Davin News Server

From: Gronk <invalide@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: "...in a genuinely free and fair election, Trump would landslide
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 23:58:06 -0600
Organization: 2.0000000000000

Anonymous American wrote:
> Gronk wrote:
>> Anonymous American wrote:
>>> Gronk wrote:
>>>> AlleyKaKa wrote:
>>>> 1. bamboo ballots
>>> Nobody ever seriously proposed that that's what happened, faggot shill.
>> https://www.businessinsider.com/maricopa-county-election-auditors-searching-for- 
>> bamboo-in-the-ballots-2021-5
>> The Maricopa County vote recount has taken
>> a surprising turn, with UV lights and
>> high-tech cameras being deployed as workers
>> comb through ballots, checking for traces
>> of bamboo fibers in the paper.
>> The reason? To investigate a new theory that
>> 40,000 ballots for Joe Biden were flown in
>> from Asia and smuggled into Arizona's polls.
> And who proposed this? Name them, faggot shill.

That's desperate, even for you.

>>>> 2. magic thermostats
>>> Nobody ever seriously proposed that that's what happened, faggot shill.
>> https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-appointed-doj-official-claimed-chinese- 
>> thermostats-changed-votes-2021-8
>> Jeffrey Clark, a Justice Department official
>> appointed by former President Donald Trump,
>> told senior officials that China used
>> thermostats to change ballots in the 2020
>> presidential election.
> Quote him directly or STFU, faggot shill.

That's desperate, even for you.

>>>> 3. ballots from NoKo coming into a port in Maine
>>> Nobody ever seriously proposed that that's what happened, faggot shill.
>> https://www.newsweek.com/roger-stone-says-north-korean-boats-delivered-ballots- 
>> through-maine-harbor-trump-boosts-fraud-1551937
>> Roger Stone Says North Korean Boats Delivered
>> Ballots Through Maine Harbor As Trump Boosts
>> Fraud Claims
> Quote him directly or STFU, faggot shill.

That's desperate, even for you.

>>> Nobody ever seriously proposed that that's what happened, faggot shill.
>> https://apnews.com/article/sidney-powell-plea-testify-trump-fraud- 
>> trial-4165fcbc1d97f65fd1cba54a88b3efb8
>> Lawyer Sidney Powell, who famously vowed to
>> unleash a mythical sea monster of litigation
>> to prove that Donald Trump didn’t lose the
>> 2020 election ...
>> She launched into a theory about election
>> software having been created in Venezuela
>> “at the direction of Hugo Chavez” — the
>> Venezuelan president who died in 2013.
> Direct and in-context quote or STFU, faggot shill.

That's desperate, even for you.

>>>> 5. satellites controlled from Italy switch votes
>>> Nobody ever seriously proposed that that's what happened, faggot shill.
>> https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-fact-check-debunking-italy-gate-idUSKBN29K2N8/ 
>> The press release, which claims to have come
>> from Rome, Italy on Jan. 5, alleges that an
>> employee of the Italian defense, security and
>> aerospace company Leonardo SpA “provided a
>> shocking deposition detailing his role in the
>> most elaborate criminal act affecting a US
>> election.” It names Arturo D’Elia as the
>> employee and states that he “outlined the
>> scheme that proved successful in using
>> Leonardo computer systems and military
>> satellites located in Pescara, Italy” to
>> interfere in the U.S. election in favor of
>> Joe Biden.
> Direct and in-context quote or STFU, faggot shill.

That's desperate, even for you.