Davin News Server

From: Mittens Romney <robberbaron@invalid.ut>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics,nz.politics,aus.politics,can.politics,or.politics
Subject: Re: GOP Plans To Ratfuck The Electoral College
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 15:45:54 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
> The Electoral College is a holdover from the slavery era. Why not just get
> rid of it and elect your President by popular vote?

Because then an entire nation of sovereign states becomes enslaved by 
the popular vote numbers in Cali-phony-land, Ill-annnoyed and Noo Yawk, 
you moron.

> Actually many of us who live in countries with Parliamentary systems feel
> they are superior to your Congress+President system, 

And you can go straight to fucking HELL as you have consigned yourselves 
with your legacy supplicant behaviors.

⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪