Robert Gehl. A Texas restaurant is 
under attack on social media for what many are calling its racist décor. The neon sign hung at Cook's Garage... 


Science Proves That Liberals Are Crazier Than Conservatives 


Well, I recently came across a fantastic article about another study of Liberals - except this time, instead of 
focusing on the weak males, it focuses on the average Liberal woman instead. A Ph.D. candidate at Georgia State 
University has analyzed the data out of a recent Pew Research Center poll, and the results are amazing. 


Shocker: Study Shows Physically Weak Men Tend to be Liberal 

https://redstate.com/terichristoph/2017/05/26/shocker-study-shows-physically- weak-men-tend-to-be-liberal-n72373 

Shocker: Study Shows Physically Weak Men Tend to be Liberal. In news that will surprise absolutely no one, a new study 
reveals that girly men are more likely to favor socialist policies. The study, conducted by researchers at Brunel 
University London, looked at the height, weight, physical strength, and bicep circumference of 171 men, along... 


Liberalism Breeds Soft, Weak, Young "Men" - Louder With... 


by Steven Crowder I know some of you think when I say "liberalism breeds weak, fat men," that I'm merely politicizing 
an issue to be polarizing. I assure you that's not the case. Allow me five hundred words to make my case. I was a 
chubby kid. Strike that, I was a jiggly shrimp. Skinny-fat. The kind of kid who was relatively thin, yet managed to ma 


Why Liberals Are So Physically Monstrous And Repulsive... 

https://www.returnofkings.com/118536/why-liberals-are-so-physically-monstrous- and-repulsive 

Liberals are not born uglier. They voluntarily remain ugly or become uglier to fit a narrative. "Appearance is 
ideology". It takes a special kind of hypocrisy to call something that is universally seen as ugly "beautiful" and 


Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic 

https://nypost.com/2016/06/09/science-says-liberal-beliefs-are-linked-to- pyschotic-traits/ 

Jun 9, 2016 Turns out liberals are the real authoritarians. A political-science journal that published an oft-cited 
study claiming conservatives were more likely to show traits associated with "psychoticism"... 


12 Reasons Why Liberals And Progressives Will Always Be... 

https://www.returnofkings.com/100887/12-reasons-why-liberals-and-progressives- will-always-be-losers 

Liberal men however are inexcusable, they are either effeminate enough to be emotionally manipulated or are weak and 
yielding to social pressures. December 10, 2016 Take The Red Pill Don't forget that Liberal men are usually the 
offspring of domineering feminists or divorced feminists and sometimes single mothers. 


Men With Weak Upper Bodies Tend to Be Liberal - Physically Strong Men Tend to Be Conservative 

Men who are physically strong are more likely to take a right wing political stance, while weaker men are inclined to 
support the welfare state, according to a new study. 

Researchers discovered political motivations may have evolutionary links to physical strength. 

Men's upper-body strength predicts their political opinions on economic redistribution, according to the research. 

The principal investigators - psychological scientists Michael Bang Petersen, of Aarhus University in Denmark, and 
Daniel Sznycer, of the University of California in the U.S., believe that the link may reflect psychological traits 
that evolved in response to our early ancestral environments and continue to influence behavior today. 

Professor Petersen said: 'While many think of politics as a modern phenomenon, it has - in a sense - always been with 
our species.' 

In the days of our early ancestors, decisions about the distribution of resources were not made in courthouses or 
legislative offices, but through shows of strength. 

With this in mind, Professor Petersen and Professor Sznycer hypothesized that upper-body strength - a proxy for the 
ability to physically defend or acquire resources - would predict men's opinions about the redistribution of wealth.