Davin News Server

From: Governor Swill <governor.swill@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Oh... Because *I* Didn't List Something I Never Intended To... It's All A Lie
Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 20:14:04 -0400

On Wed, 25 Sep 2024 08:48:02 -0600, De-Trois-Leaning <dtl@invalid.net> wrote:

>Alan wrote:
>> Your article is a lie...
>The fact that you RUN from truth when confronted with it is well 
>Your entire riff on Trump is lie and lie again and again, etc...
>As for what you think you've "showed"...
>Like claiming that Trump was wrong when he said there's no main valve to 
>redirect NoCal water:
>"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to 
>review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of 
>water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the 
>president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.
>...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet. 
>The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and 
>are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.
>If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."
>"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been 
>constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento – 
>San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution 
>system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the 
>delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State 
>Water Project."
>"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water 
>management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision 
>of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in 
>1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of 
>California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in 
>reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich 
>but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most 
>years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its 
>surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants, 
>some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP 
>water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.
>Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair 
>of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from 
>Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the 
>Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the 
>Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water 
>at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay 
>and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion 
>channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water 
>southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis 
>Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota 
>Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in 
>the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota 
>Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the 
>Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern 
>River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow 
>of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other 
>smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local 
>irrigation districts"
>Big old shutoff valve = check!

Nothing here about Canada, much less a giant faucet.

You lose!

Six months training and a badge

Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 43 days.

11)  Trump's failed pandemic response caused the needless 
deaths of hundreds of thousands.  By the time he left office, 
three thousand were dying every day.

12)  Trump's White House scrapped the emergency pandemic 
playbook that had been assembled by the Obama administration.