Davin News Server

From: R Kym Horsell <kymhorsell@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: You, Dumb Ass, Fell For It Again - "It" = Modeling, Not Actual Ice
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 20:30:20 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: kymhorsell.com

In alt.global-warming AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Sep 2024 09:27:43 -0700,  Alan says...  
> climatereanalyzer.org
> For those who check in daily with climatereanalyzer.org...
> ... worth remembering here is that CLIMATE REANALYZER IS JUST A FORECAST, it relies on models (the GFS) for 
> its predictions, and we all know the trouble relying solely on models can get you into; whereas the UAH uses 
> real-world data collated by satellites to paint its picture. 

Which of course has shown record warm months and record large jumps
over the prev record for the last 15m in a row.

The next thing you guys that dont understand anything you read
will be saying is we should all move to the tropics coz everyone knows
the life expectancy and income of people in Nigeria is better than
people in Sweden.

[Tropical Income!]
States like:            av temp(C)    hh inc(1000s)  Linear model
North.Dakota             4.163050      90.6471      97.8275
Minnesota                5.131940      104.195      97.0659
Wyoming                  5.880990      83.0692      96.4772*
Wisconsin                6.567140      90.6953      95.9378
Michigan                 7.186250      92.0735      95.4511
South.Dakota             7.471090      95.7555      95.2272
Utah                     8.876250      108.933      94.1227*
Washington               9.668210      106.888      93.5002*
Ohio                    10.390100      90.3967      92.9327
Virginia                12.552900      99.2207      91.2327
Kentucky                13.080900      87.4741      90.8176
Tennessee               14.607600      96.7723      89.6175
Oklahoma                15.371400      84.8509      89.0172
Arkansas                16.004200      77.6374      88.5197*
Texas                   16.775800       98.362      87.9132*
South.Carolina          17.470900      82.2485      87.3668
Louisiana               19.376300      78.1249      85.8691
Florida                 21.717000      85.5813      84.0291

y = -7.860567e-01*x + 1.010999e+02
P(beta<0) = 96.7%
Rank test: P(lower income at higher av temps) = 95%

[Tropical Life Expectancy!]
States like:            v Temp(C)  Lifex(y)        Linear model:
North.Dakota             4.163050         79.5      79.8445
Wyoming                  5.484380      79.5333      79.6135
Wisconsin                6.214460       79.825      79.4858
South.Dakota             7.169680      79.0667      79.3188
New.York                 7.780250        80.25      79.2121
Utah                     8.876250      80.1333      79.0204*
Washington               9.675100      79.7333      78.8807
Ohio                    10.390100         77.8      78.7557
West.Virginia           11.185300       78.075      78.6167
Virginia                12.456800        78.48      78.3944
Nevada                  13.303700        77.05      78.2463*
Tennessee               14.607600        78.55      78.0183
Oklahoma                15.589600       77.325      77.8466
Texas                   16.981200        77.75      77.6033
Mississippi             17.830300         76.1      77.4548*
Louisiana               19.376300         75.7      77.1845*
Florida                 21.717000         79.4      76.7752**

y = -1.748493e-01*x + 8.057242e+01
P(beta<0) = 99.8%
Rank test: p(lower life exp at higher av temps) = 99%