Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: LOL... Narcissists Can't Let It Go after they lose... they HAVE to keep making shit up to keep the low self-esteem in check FBI
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 12:45:42 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 18:28:35 -0700,  Alan says...  

> On 2024-09-19 16:17, AlleyCat wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 15:05:58 -0700,  Alan says...
> > 
> >>
> >> On 2024-09-19 15:00, AlleyCat wrote:
> >>>
> >>> On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 14:51:03 -0700,  Alan says...
> >>>
> >>>> That's clearly a statement about what he was experiencing IN THE MOMENT."
> >>>
> >>> Nope. He was talking about what the audience did AFTER the debate. You fuckers jump on Trump every times he misspeaks
> >>> or makes a grammatical error, so why not THIS time?
> >>
> >> Nope. He was clearly speaking about what was happening in the moment.
> > 
> > In the moment, they were talking about the TV audience.
> Nope. He turned to that topic AFTER his earlier sentence.

Which did NOT include the words "studio audience", so we know that he was talking about the TV and Internet audience, 
which he confirmed for us...
... in his later sentence...

"You know, you got a lot of people WATCHING, I guess we had 75 million people watching, something like that."

If you think Trump thinks there was an audience in the studio during the debate, and STILL thought that days later 
while talking about it on "Gutfeld", you're more out of touch with reality than Joe Biden.

Keep back-peddling and doubling down, moron. EVERYONE knows Trump knew there was no studio audience, THAT'S why no one 
corrected him when he was with Gutfeld and crew.

I know you're simply playing your childish faggot games, thinking this is somehow making you look smart (only in YOUR 
mind), and that this is somehow making me feel anger, or some other emotion only YOU think I'm feeling... but everyone 
here can see what kind of pedantic little pansy-ass faggot child you are.

You remind me of the nerdy kids who sat up front in class and tattled on everyone who you think was doing something 
wrong, sucking up to the teacher in the process. I bet you got bullied. Pussies tend to let that happen because of 
their pussy ways.

Hey... if it makes you feel better, keep it up... bad mental health is a crisis. Is making shit up to make yourself 
feel better, REALLY a good way to deal with the losses in your life?

Knock that chip off your shoulder. I can now see, why those in the Mac groups held you in such low regard. You ARE 
weird, and you DO stalk. I'm sure you've tried to search for me on the Internet for years now, thinking if you knew 
something about me and repeated it here, that would somehow make me feel bad, but worse, you good.

Only sick fuck liberals feel that way, mainly, because they have such low self esteem issues and shitty confidence 
levels. That's why they hang out on social media so much... they NEED to be keyboard kowboys, or they feel shitty about 
themselves. I'm here to call them on their lies and opinions that are sick... like their TDS.  LOLOLOLOLOLOL

LOL... I love it. I know a shit-ton about you, just like we all do about Rudy, and that makes you angry, so you do 
anything to try to get under our skins, by any means necessary, but by lying mostly and offering your OPINION as truth.



LOL... it don't work that way, pussy. You see... every time you make shit up or use your OPINION as a vehicle to 
"prove" you're right, EVERYONE can see what kind of weirdo faggot you really are.

You ARE right about a lot of things, but they're always off-topic, or focused on the minutiae that has NOTHING to do 
with being right about the topic. Come to think about it... naaaah... you make up too much shit, so even your bullshit 
focus on the minutiae sucks gay dick.

You really DO suck at this, so why BE here? You offer NO original posts, because you're nothing but a sniping troll.
Even toddler offers up OPs once in a while. Props for that.

Why are YOU such a chicken shit?

> > PLONK!

> You don't seem to know what that word means.

I know what it means to me, and that is all YOU need to know, faggot-1.


Trump Was Talking AFTER THE FACT About The TV Audience, Not Studio


On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:20:48 +0000,  Lee says...  
> Trump claims audience "went crazy" for 
> him at his debate with Harris,  but 
> there was no audience

WHO said he was talking about the studio audience, man-fucker?

It was DAYS after the fact... the debate.

If you think Trump thinks there was an audience in the studio during the debate, you're more out of touch with reality 
than Joe Biden.

AFTER the debate, dummy, thousands of people expressed their feelings about Trump being fact-checked and Harris...  not 

Trump: "You know, you got a lot of people WATCHING, I guess we had 75 million people watching, something like that."

"They came at me on everything like crime. I said that crime is rampant. He(moderator) said crime is down. I said crime 
is down? Who would think it's... without even knowing? And I was right. The following day, DOJ announced numbers. I 
don't know who it was in DOJ... but somebody over there likes me. That crime is up 45%. Murders up... numbers like you 
wouldn't even believe. And anybody would know that without even seeing charts. But, it turned out to be a false attack
(bloodbath). They attacked the word "the bloodbath" that was referring to the auto industry. You know, all these 
things. Charlottesville was totally debunked by everybody, including Laura(Loomer?). Laura did a whole show on it. How 
it's so ridiculous.

"And even Snopes... that, which is a left-wing site."

That's right. They even said... but all of them... and they didn't correct her once and they corrected me everything I 
said practically. I think nine times or 11 times... and the audience was absolutely, they went crazy. And the real, I 
thought it was, I walked off. I said that was a great debate. I loved it. You know, you got a lot of people WATCHING, I 
guess we had 75 MILLION PEOPLE WATCHING something like that.


DID he say "studio audience"?


Lyin' Lee Lee and lyin' little Lolita-fucking (pedophile) liberals, lie again.

He was NOT talking about a studio audience.
