Davin News Server

Subject: Re: GOP Plans To Ratfuck The Electoral College
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics,nz.politics,can.politics,or.politics
From: =?UTF-8?B?w5ZyZMO2Zw==?= <ordog@your.service.biz>
Organization: Eweka Internet Services
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 08:20:17 +1000

A lowlife septic troll polluted Usenet while pretending to be Mittens Romney

> Cali-phony-land
> Ill-annnoyed
> Noo Yawk, 

Are you now trying hard to imitate human language, trolling subhuman trash.

> you moron.
> you can go straight to fucking HELL
> you have consigned yourself
> with your legacy supplicant behavior.

Stop conversing with your bathroom mirror so furiously or at least do 
not post its content across Usenet.

Let me assure you, the rest of the planet can't give a flying fuck about 
your slow motion conservative_capitalist_anarcho-libertarian/MAGA 
brain-death nor your related uncontrollable bowel movements.

        FO from aus.politics permanently, you miserable septic worm!

                            *F* *O* *A* *D*

                          *P* *L* *O* *N* *K*